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Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1

Enigma1 EPG

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#1 pic1960

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Posted 18 October 2011 - 21:08

I just loaded this fantastic and very stable image on my DM600 and I would like to activate the EPG on it.
Unfortunately I'm new with it (in general with EPG) and I would like to have, if possible, clear information how to install and use it.
I saw several plug-in that can be installed on this image but I don't know which one is the best.
My request it is to have the EPG for italien chanel and, always if possible, with automatic update.
I found many information about Enigma2 but nothing very clear for Enigma1.

Is there anybody that can help me?
Thanks in advance!

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #2 doglover

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Posted 19 October 2011 - 08:41

I hope you have installed PLi Jade or OpenPli on your DM600, otherwise it is not possible to import epg.

Pls. download the instructions here: http://www.rytec.be/...instruction.pdf
If something is not clear then pls. contact us again.
In the instructions, no mention is made of the italian package. But trust me it is included.

However, it is a long time since I visited this plug-in, and I do not have an enigma1 machine anymore, so I do not know how the latest enigma and these plug-ins behave.

One word of advise, put the SQlite database on the internal harddrive of the DM600. It is suppose to work on network mounted drives as well, but a lot of problems have been surfaced using this method.


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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #3 pic1960

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Posted 19 October 2011 - 21:39

Hi Willy,
I tried to follow all information from rytec but seems that something has been changed on the PLi Jade image (yes, I have the last version loaded on my DM600).
After installing the plug-in "e1_rytec_package.tar.gz" I only get the new choice: "update EPG channel reference" but not the "Dreambox EPG Config".
I can then download directly on the image the next plug-in "SQlite Epg import plug-in 1.3" and finally get the "Dreambox EPG Config". But also in this case I cannot find a way to make it working.

Example on EPG configuration, if I change the package (with skyIT xmlTV) and I save, when I go out then I enter again the setting is back to the previous selection (seems is not memoraising the data).

Please note that when I select "retrieve" nothing appen, the windows "Retreiving file 1 of 1" just stay out for a few minutes and then close. Cheking the "Channels" there is a list of channel on the left which not correspond with the one on the right (almost same progrmamme but in a different position). Maybe I have to do something here?

I have an internal HD and set the EPG store on it (just let Harddisk selected)

Maybe I made mistake on the way how I try to see the EPG, I tried on all different way and with the plug in "VM 3.5.2" already installed but I cannot see the the "probably" downloaded EPG data.

Is there any mistake on the procedure or somethinbg missing?

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #4 WanWizard

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Posted 19 October 2011 - 22:20

It's been a while side I've used it. I have to agree that mapping channels isn't really intuitive.

When you start the plugin and have mapped the channels in the xml file to the ones in your bouquets, you should not forget to save your mappings (it's one of the color keys, I don't remember which one). If you don't, but immediately retrieve, you lose all your mappings.

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Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #5 PaphosAL

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 11:15

Are we sure that Ryan and Willy are still supporting Rytec E1 EPG? I don't think so...
Sorry- AL

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #6 doglover

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 12:54

E1-EPG should still be possible, since all the XMLTV files (except OSN/JSC and Israël) are still ISO-8859 files. I left it this way so the few enigma1 users could still be using it.

However since I do not have an enigma1 machine anymore, it is impossible for me to keep the mapping channels up-to-date. It is now up to the users to keep the channel mappings on a e1 machine up-to-date.

Now to the problem of mr. pic1960:

Please note that when I select "retrieve" nothing appen, the windows "Retreiving file 1 of 1" just stay out for a few minutes and then close. Cheking the "Channels" there is a list of channel on the left which not correspond with the one on the right (almost same progrmamme but in a different position). Maybe I have to do something here?

The retrieve file 1 of 1 does not move. This is a small problem with this plug-in. Since it stays that way for a couple of minutes, this indicates that an import has taken place.

Now you have to map the channels.
You already found the correct screen.

You connect a reference from the left column by highlighting it. press OK and then
select the corresponding channel in the right portion of the screen. Press OK.
You can also select IGNORE or UNKOWN when you do not find the corresponding
channel in the right pane.
When finished press Done (green button).

Check also the mapped screen (blue button). In this screen the already mapped channels appear (but these could easily been mismapped, since the information is quiet old). So it wise to remap the channels here as well.
Do not forget to press the OK button (the green button on the bottom of the screen) as this saves the changes you have made.

Now it is important to perform a second retrieve, as this is needed to fill the now newly mapped channels.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #7 doglover

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 13:12

On other thing:

In var/bin you will find the file: e1_SkyIT.sh
You may want to change in here the download site. The downloadsite which is in there is still being used, but has been proven to be unrealiable.

So change in line: 52

wget "http://www.xmltvepg.be/$downloadname" -O $datadir/$downloadname

to one of the sites below



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #8 doglover

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 15:31

You could also install the PCD enigma2 image for the DM600PVR. I know we are here on a OpenPLi forum, but if you really want the epgimport feature, this image is one which can be considered.

See here: http://www.i-have-a-...htuser=0&page=1

The file can be downloaded here: http://www.i-have-a-...d=224&selector=

The image has the epgimport standard installed.
Pls. read after installation the documentation: All Readme files are in folder /etc. Please copy and translate (with google for example) if necessary. It is important especially the paragraph on memory increase.


Edited by doglover, 20 October 2011 - 15:34.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #9 pic1960

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 20:22

Hi Willy,
Many thanks for your help.
I'll try all your suggestions and let you know if I succeeds or not.
It is anyway a quite complicated EPG.

I probably try aslo with the PCD Enigma2 image, not so stable but with EPG already on it as you said.

That's all for the moment


Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #10 kalehrl

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 21:00

I used to run openpli enigma1 image for 500plus (no hard drive) and rytec epg was almost unusable probably because of network share.
With pcd's enigma2, rytec epg works without any problems from the same share.

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #11 MaGhost

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Posted 2 February 2012 - 09:03

Hi, it worked for me on Canal+channels in swedish and i reinstalled to also get Viasat and now nothing works,
what plug-in and settings should i use to have it in swedish? Think it was Digital+ but something with my settings is wrong.
And another thing, I have find a way to DL a xmltv.xml file with support for 7 days Viasat and Digital+ in Swedish on PC and watch it, is there an easy way to convert it to DB just by place it on a mount point and convert it to "epg.db"?
I don't care if i have to do it manually only it works.

Please help
Regards Mikael.

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #12 doglover

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Posted 2 February 2012 - 10:00

I think you need the Nordic package.

You have to activate the SQlite EPG database
and install:
SQlite Epg import plug-in

And configure the Nordic source

If you want to use the file on your PC. Take a look at the e1_Nordic.sh file and see if you can modify it to get at the file you downloaded.
One word: If the file is in UTF-8 this wont work.


Edited by doglover, 2 February 2012 - 10:02.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #13 MaGhost

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Posted 3 February 2012 - 10:14

Please help to edit nordic.sh to a working source i havn't got it working .
My EPG download from satellite on Digital+ BBC World or Comedy Central Thor 0.8W
Easiest way is setting a timer swap to one of these channels when i'm sleeping but i want a channel for DL EPG for Viasat to.
So if anyone knows a working setup channel (data/tv/radio) and with frequency please write. Sirius 4.8E
the good with DL from satellite channel i don't use up bandwith.

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #14 doglover

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Posted 3 February 2012 - 10:57

can you get the Import plugin to doqnload the file?

If yes, you may have to link the downloaded info to the channels in your box. These provided are really old and may not represent the actual situation.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #15 MaGhost

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Posted 5 February 2012 - 16:16

I don't get it to grab anything, i have dl the rytec-source.xml and opened it from an editor to find this adress "http://www.xmltvepg....-sweden.xml.gz"
the link work when put it in IE and download the xml file.
Edited this 2 lines in nordic.sh but nothing happens

wget "http://www.xmltvepg.nl/$downloadname" -O $datadir/$downloadname

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #16 doglover

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Posted 6 February 2012 - 08:49

I do not own an eniga1 box anymore. So it is a bit difficult for me at the moment. I have to do everything from memory without testing so...

Try to import in a telnet window.

Just run Nordic.sh (or nordic.sh) depending on how it is spelled.
And watch the output on the screen.


~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Rytec XMLTV & EPG on Enigma1 #17 MaGhost

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Posted 8 February 2012 - 00:01

read in this thread that http://www.xmltvepg.be/ is unstable and should be replaced. wouldn't it be a good thing to do it in the update file from ppanel so that one is correct or does only that file update the .dat?

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