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Percents in ServiceList patch

2boom's Photo 2boom 24 Oct 2011

That's a mighty strange position you've got there.
Let the users choose for themselves what fits them best. Deciding for others won't do you any good.

pieterg's Photo pieterg 24 Oct 2011

Well, I don't think that having 100+ undocumented settings which nobody understands is doing the users any good.
So adding another couple of settings just for the fun of it isn't necessarily a good idea.

eMark's Photo eMark 24 Oct 2011

Pli image made for themselves or for people????

To spit, what not all it is convenient?

I am disappointed by a command PLI :(

hemispherical1's Photo hemispherical1 24 Oct 2011

Luckily OpenPLi is open sourced and you're free to branch off your own images with every feature you could possibly want.

Rather than complain about the people who provide you images for free, perhaps your time would be better spent finding an image that actually suits your wants & needs...


theparasol's Photo theparasol 24 Oct 2011

Pli image made for themselves or for people????

PLI is a developper image. It's made for developpers, if you can add something: Please do.
You can and may suggest a new feature. You can't order a feature on demand.
If thats not good enough and you can't live with it: search for another image team that suits your personal needs.
Edited by theparasol, 24 October 2011 - 20:46.

littlesat's Photo littlesat 24 Oct 2011

At least when percentages are or may be added then just before e.g. the progress bar were it most likely belongs and not add it before at the program description... And then e.g. change the progress bar option into none, progressbar, percentage, percentage+progressbar. But then still it needs to be considered what the added value may be????

bigroma's Photo bigroma 24 Oct 2011

For me better both percents and progressbar, may be it's strange but sometimes i tired, sometimes i look tv from different distance depending for this sometimes better progressbar, sometimes percentage.
I don't want begin new wave of flame, i write how it like for me. :)
May be it's depended by language, English more compact then Russian, and Russian eventinfo usualy longer then English and often cutted in field with disabled all options - alignment, percentage and progressbar, when I enable options it look more pleasure for me.

I'll continue add this feature for myself, it's no problem.

Sorry for my bad English.
Edited by bigroma, 24 October 2011 - 22:21.

mrvanity's Photo mrvanity 19 Jul 2012

Is there a plan for this patch to be officially added? (even with a simple on/off setting)
I can understand that many like the progress bar more, but there is a significant amount of users that also like the percentage. ;)

vasilich07's Photo vasilich07 19 Jul 2012

wonder why PLi ® Betateam believes that users do not need it. :huh:
Believe me, it's not. :)

Ednaz's Photo Ednaz 19 Jul 2012

I would also like to see the interest in the PLI image. I always put them and happy to use, very convenient! :)

littlesat's Photo littlesat 19 Jul 2012

I'm considereing to add this option... but not in the exact way it is presented in this patch... so hold on...

mrvanity's Photo mrvanity 19 Jul 2012

Thanx for that :)

vasilich07's Photo vasilich07 19 Jul 2012

I'm considereing to add this option... but not in the exact way it is presented in this patch... so hold on...

look forward to :D

Dimitrij's Photo Dimitrij 19 Jul 2012

I'm considereing to add this option... but not in the exact way it is presented in this patch... so hold on...

This decision is final?
Percents in ServiceList = PLi

2boom's Photo 2boom 19 Jul 2012

good news

mirakels's Photo mirakels 20 Jul 2012

But where do you want the procents to be? before or after the channel number, before or after the channel name, before or after the event info, before or after the progress bar.
Or maybe even IN the progress bar, like the old windows way of showing install progress?
or maybe when procent are chown you don't want to see the channel number?

I expect such question request to arrive shortly...

littlesat's Photo littlesat 20 Jul 2012

First I need indeed some specifications... To put it in the progress bars it is a bit too small.... To put it between channel name and event description is not nice, unless you align it - but then you extremely reduce the amount of info available (see screenshot were this topic starts at...)

Currently I'm thinking of making it simple.... Just % before (after the channel number of course) or at the end of the line or off... as it is now :D.

In case threre is also a progress bar on the same place then when the progress bar is on the left side to put it after the progress bar... and when the progress bar is at the end of the line to put it before the progress bar.

So we have the following situations - including percentages (new extra option off, left, right) . I suggest not to add an extra setting to put them left/right from a progress bar...

Percentage left - Progressbar OFF
1 XXX% ChannelName EventDescriptionLonger

Percentage right - Progressbar OFF
2 ChannelName EventDescriptionLonger XXX%

Percentage left - Progessbar left
3 [----] XXX% ChannelName EventDesciption

Percentage left - Progress bar right
4 XXX% ChannelName EventDesciption [----]

Percentage right - Progress bar right
5 ChannelName EventDesciption XXX% [----]

Percentage left - progress bar right
6 [----] ChannelName EventDesciption XXX%

Percentage off - progress bar left
7 [----] ChannelName EventDesciption-More

Percentage off - progressbar right
8. ChannelName EventDesciption-More [----]

Percentage off - progressbar off
9. ChannelName EventDesciption-MoreLonger

Then always there is some alighment and we always try to use all available places...

That was what I was currently thinking of...
Edited by littlesat, 20 July 2012 - 11:21.

vasilich07's Photo vasilich07 20 Jul 2012

I suggest not to add an extra setting to put them left/right from a progress bar...

I think the "%" to the right of the infobara.
Further, "channel name" (the alignment should be done) and the latest information about the current television program.

vasilich07's Photo vasilich07 20 Jul 2012

I think the "%" to the right of the infobara.

Sorry. I meant of course progress bar, but not infobar

2boom's Photo 2boom 20 Jul 2012

Percentages must be located between channel name and event name and must not be connected with the progress bar at all.