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Irish DTT on Rytec


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#1 dfdream

  • Senior Member
  • 267 posts


Posted 15 June 2011 - 21:33


Thanks for the help on the DTT channels on rytec.
I assume that I wont see the data downloaded until tomorrow.
Is there anything I need to do other than a an automated or manual ryvix update.

Also Rytec as recommended I disabled EIT and deleted epg.dat but on reboot the data populated again.
How can I verify if the EIT EPG is actually off.



Re: Irish DTT on Rytec #2 rytec

  • Rytec EPG Team
  • 1,082 posts


Posted 15 June 2011 - 21:45


In OpenPli in the settings menu you can disable the EIT epg.
As you are talking about ryvix I assume you are using VIX image.
So check there if you can disable the EIT epg.

Normaly you should be able to see now already the epg when you restart enigma and do a manual import of the Sky UK source.
But ofcourse only if you have the latest sourcefiles with the latest epg import plugin.
This I cannot see from here what kind of image, plugin version, etc you use atm.

~~Rytec Team~~ VU Ultimo / VU Uno / VU Solo / Panasonic TH42-PV700 *Pli/Rytec EPG POWERED*

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