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Foreca plugin EN and PL

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Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #81 Bag58

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 19:05

You have only placed the Foreca.mo file. I need the Foreca.po file to be able to process your changes into the patch. Please upload that file here as well.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #82 Dimitrij

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 19:22


GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #83 Bag58

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 14:08

I have seen that Milo today kindly processed my patch for Foreca to version 2.4. Consequently the new version should be on the feed from tomorrow.
What has changed:[list]
[*]If the local time of day is 17:30 or later the start screen opens on page two, in stead of page one. It is not possible to go back to the previous day if the local time of day is before 05:30, that infoemation can not be retrieved anymore.
[*]The wind speed line is now also processed to get rid of diacritics. This is necessary for a number of languages, e.g. Russian.
[*]Corrections to the Czech translations, thanks ims
[*]Corrections to the Russian translations, thanks Dima73
If you are already using a prior version of the plugin, it will automatically be updated in your next online upgrade.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #84 Dimitrij

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 20:49

Everything is OK.
Thank you.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #85 dimfil

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Posted 5 January 2012 - 14:47

Dear friends.
I have prepared po file for the greek language and also added translation inputs to the filter.cfg so the greek descriptions display OK when the system language is switched to Greek.

How can I contribute to your project? Do I have to send these files to someone in particular, or is it enough to post them here?

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #86 Bag58

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Posted 5 January 2012 - 19:06

Just post them here, and I will add them in the next version. Please have a few days patience after you posted them.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #87 dimfil

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Posted 5 January 2012 - 19:28

OK, thank you.
Here they are...

Attached File  Filter.zip   975bytes   10 downloads

Attached File  el.zip   7.81KB   11 downloads

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #88 dimfil

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Posted 3 February 2012 - 17:41

Dear Bag58

I noticed that in the version that is available for download on the OpenPli server, you make use of the filter.cfg (so the greek characters appear OK in the weather descriptions) but not of the greek foreca.po. As a result there is no greek GUI for the plugin.

Could you please check that? The file that I uploaded in the previous post should do the job. There is a big interest from greek users for the foreca plugin, so any effort from your side is greatly appreciated...

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #89 ddinc

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 08:55

Plugin does not work since 2 days any clue ?

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #90 littlesat

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 09:14

Foreca changed the website... so the grabbing in python code does not work anymore....

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #91 Bag58

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 12:39

I have just sent a patch for Foreca to version 2.5 to Milo, with the request to a apply it at a time of his convenience.

[*]Fix for the changed web page of Foreca
[*]I have tried to also present the main screen correctly in SD
[*]The Greek language has been added by dimfil (for which thanks). I have renamed the file from default.po to Foreca.po (similar as for the other languages)
[*]Now there remain two list names in use: MainList for the main screen, and MList for the others. TAKE CARE: modification of skins may be required!
[*]For the place and date text on the main screen there now are three possibilities available:
[*]Titel (all in just one line, from the original version)
[*]Titel3 (all in three lines, as added by aardbei)
[*]Titel4 (holds the country and city names in one line, new)
[*]Titel5 (holds the day and date in one line, new)
[/list][*]In several places in the screens underscores in the country and city names are now replaced by spaces (improves readability)
[*]Maximum length of the texts in lines 2 and 3 in the last column of the main screen has been increased
[*]The first columns of the main screen have been narrowed, giving more room for the last column
[*]Most debug print statements have been commented out.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #92 blzr

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:14

and a quick fix before new version will be available,
replace line 799 in plugin.py with this:
fulltext = re.compile(r'<div class="c2">.+?<img src="http://img.foreca.net/s/symb-wind/(.+?).gif', re.DOTALL)
restart enigma
and voila, foreca should work again... :)
True sarcasm doesn't need green font...

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #93 dimfil

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 09:54

Are you going to provide an .ipk of the new version?

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #94 Bag58

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 22:03

The new version should be on the feed now. You can download the ipk with the commands;
cd /tmp
opkg update
opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-foreca

using Telnet. It is than available in the tmp directory.
You can of course also simply update your box if you have it already installed, or simply install it in the Applications menu.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #95 JuSt611

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 08:12


updated version attached. Please remove any old version before installing this one, including GP3 quickbutton if assigned.

Attention: Screens modified, crash possible if plugin was already skinned.

Config files are now stored in /etc/enigma/Foreca


Attached Files

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #96 gerard0610

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 12:05

You can of course also simply update your box if you have it already installed, or simply install it in the Applications menu.

So if I understand it well:
in OpenPLi I don't need first to remove the old version. Only update the (complete) software OpenPLi and by this way the existing Foreca V2.5 wil be automatically uploaded to V2.6?

Bag58: Thanks for this improvement.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #97 Bag58

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 13:54

That remark was related to an earlier update of the plugin. Obviously the changes in this latest version do require an uninstall accoring to Just611. I didx look shortly into his new version and thge main changes are not as he says moving the config files to /etc/enigma2/Foreca. That was already their location. He did move the temprorary files to another location making one of the directories under the Plugin superfluous. By uninstalling the plugin, thos directories are removed. If you just upgrade they remain in existence taking up space in your receivers memory that could be freed up.

Perhaps Just611 can confirm this?

By the way: delivering an ipk will normally not lead to updating the version of the plugin in the feed. For that you need to make a patch file and ask the Pli team to commit that.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #98 JuSt611

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 14:30

Correct, I moved the temporary files from Plugin folder (residing in flash memory) to var folder (residing in RAM), as flash isn't best suited for temporary files. My recommendation to remove old versions and the hint regarding config files folder was also meant for users who still may have installed pre 2.5 versions.

I know of course that the ipk won't update the feed, but as you may have noticed I'm new to this forum hence I don't know who are the admins. I just wanted to publish my modifications hoping that they will become the origin of further development, as I don't know how to address the maintainer Bauernbub (no mail address available in control file). I also can't update the sources in github.com/E2OpenPlugins/e2openplugin-Foreca. Any help is much appreciated.


Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #99 Bag58

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 18:46

The last version we have seen here on the forum, and on which Bauernbub may have worked, is version 1.6. The remainder of the development to version 2.5 has been done here on the forum. Currently the plugin as it can be downloaded here is maintained in the Github E2Openplugins. When I had created a new version, I delivered a patch file to Milo and requested him to commit that. I also have no update access to Github, and to be honest I don't want it either. I am much too afraid to ruin things.

Re: Foreca plugin EN and PL #100 JuSt611

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Posted 6 March 2012 - 19:14

Many thanks for your info. I've already sent PN to Milo after I found him in the list of users here. But as a contributor to DMM feed on Schwerkraft I'm not afraid to also update the sources in e2openplugin-Foreca ;)

So I hope I'll get in contact with Milo to have my changes added, too.

And many thanks for the great work done on Foreca plugin by the forum community. It's an excellent plugin - by far the best weather plugin I know of!

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