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Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

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#1 nobody9

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 21:37


attached a script and a Patch to compile enigma2 Openpli on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit.

To compile:

Extrackt the enigma2-i386.tar.bz2
cd enigma2-i386

You will found enigma2 under $HOME/enigma2 their you can start enigma2 with bin/enigma2.
The configs are stored under $HOME/enigma2/etc/enigma2.

I have mapped some Buttons to Keyboard;

RED - F1


So you can Test Plugins or Skins without a STB.



Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #2 buyukbang

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 22:11

Worked on my Ubuntu 11.10 without any problem (any missing packages/errors) . Thank you for sharing this with us !!!

I have too questions:
1- Keyboard keys are too fast on enigma2, usually cauese double clicks. Do you have a solution for this ?
2- Space button for menu is not working ??
3- Is it possible to use this with a dvbs2 card on our PC ?


It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #3 nobody9

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 15:15

Hi buyukbang,

I have too questions:
1- Keyboard keys are too fast on enigma2, usually cauese double clicks. Do you have a solution for this ?
2- Space button for menu is not working ??
3- Is it possible to use this with a dvbs2 card on our PC ?

1) and 2) i will install next weekend a Ubuntu 11.10 to Test, on Ubuntu 10.4 i have no problems with it.
3) I only have a Virtualmachine without dvbs card.



Edited by nobody9, 27 November 2011 - 15:16.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #4 ambrosa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 22:47

Dear nobody9,

I appreciate very much your effort.
Some weeks ago I asked to Pli team why they didn't release an E2 "PC version". Very useful for debugging.

You have answered to my question :D

Thanks again and I suggest you two improvements:

1) can run on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit machine ? If not I need to install in a VirtualBox machine. No problem about this anyway. Now 64bit are more common than 32bit.

2) I suggest you to open a GitHub repository and push your code into it using git. I've started to use GIT since 1 month ago and I'm an enthusiastic user (newbie level ahaha)
B rowsing the code other people can give you their suggestion and improvement.

I test it soon: It will be very useful for me to debug DVB-T USB stick driver code...

Good work.

Edited by ambrosa, 27 November 2011 - 22:48.

STB: Clarke Tech ET9100
Mass storage: internal SATA-II HDD 1TB WD10EACS GreenPower 5400rpm
Mass storage: external USB pen drive 2GB
Firmware: OpenPLi kernel 3.x.x
Tuner A: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner B: AVL2108 (DVB-S2) HotBird 13E
Tuner C: AverMedia A867 (DVB-T HD) (AF9035 + MXL5007T)
TV: plasma PANASONIC GT30 fullHD
Audio: PCM through HDMI (no Dolby decoder)

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #5 buyukbang

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 11:55


I just noticed that space button (for menu) works, but it's super fast responder as other buttons, so always double clicks. But I managed to see menu after long trials :) BTW, just for your information, I'm on using Ubuntu 11.10 x32 VMware image on on Windows 7 X64.


GIT is a wonderful idea. I think this should be a new brach in PLİ git. And may be you know, there are some ENIGMA2PC gits working with nvidia Video cards:


They used Xine to be able to buffer grahics. Some of my friends are using Cougar Enigma2PC as daily basis like STB. But I strongly prefer a PLi branch. I know at this moment this is just a debugger, do not support DVB cards, but may be some skilled PLi programmers can support this branch ?

It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #6 buyukbang

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 14:23

Here is my new findings: When sending a keystoke to terminal window, enigma2 applies one keystore:
action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
loading mainmenu XML...
TimerEdit TimerEditList
PluginBrowser PluginBrowser

When sending a keystoke to enigma2 window, enigma2 applies two keystrokes:
SDL Key Down: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0
action -> MenuActions menu
SDL Key Up: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0

It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #7 nobody9

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 07:53

attached a picture with a service-Scan on enigma2-i386. The fist thing is done the tuner are identified and tuning and scanning works.
the next thing is to get Video-Picture.


Attached Files

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #8 nobody9

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 08:17

When sending a keystoke to enigma2 window, enigma2 applies two keystrokes:
SDL Key Down: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0
action -> MenuActions menu
SDL Key Up: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0

the fist is key push the second is key release.


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #9 buyukbang

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 16:14

Hmm, so i think there should be another issue with the program window. Anyway this is really minor thing that we can solve in the future since I can use shell window to send keystrokes correctly.

When sending a keystoke to enigma2 window, enigma2 applies two keystrokes:
SDL Key Down: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0
action -> MenuActions menu
SDL Key Up: key=32
km=0 enabled=1 locked=0

the fist is key push the second is key release.


This is really good news !!! I think all/most cards supported by ubuntu will work. Are you using internal or usb card ?

AFAIK the real tricky part is Video Picture. Kanber Kav (a enigma2pc enthusiastic) told me that he previously had managed to modify engima2 to work on PC by using SDL (default one in enigma2 ?? ) to get picture, but he said picture was so laggy the he had given up. Now Cougar used Xine to solve this problem. It is a opensource git and patches can be modified to work in your PLi PC image. But disadvantage of this method is the requirement for a nvidia card.

Again, I think a git on PLi servers could help this project to generate a better solution than cougar's one. I know PLi has very skilled developers that could help on this. But first we must attract their attention :)

attached a picture with a service-Scan on enigma2-i386. The fist thing is done the tuner are identified and tuning and scanning works.
the next thing is to get Video-Picture.


Edited by buyukbang, 30 November 2011 - 16:19.

It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #10 nobody9

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 17:03

This is really good news !!! I think all/most cards supported by ubuntu will work. Are you using internal or usb card ?

AFAIK the real tricky part is Video Picture. Kanber Kav (a enigma2pc enthusiastic) told me that he previously had managed to modify engima2 to work on PC by using SDL (default one in enigma2 ?? ) to get picture, but he said picture was so laggy the he had given up. Now Cougar used Xine to solve this problem. It is a opensource git and patches can be modified to work in your PLi PC image. But disadvantage of this method is the requirement for a nvidia card.

Again, I think a git on PLi servers could help this project to generate a better solution than cougar's one. I know PLi has very skilled developers that could help on this. But first we must attract their attention Posted Image

add the moment i use vtuner to share my DVB-S2 tuner from the stb to my LinuxVM.

I had a short look today to the vdr-softdevice Plugin, it is for Budged DVB-Cards without Hardware-Decoder. I think we need somthing near it for Enigma2.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #11 buyukbang

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 21:48

VTuner ? Nice idea ! I didn't thought that. So i can ude this method, too.

BTW, I just contacted with Kanber again, he said that he also have tried vdr-softdevice Plugin with no success. I don't know, may be you can achieve that, or may be another stronger technology like opengl would be more time effective?

This is really good news !!! I think all/most cards supported by ubuntu will work. Are you using internal or usb card ?

AFAIK the real tricky part is Video Picture. Kanber Kav (a enigma2pc enthusiastic) told me that he previously had managed to modify engima2 to work on PC by using SDL (default one in enigma2 ?? ) to get picture, but he said picture was so laggy the he had given up. Now Cougar used Xine to solve this problem. It is a opensource git and patches can be modified to work in your PLi PC image. But disadvantage of this method is the requirement for a nvidia card.

Again, I think a git on PLi servers could help this project to generate a better solution than cougar's one. I know PLi has very skilled developers that could help on this. But first we must attract their attention Posted Image

add the moment i use vtuner to share my DVB-S2 tuner from the stb to my LinuxVM.

I had a short look today to the vdr-softdevice Plugin, it is for Budged DVB-Cards without Hardware-Decoder. I think we need somthing near it for Enigma2.

Edited by buyukbang, 30 November 2011 - 21:49.

It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #12 nobody9

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 01:12

VTuner ? Nice idea ! I didn't thought that. So i can ude this method, too.


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #13 nobody9

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 14:38


short Information recording works. I will post at the weekend a new patch.


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #14 buyukbang

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 15:45

So that's another great news ! Really appriciate your progress on this in short time !

I wish moderators could make this thread sticky. I think this is really a great sharing for PLi community..


short Information recording works. I will post at the weekend a new patch.


It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #15 buyukbang

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 16:00


I'm a PLi image fan and also a plugin developer. Currently I'm working on a new e2 Panel with "exclusive" features. One of them is copying EPG from a channel to another one on memory without XML files or any internet connection to rytec like servers. I'll release my panel in a month and share it with the PLi community.

But the problem was testing it for me. Since I've only one STB and I'm not the only one using it. Please note that my test require an active tuner since I'm dealing with EPG data. I think this thread will help me and I'll able to test it by using this PLi PC image.

It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #16 nobody9

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 16:40

So that's another great news ! Really appriciate your progress on this in short time !

attached the new script to build enigma2 tested with the todays openpli.


- you must start enigma in the bin directory ./enigma2 or bin/enigma2.sh
- put in a dummy proc directory. You found their the file nim_sockets (proc/base/nim_sockets. enigma2 uses it to find the frontends.
- add Powerbutton to F10
- fixed the repeted keystroke (SDL fix)
- recording works when the device /dev/dvb/adapterX/dvr0 exist.
- F1 for start recordings
- added satellites.xml,terrestrial.xml
- added timezone.xml ti set the corect timezone


Edited by nobody9, 1 December 2011 - 16:42.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #17 nobody9

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 16:52

BTW, I just contacted with Kanber again, he said that he also have tried vdr-softdevice Plugin with no success. I don't know, may be you can achieve that, or may be another stronger technology like opengl would be more time effective?

I found today the SDL_ffmpeg lib. I think that can be an possibility to get the Video working.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #18 nobody9

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 17:41

So that's another great news ! Really appriciate your progress on this in short time !

attached the new script to build enigma2 tested with the todays openpli.


- you must start enigma in the bin directory ./enigma2 or bin/enigma2.sh
- put in a dummy proc directory. You found their the file nim_sockets (proc/base/nim_sockets. enigma2 uses it to find the frontends.
- add Powerbutton to F10
- fixed the repeted keystroke (SDL fix)
- recording works when the device /dev/dvb/adapterX/dvr0 exist.
- F1 for start recordings
- added satellites.xml,terrestrial.xml
- added timezone.xml ti set the corect timezone


some fixes in the keymap after the change in the SDLLib some keys don´t work.
Expand and copy the file to share/enigma2. Also added INFO-Button to F5 and EPG-Button to F6.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #19 buyukbang

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Posted 1 December 2011 - 20:03

I installed the new version on my ubuntu 11.10 without any problem. All seem fine. I just cannot confirm repeted keystroke fix. It's still the same for me. I'll try to understand and install VTuner this week on my ubuntu and VU+, then try recording.

Thanks again...

So that's another great news ! Really appriciate your progress on this in short time !

attached the new script to build enigma2 tested with the todays openpli.


- you must start enigma in the bin directory ./enigma2 or bin/enigma2.sh
- put in a dummy proc directory. You found their the file nim_sockets (proc/base/nim_sockets. enigma2 uses it to find the frontends.
- add Powerbutton to F10
- fixed the repeted keystroke (SDL fix)
- recording works when the device /dev/dvb/adapterX/dvr0 exist.
- F1 for start recordings
- added satellites.xml,terrestrial.xml
- added timezone.xml ti set the corect timezone


It all started with a BigBang...


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #20 nobody9

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Posted 2 December 2011 - 04:31

attached the new script to build enigma2 tested with the todays openpli.


- you must start enigma in the bin directory ./enigma2 or bin/enigma2.sh
- put in a dummy proc directory. You found their the file nim_sockets (proc/base/nim_sockets. enigma2 uses it to find the frontends.
- add Powerbutton to F10
- fixed the repeted keystroke (SDL fix)
- recording works when the device /dev/dvb/adapterX/dvr0 exist.
- F1 for start recordings
- added satellites.xml,terrestrial.xml
- added timezone.xml ti set the corect timezone


- split shell scripts

build_libs.sh - creates the required libs to compile and run Enigma2

build_enigma2.sh - patch and build enigma2

update_enigma2.sh - update and build enigma2

- fix some keys in keymap.xml
- fix skin select

Edited by nobody9, 2 December 2011 - 04:32.

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