Some (important) things to know:
- first remove the old version, this could normally done by:
(Box on English) Menu -> Plugins -> Red Button Remove Plugins -> SystemPlugins -> BackupSuite <language>
(Box on German) Menu -> Erweiterungen -> Roten Knopf Plugins entfernen -> SystemPlugins -> BackupSuite <sprache>
If this shouldn't work you could try by telnet with the command:
opkg remove "enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-backupsuite*" --force-removal-of-dependent-packages
opkg remove "enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-backupsuite*" --autoremove
You could check on the receiver if the folders are gone, they where normally situated in
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Combi-HDD-Backup/ and
these 2 folders should be gone
EDIT: After removing the old package, please restart the receiver with restart enigma2
- the new folders for the BackupSuite are situated in:
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/BackupSuite-HDD/ and
- there is only one package namely BackupSuite (enigma2-plugins-extensions-backupsuite_<version>, at the moment 6.7), there are no different language versions any more, it is an all in one package.
Please feel free to try this version and I'm open for suggestions about the German translation, changes are that this still needs some attention.
One last word, this version also needs a working internet-connection to fetch the needed files such as mkfs.ubifs