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Openpli Quick setup Ubuntu/debian

christophecvr's Photo christophecvr 8 Jul 2011

Inspired by Paulusz I decided to write this document. Mr Paulusz seems to be gone from this forum. So I took his start document , and filled it up with extra info like asked after all.

For many users it's sometimes difficult to start. The link below Quick Setup document does have a lott off ussefull tricks . Also help for windows users who want to set a virtual linux enviroment.

I'll try to update this document as much as possible. All tips, trucks and error corrections are welcome. This document does have the latest Makefile-2.1 for openpli (wich is still very experimental.)
If you wan't stability go for 2.0. Ubuntu natty users are better off with 2.1 version.

Quick Setup Document

It is not perfect at all but I hope You will find quick answers on some basic stuff in this document .
p.s. I added the latest Makefile-2.1 with this message. The most recent version will be avbl trough this link: Latest Makefile-2.1 or in the Quick Setup Document.
currently the link to 2.1 feeds and upgrades are not avbl yet, read how to do, to work around this logic issue (it's still experimental).

gr christophe

Attached Files


hemertje's Photo hemertje 8 Jul 2011

please add it to our Wiki

christophecvr's Photo christophecvr 28 Jul 2011

Currently the website
git://git.openembedded.net/bitbake seems to be down. It gives a connection refused error when cloning the git.

Makefile is now adapted to use git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
This work's

pieterg's Photo pieterg 28 Jul 2011

ok, I'll fix the makefiles

christophecvr's Photo christophecvr 23 Aug 2011


I just added an extra building fails solution. Caused by missing or wrong ssh key on website :

Solution comes from joseb.

gr christophe

christophecvr's Photo christophecvr 6 Sep 2011

Make file 2.1 Adapted Follow link to have the 2.1 file with branch = master instead of 2.1
Or download the file below

Attached Files


gismo2004's Photo gismo2004 6 Oct 2011

hi all,

i'm new to the openpli project, and i've tried to compile image for et9000, but if i ran make -f Make..... image bitbake tells me, that psyco is not available.

i'm using ubuntu 11.04 on a pentium 4 with 3ghz (i386) so it should be ok from hardware side...

i have followed : http://users.telenet...npliubuntu.html and also installed psyco:

max@Pentium4:/usr/bin$ dpkg -L python-psyco

is there a way, to get this to work?


Sjaaky's Photo Sjaaky 6 Oct 2011

You don't really need psycho. It is just a warning isn't it?

gismo2004's Photo gismo2004 6 Oct 2011

yes, your're right, but it is very slow, and i though, that i can increase the compiling-speed with psyco. do you know, if it is possible to use pypy instead of psyco? will bitbake use also pypy?

i have seen, that psyco is not available with python2.7 and it never will be *gg*

or is there a better way to speed up a little bit?

thx for awnsers!


Sjaaky's Photo Sjaaky 6 Oct 2011

What computer do you use to build the image? On my old p3 800 it takes well over 24 hours. On my more modern i5 750 an openpli-enigma2-image is completed in under 2 hours. You can try to tweak some options in conf/local.conf. My settings on a 4 core machine:
BUILD_OPTIMIZATION = "-march=native -O2 -pipe"
BB_SCHEDULER = "speed"
If you own a multicore machine, these settings will certainly help you.

gismo2004's Photo gismo2004 6 Oct 2011

unfortunately I'm using an old p4 3GHz pc... that means i have to wait a looong time *gg*

but thx for your help! very good support in here!!!


inranr's Photo inranr 9 Oct 2011

I will try later...
thank for your info...

if I build this image
is it include CCcam emu??? or ready blue button menu?

MiLo's Photo MiLo 9 Oct 2011

If you build your own image, you can include whatever you want directly into the image. Just change the .bb file for the image, or create a new "my-image.bb" that derives from it, and bitbake my-image instead.

inranr's Photo inranr 15 Oct 2011

I have followed the steps above
but there are errors
ERROR: Unable to determine endianness for architecture 'INVALID'| ETA:  --:--:--
ERROR: Please add your architecture to siteinfo.bbclass
ERROR: Unable to determine endianness for architecture 'INVALID'
ERROR: Please add your architecture to siteinfo.bbclass
it hanged, I think
any solution??

MiLo's Photo MiLo 19 Oct 2011

Looks more like a misconfiguration (error in local.conf, or something like that)

ambrosa's Photo ambrosa 19 Oct 2011

Just for fun I've compiled my own ET9X00 image.
Thanks to christophecvr's guide and others, my efforts are successful in my Ubuntu 11.04 64bit Desktop (CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz , 6 GB RAM) without any problem.

The only problem was to find all "sources" packages: as you know many download links are broken. But I've found it in many places using Google.
I've UPLOADED my full openpli/sources/ directory here (about 900 MB , 18 Oct 2011 including kernel source 3.0.3) http://uploading.com...111018.tar.bz2/
I hope will be helpful to anyone else or simply use it avoiding download every source package.


STEP 1 : simply accept ssh RSA key (answer 'yes') and quit (this is a one-time step)
ssh anoncvs@cvs.tuxbox.org

STEP 2 : use bash instead of dash (answer 'no') (this is a one-time step)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

STEP 3 : install required Ubuntu packages (this is a one-time step)
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake bison bzip2 cvs diffstat flex g++ gawk gcc gettext git-core gzip help2man ncurses-bin ncurses-dev libc6-dev libtool make texinfo patch perl pkg-config subversion tar texi2html wget zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install -y chrpath libxml2-utils xsltproc libglib2.0-dev python-setuptools

STEP 4 : create openpli dir
mkdir openpli
cd openpli

STEP 5 : download latest Makefile-2.1
wget http://openpli.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/openpli/trunk/pli-oe/Makefile-2.1 -O Makefile-2.1

STEP 6 : edit Makefile-2.1 and set MACHINE=et9x00 (row 3)

STEP 7 : prepare OpenEmbedded environment
make -f Makefile-2.1

STEP 8 : speedup compilation setting nr_thread = nr_core + 1 (my CPU E6600 has 2 cores so I use 3 threads)
Change BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "3" and PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j3" below if you have more core (i.e. 1 core = 2 threads, 4 core = 5 threads)
Using "nr_thread = nr_core + 1" is an ancient rule. Probably with most recent CPU things are different.

Edit file build-et9x00/conf/local.conf and add lines:
BUILD_OPTIMIZATION = "-march=native -O2 -pipe"
BB_SCHEDULER = "speed"

STEP 9 (FINAL) : Compile image. About 4-5 hours with my system.
make -f Makefile-2.1 image

Have fun ! :-)

ambrosa's Photo ambrosa 20 Oct 2011

Tonight I've made another compile from scratch
I've used "time" to have a real timing about compile
time make -f Makefile-2.1 image

report 184 minutes with my system and config as above :-)

ambrosa's Photo ambrosa 20 Oct 2011

What computer do you use to build the image? On my old p3 800 it takes well over 24 hours. On my more modern i5 750 an openpli-enigma2-image is completed in under 2 hours. You can try to tweak some options in conf/local.conf. My settings on a 4 core machine:

BUILD_OPTIMIZATION = "-march=native -O2 -pipe"
BB_SCHEDULER = "speed"
If you own a multicore machine, these settings will certainly help you.

Have you tried:



More speed or not ?

ambrosa's Photo ambrosa 23 Oct 2011

Just for fun I've test my dual core CPU with
(nr_core + 2)

As expected compile time is longer (about 15 minutes).
So the "old rule"
number_of_threads = number_of_core + 1
looks to be fine. For me ;)

hemertje's Photo hemertje 27 Oct 2011

I've UPLOADED my full openpli/sources/ directory here (about 900 MB , 18 Oct 2011 including kernel source 3.0.3) http://uploading.com...111018.tar.bz2/
I hope will be helpful to anyone else or simply use it avoiding download every source package.

This server is offline, can you upload it again to another (non-pay) downloadserver.