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Bulgarian language translation for OpenPli...

's foto marto 30 okt 2011

Hello all! I have the Bulgarian language translation for OpenPli e2 images. To whom I must send it in order all bulgarians to have it from the next nightly build on? Thanks in advance!

's foto littlesat 30 okt 2011

Just post them here as attachement (via More Reply Options)

's foto marto 30 okt 2011

Thanks for the quick reply littlesat :) Please find attached enigma2.mo and bg.png files to this reply.

Bijgevoegde Bestanden

  • Bijlage  bg.png   3,86K   9 Aantal bijlagen
  • Bijlage  enigma2.rar   34,97K   26 Aantal bijlagen

's foto littlesat 30 okt 2011

There is no po file in your rar file. The po file is what we need.

's foto marto 30 okt 2011

Here is the enigma2.po file. Thanks for your support!

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto littlesat 30 okt 2011

To commit this I need some help from one of our other Devs as this is as far I know the first bulgarian translation. In the makescript I need to add bg at the languages and the file needs to be renamed to pli_bg.po. But what I do not know if we could have problems here whele there was no "Bulgarian" feed yet.

's foto littlesat 30 okt 2011

Can I just add a file pli_bg.po to the po directory and add bg to this row in the makefile?

-LANGS = ar ca cs da de el en es et fi fr fy hr hu is it lt lv nl no pl pt ru sv sk sl sr th tr uk
+LANGS = ar bg ca cs da de el en es et fi fr fy hr hu is it lt lv nl no pl pt ru sv sk sl sr th tr uk


's foto marto 30 okt 2011

Can I just add a file pli_bg.po to the po directory and add bg to this row in the makefile?

-LANGS = ar ca cs da de el en es et fi fr fy hr hu is it lt lv nl no pl pt ru sv sk sl sr th tr uk
+LANGS = ar bg ca cs da de el en es et fi fr fy hr hu is it lt lv nl no pl pt ru sv sk sl sr th tr uk


I'm not sure as I've test it just by replacing the enigma2.mo file with one of the existing languages in "po"directory. Most probably some changes in "Language.pyo" and " language_cache.py" files located in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components should be made. Hope you'll find a solution. Fingers crossed :)

's foto marto 31 okt 2011

Hello littlesat! Any progress about adding BG language in OpenPli?

's foto littlesat 31 okt 2011

I need some help from a more experience dev in our group as I do not know if I simply can add bg to the languages string... I do not risk to break our builds :D

's foto marto 31 okt 2011

Well understood that :) So until some other devs enter this topic I did additional researches and now you can find as attached full set of files with enabled BG language. This doesn't interfere or make problems with other languages.

"bg" folder should be in /usr/share/enigma2/po
bu.png should be in /usr/share/enigma2/countries
Language.pyo and language_cache.pyo should replace the existing ones in /usr/lib/enigma2/pyton/Components

Box must be restarted after that, and Bulgarian with flag already appear in Language tree. All other languages are working too. You can check it out and, can be added with the next online update if everything is OK for you. Many thanks for your support!

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto littlesat 31 okt 2011

.pyo files we cannot commit as this is the binary compiled version of the py.... OpenPli is open ;)

's foto marto 31 okt 2011

Well in this case I don't know how to help any more :)
For example all files in /pyton/Components folder are with .pyo extension. Looks like they are not Open too ;) That is why I'm giving ready to replace working files with the same extension. The only problem if those files would not be added is that after every online update my files will disappear, and we have to put it back manually. That is why I'm asking some assistance to be implemented in the image.

's foto littlesat 31 okt 2011

How did you create the pyo files then...

The sources can always be installed on pli on the box via opkg install enigma2-src....

's foto marto 31 okt 2011

They were not created by me. I just use the ready ones from other e2 image and for other box for which the BG translation was done by me also. If you open them with simple editor you will see Bulgarian is there next to other languages. That is why I try them on OpenPli and everything is working fine here.

's foto littlesat 31 okt 2011

I just use the ready ones from other e2 image

If they are only pyo files they are useless for us.... as they are compiled versions and not source code. Even when you see a bit readable data.

For the translations I would prefer to wait for other devs

's foto marto 31 okt 2011

Actually they were .pyc but I rename them to .pyo in order to comply with OpenPli and surprisingly they worked for me :)

I understand your worries so let wait for other devs to help us fix this permanent. If you have someone in mind maybe I can contact him by PM!?

's foto MiLo 1 nov 2011

Install "enigma2-src" with the following command (via telnet, ssh or dcc):

opkg install enigma2-src

Now you have .py files (as well as the .pyo files) on the system, and you can edit them as you see fit. Send the modified .py files, not the compiled versions because they cannot be merged into the source tree. That's technically not possible, this is not about licenses or politics - we really need the source, not the compiled versions.

The source files will update along with the regular online software update, once installed you don't have to upgrade enigma2-src separately.

's foto marto 1 nov 2011

Hello MiLo and thanks for joining this topic. I have the following error while installing enigma2-src. After that I can't see to .po files on the system.

OpenEmbedded Linux et9000

openpli 2.1 et9000

et9000 login: root
root@et9000:~# opkg install enigma2-src
Installing enigma2-src (2.7+git9107+0cbf8dd-r26) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...r26_et9x00.ipk.
Collected errors:
* check_data_file_clashes: Package enigma2-src wants to install file /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ScanSetup.py
But that file is already provided by package * enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-blindscan
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-src.

's foto MiLo 1 nov 2011

Remove the blindscan plugin.