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/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml + DTT Italian freq.

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#1 ambrosa

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 13:47

I've added in main /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml the ITalian freq. list for DVB-T

Can I suggest to include the new file in main distribution ?

It works fine with many USB DVB-T

Attached here

Attached Files

STB: Clarke Tech ET9100
Mass storage: internal SATA-II HDD 1TB WD10EACS GreenPower 5400rpm
Mass storage: external USB pen drive 2GB
Firmware: OpenPLi kernel 3.x.x
Tuner A: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner B: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner C: AverMedia A867 (DVB-T HD) (AF9035 + MXL5007T)
TV: plasma PANASONIC GT30 fullHD
Audio: PCM through HDMI (no Dolby decoder)

Re: /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml + DTT Italian freq. #2 Gennar1

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 12:18

Thank you for the effort, but I think there is no need for a dedicated list of channels in Italy. The standard "Europe DVB-T" table is valid for Italy too.

Moreover, there are several errors in your file, and probably it is working only because many USB DTT drivers use only frequency/bandwidth in their set_frontend functions, and all other parameters are ignored.

For example, for all UHF channels you put:
which means 64QAM modulation. But in my area for example there is a DVB-H frequency which is using QAM16 and a DVB-T channel which is using QPSK (Rete Capri, CH 57).

Another example is:
which means a guard interval equal to 1/32. While some regional channel is still using this configuration, most national channels (as well as big regional networks) are now using SFN networks (at least in the switch-off areas) so they adopt much higher guard intervals such as 1/4.

In the end, I think there is no need to specify advanced modulation parameters, since most drivers are simply ignoring them and those parameters can depend on the regional area and can change from time to time. So again the best solution is the one provided in the current "terrestrial.xml" file.

Edited by Gennar1, 21 November 2011 - 12:19.

Re: /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml + DTT Italian freq. #3 ambrosa

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 18:59

As usual you have right

But in my location (Milan, Italy) with my setup (CT9100 and Avermedia A835) using OpenPli "Europe DVB-T" I tune 283 channels.
With Italy freqs as I suggested before, I tune 323 channels : 40 more

In next days I will do more deep test to discover which channels are missing with OpenPli DVB-T Europe setup and WHY they are missing...... ;)

Edited by ambrosa, 21 November 2011 - 18:59.

STB: Clarke Tech ET9100
Mass storage: internal SATA-II HDD 1TB WD10EACS GreenPower 5400rpm
Mass storage: external USB pen drive 2GB
Firmware: OpenPLi kernel 3.x.x
Tuner A: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner B: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner C: AverMedia A867 (DVB-T HD) (AF9035 + MXL5007T)
TV: plasma PANASONIC GT30 fullHD
Audio: PCM through HDMI (no Dolby decoder)

Re: /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml + DTT Italian freq. #4 Gennar1

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 00:02

That's weird, you should be able to get exactly the same channels with both configurations.
Probably there is some bug in the search algorithm for the A835 (maybe some incorrect timing?).
There must be some good reason if the patch to enable A835 support is not officially included in the kernel...

Re: /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml + DTT Italian freq. #5 Dimitrij

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 09:35

With the level of SNR(Avermedia A835) is no solution there?

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