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Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD

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#1 Alias1

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 07:47

Feature list
• Many file types are listed and played in hardware:
Video: [". ts", ".mpg", ".divx",". f4v", ".flv", ".img", ".iso",". *.m2ts",". m4v", ".mkv", ".mov",". mp4", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".mts", ".vob"]
Audio: [". editing", ".dts", ".flac",". m4a",". mp2",". mp3", ".ogg", ".wav"]
• EMC has an own player frontend "EMCMediaCenter" with the all formats that can be your Dreambox, can also be replayed.
Backend for the E2 Movieplayer, the GStreamer plugin and the DVD Player plugin used.
(This is why the DVD Player plugin must be for DVD formats also installed.)
(Of course the "EMCMediaCenter" can be geskinnt full it used only their own converter so that it can be integrated in an existing skin.)
• The different formats are marked with corresponding icons.
• Symlinks are displayed and marked with a special icon. (If the target does not exist, the symlink will not appear.)
New symlinks can be created in the EMC.
• EMC can create own bookmarks
In the Setup on/off switch • which display to date. (It uses dd.mm.yyyy)
• File collation can be toggled by date or name. Also, in the sort order can be reversed.
• For all file types there is a status/progress bar. In the Setup can choose between "ProgressBar", "% display" or "Off".
• Film icon and progress bar can accept 4 colors: not seen [White], played [blue], completed seen [Green], during the recording [Red]
• In the Setup can be set from vieviel per cent, that is to change the color ProgressBar and the icon.
• The color of the ProgressBar you can switch out, if it is 100% in Setup to 0, or will have no color changes only at the end of (e.g. 5% and 100% or 0% to 90%.)
• The film status can now be switched in 3 States [radio button]. Not seen, played, finish seen.
"Alluded" of the status of toggle (on "Not seen" or "Done seen"), is the last position (last played) converted to a marker.
Thus no more if is to be continued at last position appears on the status of "Not seen" or 'Done seen'. But can the "<" and ">" buttons still on the last position appears as a marker was used here.
• Menu can be removed all tags "Remove all film marker". This is also useful if you change the status to "Last Played" gets running a marker and everything will be get rid.
• That toggle the status [radio button] can also with a selected movie list (multiple movies at the same time) are made (only on "non" and "done" status).
• For all listed video and audio formats is a "cuts" file created (E2 compliant), which also there as in E2 recordings in * .ts a continued is stopped somewhere "resume" is possible, and markers can be used.
• Also for not * .ts files can for example with EITitor a * .eit or * .meta are created in which a description can be deposited.
Recordings current • are displayed and specially marked.
• The [video/PVR] or [TEXT] button you can mark entries. Lets all marked entries at the same time deleted/moved/successively played / or will change the status.
With the [TEXT] button, you can from the start position away directly everything in between are marked with the cursor.
You can scroll with the [BOUQUET] keys at the beginning or the end of the list. With the [navigation keys left/right] page.
• With LANGE [video/PVR] can be removed all tags.
• DVD directories (VIDEO_TS with VOB), with the name of the directory and can be played directly without having to navigate in the VIDEO_TS directory.
• "Play all": with the [play] button (old remote control with [Shift]-[Green] = play) all files in the current directory from cursor to play position until all have been played.
The cursor is on a directory, all files in the folder are played.
(Even with very large media collection no delay in the launch occurs because the playlist is dynamically determined.)
• With [long info] can be queried to the title in IMDb (the Internet movie database). (IMDb plugin must be installed for it.)
• When the play can in EMC with the button [Green] between pillarbox, panscan, and just scale be toggled.
If EMC terminates preset will be back again to the E2.
• Automatic trash:
The Recycle Bin is emptied at the set time, or at the start of E2, if no recording is running or is not accepted for 10 min.

In operation, the Recycle Bin is not emptied when a recording is running or is within 10 minutes a recording.
Could not be deleted due to recordings or upcoming recordings, is every 30 min checked until not recording runs more, and within 10 minutes no recording will be ansteht....danach deleted.
Next delete operation happens again the next day after the set time.

Of course, only the files are deleted already staying in the Recycle Bin as set in the Setup.
Is required 24 hours verweildauer a set day and not just looked to the date.
(Because otherwise it could yes I happen shortly before midnight what do delete, and the deletion 01: the recording is 00 h only about an hour in the Recycle Bin was.)
The whole takes place independently of EMC in the background, it must be called to do this so not EMC so that the Recycle Bin is emptied.

• Setup point "Movie list is skin bar":
JA = values from the widget name = "list" will be used from the skin.
NO = default values from the plugin is widget name = use "list".
Thus it is possible to switch 2 different views in the Setup (default or from the skin), provided that in the skin this is available.
(Someone used a skin of supporting the old version of EMC, is used here in the Setup on no.)

• Can the E2 timer list with the button [TV long] be called directly from EMC out.

Features in the movie list:
-Steering cross: navigation in the movie list (keys < and > Browse entire pages)
-BOUQUET: Scrolls to the beginning or the end of the list
-Key "<": a directory level back
-Key ">": the previous directory back. (Only the last directory is noted.)
-INFO: Standard Enigma2 EPG info (EventView)
-Long INFO: querying titles in the IMDb (the Internet movie database). (IMDb plugin must be installed for it.)
-MENU: EMC function menu (EMC functions) and film plugin menu (film plugins such as MovieCut etc.)
-Long MENU: film plugin menu (film plugins such as MovieCut etc.)
-AUDIO: Plugin film menu (film plugins such as MovieCut etc.)
-RADIO: Toggle played between seen and unseen
-TV: reload current directory
-Long TV: the TimerListe of E2 calls. (E.g. practical if a Wiederholungstimer that is active is to be stopped, because that is not directly in EMC.)
-VIDEO(PVR): film select / deselect for multiple selection
(Switch to several movies at the same time to delete/move/game state, or in which order to play marked).
-Long VIDEO(PVR): remove all tags
-TEXT: multiple selection / demarkierung from-> to position (mode is back and forth switched (toggle)).
(Switch to several movies at the same time to delete/move/game state, or in which order to play marked).
-OK: play from current cursor position / play all selected films in selected order from (playlist)).
-PLAY: (old remote control [Shift]-[Green] = play) "play all" (also on the [MENU] button to reach.)
Plays all files starting at cursor position of the series to from, and begins again from scratch at the end.
The cursor is on a directory, its contents including all subdirectories is played sequentially, and starts again from scratch at the end.
-Long PLAY: (old remote control [Shift]-[Green] long = long play) "play all shuffle" (also on the [MENU] button to reach.)
Takes place all files starting at cursor position with random play, and begins again from scratch at the end. (Up to repeat each file will play only once.)
The cursor is on a directory, its contents including all sub-directories with random play will play, and begins again from the end from the front.
-Red: current cursor position / delete delete all selected files
(deletes directly when in the "Fate of the files in the Recycle Bin (days)" is set to 0)
Stop the recording if the recording is still active. (If retry timers, then TV long used to get into the E2 TimerListe.)
-Green: Toggle between sorting by alphabet / date
-Yellow: move current cursor position (LocationBox opens for destination entry)
(Is something marked can be moved without LocationBox when the cursor is set to the destination directory.)
-YELLOW long: copy current cursor position (LocationBox opens for destination entry)
(Is something marked can be copied also without LocationBox when the cursor is set to the destination directory.)
-Blue: go to "home Movie" or "last film" play off (can be set in the setup which function)
-Key "0": go to "home Movie". (e.g. practical if key [blue] on "last film" is configured.)
-Blue long: E2 bookmark call with the ability to set new or delete.
-HELP: Collection of the keys
-Key "4": AV switch-> switching between pillarbox, panscan, and "just scale".
-Key "7": Direct call to CoolTVGuide (where CoolTVGuide is installed.)
-"8" Key: Direct call to cool single Guide (unless CoolTVGuide is installed.)
-Key "9": Direct call to cool easy guide (unless CoolTVGuide is installed.)

While playing a recording:
-RADIO: ext. Plugin menu (as with E2 blue button or if BluePanel exists in long blue.)
-Steering cross up/down: calling from EMC
-INFO: EPG show description of the recording.
-TEXT: Teletext of reception point to the device.
-Green: panscan, and "just scale" switch between pillarbox.

While playing a DVD:
-MENU: DVD menu
-CHANNEL: next/previous chapter
-Long CHANNEL: next/previous track
-BOUQUET: skip to the next chapter
-Long BOUQUET: skip to the next track.
-AUDIO: audio track menu
-Long AUDIO: Audio DVD menu
-RADIO: switch audio track
-Long RADIO: DVD-Audio menu
-TEXT: Subtitle a / switch.
-TEXT: Subtitle a / switch
-VIDEO (PVR): next perspective

• Currently available languages are: English, German, Dutch, Polish, Slovak, and Italian (thanks to Bschaar, ni_hao, jkkk, Spaeleus, and kosmacz for the translation).

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DM800se Vu+Duo ET-9000 Vu+Ultimo

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #2 littlesat

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 09:14

Most functionality of this plugin is already standard in our images...

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Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #3 Rob van der Does

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 12:23

Most functionality of this plugin is already standard in our images...

But it would be good to see if there's any interesting functionality that is not (yet?) implemented in PLi.

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #4 Alias1

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 13:52

Most functionality of this plugin is already standard in our images...

Eh man dont shoot the messenger.
You want in on the feed its up to you I just found it thats all :)

DM800se Vu+Duo ET-9000 Vu+Ultimo

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #5 littlesat

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 13:59

Are you sure it is compatible... if so I can put it back... the last time I removed it because of green screens.

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Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #6 Happysat

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 14:17

I did upgrade EMC 2.0.2 sucsesfull to the 3.0.0, runs fine without any problems, nice addon :)

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Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #7 kira

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 10:06

I have a few questions:
- Should I install both GStreamer & DVD player plugins before EMC 3? Where can I find them and what versions should I use?
- By default I see /hdd/movie/ folder. How I can switch to external drive or USB stick? Can I change the default directory from /hdd/movie/ to any other permanently?
- Can integrated Pli plugin Media Scanner be configured to launch EMC to play the media?

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #8 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 10:44

First question would be: what do you think EMC adds to PLi's mediaplayer?

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #9 kira

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 13:46

Hm, I assume it's an alternative to Pli's Mediaplayer, hopefully better alternative, that can play everything including pictures, VIDEO_TS folders, mps3 folders from one singe GUI, has more convinient control and less bugs than the default media player :)

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #10 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 13:57

Hm, I assume it's an alternative to Pli's Mediaplayer, hopefully better alternative, that can play everything including pictures, VIDEO_TS folders, mps3 folders from one singe GUI, has more convinient control and less bugs than the default media player :)

LOL, PLi's mediaplayer does exactly that. And very good as well!
I think the misunderstanding is, that PLi's mediaplayer is NOT the one under Menu --> Mediaplayer (that indeed is buggy), but under PVR (or list or however it's called on your R/C). That opens the list of recordings, from where you can indeed play (and even preview) all kinds of files just by selecting and pushing "OK".
The only thing still lacking there is the support of playlists.

Long story short: everything EMC offers is already in PLi, which is very good indeed :)

The only question that remains is "why is the MediaPlayer still in the image by default", thus misleading many users?

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #11 MiLo

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:01

The only question that remains is "why is the MediaPlayer still in the image by default", thus misleading many users?

Good question. Maybe I should remove the "dvd player" and "mediaplayer" entries from the main menu, and move them to the applications list where they belong.
Real musicians never die - they just decompose

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #12 littlesat

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:04

Milo, I do agree ;)

And the DVD player selection you do not need. You can just play DVDs from the standaard movieplayer (there were you see the recordings) in PLi.... no need to start DVD player plugin itself...

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #13 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:25

Good question. Maybe I should remove the "dvd player" and "mediaplayer" entries from the main menu, and move them to the applications list where they belong.

That indeed would be a better place.
I use the plugin MenuSort for hiding the DvD-player entry completely; why should I want to see that?
And why not leave the mediaplayer out? no use is it? And if somebody really wants it (for playlist support), he could get it from the feeds.

But tbh: why not add playlist support to the PLi-MediaPlayer? Then the old fashioned, buggy MediaPlayer won't be needed at all.
Or is it not possible to implement that functionality?

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #14 littlesat

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:34

A directory itself is already a playlist.... you can order it by name/date and also revert and also randomize it...

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #15 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:38

A directory itself is already a playlist.... you can order it by name/date and also revert and also randomize it...

Nope, that's not a playlist: that's a list to choose from.
I mean a playlist for MP3's: atm they can only be played one at a time; playlist support would change that. That indeed would be a great improvement.

Edited by SatKiekerd, 11 January 2012 - 14:38.

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #16 littlesat

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 14:48

When I make a playlist of 100 songs... Via a remote I'm very busy.... So I make just a directory on the box with an PC and drop the mp3s that I want to play in that folder and then play them ;)... What you infact want is e.g. that we make a mp3-play forder and have an option in the UI to put e.g. softlinks of mp3s and other mediafiles in that folder... And then you can play them??? Just like the trashcan, but then a different playlist directory... and then not move but place softlinks...

Edited by littlesat, 11 January 2012 - 14:50.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #17 Raitsa

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 15:30

Good question. Maybe I should remove the "dvd player" and "mediaplayer" entries from the main menu, and move them to the applications list where they belong.

Yes please and better yet, make them not to show up anywhere as default (but could be turned on to show if user so wishes).
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Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #18 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 17:47

When I make a playlist of 100 songs... Via a remote I'm very busy.... So I make just a directory on the box with an PC and drop the mp3s that I want to play in that folder and then play them ;)... What you infact want is e.g. that we make a mp3-play forder and have an option in the UI to put e.g. softlinks of mp3s and other mediafiles in that folder... And then you can play them??? Just like the trashcan, but then a different playlist directory... and then not move but place softlinks...

Hmm, sounds like a very complicated way to make a playlist. But maybe that's what is usually done behind the screens?
Anyway: as long as there's a easy-to-use GUI for making (several) playlists and playing them everybody will be happy.
And again: that's in fact the only thing that's missing in the PLi-MediaPlayer.

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #19 blzr

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 21:10

well, I think the way how it's made in OpenPLi player pretty easy /?/
you just have to create folder, put mp3s into it and voila', you have playlist ready, then create the next folder etc... - simply each folder with mp3s is your playlist...
and if you'd like you can create such 'playlist' with a remote too
([create folder] and [move] selected mp3s into it)
True sarcasm doesn't need green font...

Re: Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.3.0.0 by Coolman, Betonme & Swiss-MAD #20 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 21:54

well, I think the way how it's made in OpenPLi player pretty easy /?/
you just have to create folder, put mp3s into it and voila', you have playlist ready, then create the next folder etc... - simply each folder with mp3s is your playlist...
and if you'd like you can create such 'playlist' with a remote too
([create folder] and [move] selected mp3s into it)

Sorry, but that is creating folders and has nothing to do with creating a playlist.
And the main problem is still there: only one MP3 will be played.

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