small reminder:
... Yes it is working well on live streams. However, if one of these channels is recorded and then you attempt to stream the recorded file... then VLC doesn't display.
I guess that the sid value in the '.meta' file would need to be retrieved and used to inform the 'program=sid'.
Within the file usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/models/ there is a procedure "getTS" which can be altered to include the SID required by VLC:
def getTS(self,request):
if "file" in request.args:
filename = unquote(request.args["file"][0]).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-8')
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return "File '%s' not found" % (filename)
# ServiceReference is not part of filename so look in the '.ts.meta' file
sRef = ""
if os.path.exists(filename + '.meta'):
metafile = open(filename + '.meta', "r")
line = metafile.readline()
if line:
sRef = eServiceReference(line.strip()).toString()
if sRef != '':
progopt="#EXTVLCOPT:program=%d\n" % (int(sRef.split(':')[3],16))
response = "#EXTM3U\n#EXTVLCOPT--http-reconnect=true \n%shttp://%s:%s/file?file=%s\n" % (progopt,request.getRequestHostname(), config.OpenWebif.port.value, quote(filename))
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/text')
return response
return "Missing file parameter"
Perhaps someone who has developer access can commit this enhancement so that others can enjoy. Meanwhile, I am happy being able to stream recordings (rather than just 'live') of shared pmt channels.
With this change, I am able to stream channels recorded from Optus C1 in the Aurora package (eg. WIN, GWN, IMP, 7Central etc.)
could it be pushed?
or something's wrong with it?
from what I see, a pull request is waiting for 3 weeks or more now...
it's really usefull patch, so if someone with write access could push it, it would be great...