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NGC HD has wrong EPG


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#1 Dream1975

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 18:14


The EPG of National Geographic HD from Rytec is different of that wat is being broadcasted. On http://natgeotv.com/nl (hd section) the correct programmes are there. Also when switching to this channel the wrong program information is being replaced with the reight one (through EIT). Could you update your source please?

Ziggo (cable) serviceref:

Canal digitaal serviceref:
(1:0:1:1B67:C88:3:EB0000:0:0:0 for the Canal digitaal fastscan users)

Ps. The programming is exactly the same as the normal NGC channel, only it are different episodes of the same program, so the NGC feed can't be used due to an incorrect description of the programme.

Thank you in advance

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

Wavefrontier T55 (Astra 1,2,3 en HB)

Smartcards Ziggo (Irdeto) and CDS (Seca) on Oscam


Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #2 doglover

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 08:13

I was suspecting something along these lines. Did not follow up yet. But this confirms my suspicion.

Replaced the schedule with the schedule mentoined above (Had to write a grabber definition for it)
Results tomorrow.

Reference are in our channels file.


~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #3 Dream1975

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Posted 24 July 2011 - 14:42

It seems like the old source is being used again (maybe there is still a link to the old source). Because of the merge of NGC and NGC HD you can also use the NGC source for NGC HD (they are 95% the same now and next month 100%)

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

Wavefrontier T55 (Astra 1,2,3 en HB)

Smartcards Ziggo (Irdeto) and CDS (Seca) on Oscam


Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #4 doglover

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 07:30

I noticed this last night as well.

I checked the XMLTV file and yes this had the old epg. Do not why, because the definitions for grabbing pointed to the correct site. Unfortunately the download for grabbing the epg already started on the PC, and I did not want to interrupt the process.

This unfortunately means that the NGC HD still has the wrong epg today.

Then this morning I deleted the data manually in the file, and performed a fresh grab for the Benelux package. Now it is again the new source. The results will show up tomorrow.

I have an idea how this was possible, but I do not have proof for it. (because of the start op the download - the log was already deleted)


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #5 Dream1975

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 16:19

It still is not completely right yet.

For example Air crash investigation tomorrow has on both NGC as NGC HD the episode "deadly prize". If I remove the epg.dat, restart and import Rytec it says tomorrow the episode on NGC HD in the description is "Hudson splashdown" (while the episode on NGC is correct).

I think it is best if you use the same source for NGC HD as you use for NGC (I checked and they are simulcasts of eachother so the NGC version can also be used for NGC HD).


Ziggo (cable) serviceref:

Canal digitaal serviceref:
(1:0:1:1B67:C88:3:EB0000:0:0:0 for the Canal digitaal fastscan users)

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

Wavefrontier T55 (Astra 1,2,3 en HB)

Smartcards Ziggo (Irdeto) and CDS (Seca) on Oscam


Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #6 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 27 July 2011 - 16:38

In my box:

Th. 28.7.2011 NGC HD Air Crash Investigation
15:00 60 min. Deadly Prize
16:00 Op 15 januari 2009 is vlucht 1549 van US Airways pas net opgestegen van het vliegveld van New York, als beide motoren uitvallen door een zwerm vogels. Het vliegtuig valt naar beneden en de piloten hebben slechts een paar seconden om een beslissing te maken. Het leven van 155 passagiers ligt in hun handen. De enige optie is een noodlanding in de Hudson River...De succesvolle serie Air Crash Investigation onderzoekt schokkende vliegtuigrampen. Dramatische reconstructies, archiefbeelden en ooggetuigeverslagen geven de fatale minuten realistisch weer. Iedere aflevering laat de kritieke momenten zien, waarin nauwgezette reconstructies zijn verweven met meeslepende analyses. De oorzaken van de ong...
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Th. 28.7.2011 NGC Air Crash Investigation
15:00 60 min. Deadly Prize
16:00 In 1989, bij de ergste vliegramp uit de Noorse geschiedenis, stort een vliegtuig vol prijswinnaars in zee. Ontdek de oorzaak van de ramp

Both are called Deadly Prize but with a completely different description. These description come from the NGC website.

I will beleive you on your word taht they are simulcast and change the HD version epg to the SD version.


~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #7 Dream1975

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 20:43

Very strange indeed. The title is correct, but the description on NGC HD for this program for example is the same every day (on Friday exact the same description shows on NGC HD). It seems it gets the headers right, but not the long description.

If you use NGC it will be correct (though it's a shame, the description from the site is much more extensive). But so be it, better a short right description than a long wrong one /images/smiley/wink.gif

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

Wavefrontier T55 (Astra 1,2,3 en HB)

Smartcards Ziggo (Irdeto) and CDS (Seca) on Oscam


Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #8 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 28 July 2011 - 07:47

I did not grab the wrong description from the NGC site. This is the description they give. It seems just to be a general description for the complete series. Not for each show separate.


~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: NGC HD has wrong EPG #9 Dream1975

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 12:10

It seems just to be a general description for the complete series.

"Op 15 januari 2009 is vlucht 1549 van US Airways pas net opgestegen van het vliegveld van New York, als beide motoren uitvallen door een zwerm vogels.". This is not general, but episode specific. Maybe there is an error at the providers side.

But the problem is fixed using the NGC one. Thank you for adjusting this /images/smiley/smile.gif

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

Wavefrontier T55 (Astra 1,2,3 en HB)

Smartcards Ziggo (Irdeto) and CDS (Seca) on Oscam


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