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How to show MKV,avi subtitles ?

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

I stored in my HDD movies with SRT subtitle ..and even SSA same filename as the movie , but mediaplayer not show it !?! also english subs
does pli support or even any other image based on Pli ?


's foto bogyman 3 sep 2011

you need to convert them to utf-8 encoding
i use Notepda++ , Encoding>convert to utf-8 and save

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

ty ,pal
seem to be gr8 idea ! I search a lot of forums around nobody mention that.

I will check that TY for reply

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

not works with all movie ! 1080 heavy and not showed !
there is a BUG with Hebrew,Arabic subtitles !

if there 2 lines

Correct place:
1... .. .... ... ...
2... .. .... .. ...

it's become
2... .. .... .. ...
1... .. .... ... ...

as I remember from E1 it's engima problem with RTL's ! arabic,hebrew,thai...etc
and am sure it's bidi algorithm and I don't believe this bug exits in E2
same case with Arabic,Hebrew EPG window .... u have to read EPG backwards I mean to reverse LINES not ... words --- damn it's crazy

for 3 year I ask DMM forum for help ... nobody reply ! and don't expects they well ...

any comment?

's foto littlesat 3 sep 2011

And if you set orriginal position to ON?

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

And if you set orriginal position to ON?

have not test it and well test soon ! plz refresh I edit my post

's foto bogyman 3 sep 2011

here is fix for subtitles

menu>setup>system>subtitle setting and choose YES in Rewrap telext subtitles
to view heb/ara subs on dm
open telnet init -4 , goto > /usr/share/enigma2 using FTP and download skin_subtitles.xml to pc , then edit it "valis_enigma.ttf" to "nmsbd.ttf"
then overwrite it , finaly init -3

hope pli team kindly fix hebrew / arabic epg issue (warp lines)

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

thanks for the input I will test it ... hope for fix with EPG also

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

well both solutions not works !! in my case
even when use original position !!!

's foto littlesat 3 sep 2011

Is this on all arabic and/or hebrew channels??? If so could it be that these lines are always swapped... then we need a swap line option... But rewrap does work I understood....

's foto ajeeb 3 sep 2011

epg in arabic or hebrew always swapped and I think that enigma does not handle bidi algo corrected even when I translate enigma2.mo to heb or arab and there is phrase with 2 lines its auto revered !
I mean this not only with subs all enigma RTL !!! that happens with E1 and E2 !!!
and nobody even try to fix , about subs somehow u can avoid by edit sub text and it's should not be like that
why no language detection
p.s enigma put EPG directly from stream and bidi do revers things !! so it's in bidi code !!!

tested with dm500e1 dm800 and now et9000
et9000 such a gr8 box that me and others with RTLs want to enjoy with it
so I can say its not plug-n-play its plug-n-pray to get it work localized !!!


's foto littlesat 4 sep 2011

Also the EPG is swapped...? So everything is swapped if something has more then two rows...

I suggest to fix this it may have a big impact!!!!

's foto ajeeb 4 sep 2011

YUP !! Big IMPACT ... half a world (arabian users other RTL) well be happy and it will such an extension ! !!
one more thing !! there is a gr8 thing in Pli called autolanugage select for epg,audio,subs !!
audio there are maybe 4 priorities 1,...etc
same case with subs !.
but how to at least 2 EPG priorities ...cause there package that send 3 or more streams for EPG !!?!! for 7 days like Yes package 4w ... and NETMED
that well be great

BR and thanks for your concern and support this community sector
am ready for testing , if there any core changes

's foto hemertje 4 sep 2011

Littlesat was mentioning BIG IMPACT inside Enigma2 when this will be changed, that it is not easy to fix without creating other problems in Enigma2 or existing plugins

's foto littlesat 4 sep 2011

And even difficult for us to patch... we cannot receive these channels here in the Netherlands... I do not even understand what is wrong with the epg??? I understand all sentances are wappen. What should be on top is below and what is below is on top? Then everything what should be rendered on enigma2 should be swapped... Enigma2 is not prepared for that!!! So this will be a huge patch (I also never heared about this... probably one of you can explain it by a screendump?).

I read in this thread that the rewrap option did solve something as work-a-round. But I still do not understand the strange thinks with EPG as it is just displayed by E2 as it is received. Please note it could also be the YES is doing some non standard tricks.

For the EPG priorities I indeed choose for only one option. When priority is not found English is the next default and then just the first language in the table. I do not want to make this too complicated -as- I suggest this will be enough.

's foto ajeeb 4 sep 2011

Littlesat was mentioning BIG IMPACT inside Enigma2 when this will be changed, that it is not easy to fix without creating other problems in Enigma2 or existing plugins

yes I understand ! this should external patch only !! u can't force world to use RTL rules !

And even difficult for us to patch... we cannot receive these channels here in the Netherlands... I do not even understand what is wrong with the epg??? I understand all sentances are wappen. What should be on top is below and what is below is on top? Then everything what should be rendered on enigma2 should be swapped... Enigma2 is not prepared for that!!! So this will be a huge patch (I also never heared about this... probably one of you can explain it by a screendump?).

I read in this thread that the rewrap option did solve something as work-a-round. But I still do not understand the strange thinks with EPG as it is just displayed by E2 as it is received. Please note it could also be the YES is doing some non standard tricks.

For the EPG priorities I indeed choose for only one option. When priority is not found English is the next default and then just the first language in the table. I do not want to make this too complicated -as- I suggest this will be enough.

well ! I think enigma does not parse EPG content ! when bidi needed then text come through !! for swapping job , need to patch this only ...
I even send an email for TV authority they told me ," we send fixed TEXT as english "...! so ... it's enigma mistake !
so I think need patch the final export to EPG window content to backwards LINES not words or letters I mean don't mess with BIDI function !!!! BIDI function is more complicated ... Level1-3 >> backwards letters then words ! we need to solve the lines array
I will upload screenshots ...
now about the EPG priorities can't I patch it !?!? cause here we have 3 languages (Arabic,Hebrew,English) !! hope u understand me

thanks for the input !

's foto bogyman 4 sep 2011

@ajeeb , heb/ara srt subs working great here
@ littlesat , rewrap work only for srt subs , not epg

pli team thanks for all we apreciate your hard
if anyone want screen dump
here is it


's foto ajeeb 4 sep 2011

dude your solution is welcome but not works with latest PLI ... with ET9000 !!
I test it yesterday !

about the EPG you right <--> the edited picture should be the correct position for EPG that what I am trying to explain for 3 years since E1 I also post screenshot in DMM-forums and they simply Ignore it
and I think half of the Open-source STB's are Arabian users and they ask why it's like that ...

@hemertje @littlesat I can upload a full TS file ...include EPG ...and u can test it via player u don't need to receive this channels !

's foto littlesat 4 sep 2011

So it are nog the lines that are swapped, but the alligment.. Useually the allighment is left to right, but you need right to left. Please note this is arrange in the skins, so if you create a patch for the skins this may be solved...

's foto bogyman 4 sep 2011

ajeeb please post enigma log
init 4
killall -9 enigma2
enigma2>/tmp/enigma2.log 2>&1 &1

littlesat will skin patch effect Right>left alligment ?