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Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

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Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #641 betacentauri

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 11:09

for your info i'm using this project on ubuntu 11.10 x64 ;)

Hi Persian Prince,

nice to hear that you're using openpliPC. Do you develop your plugin on openpliPC?

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #642 Raider05

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:51

Hi Betacentauri,

To watch movies (video), work at least in the Pli-HD skins, must be from the master branch of the Enigma that put out a new branch openpli_merge overwrite files
or to /usr/local/e2/lib/enigma2/python/

Screen/Dish.py ,

And for me did make this changes, switch audio track litle fast
*** lib/dvb/decoder.cpp 2012-03-25 12:44:53.000000000 +0500
--- lib/dvb/decoder.cpp.orig 2012-03-25 12:43:25.000000000 +0500
*** 236,242 ****
   xineLib->setAudioType(pid, xine_type);
! // xineLib->playVideo();
   /*eDebugNoNewLine("AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(%d) - ", bypass);
   if (::ioctl(m_fd, AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE, bypass) < 0)
--- 236,242 ----
   xineLib->setAudioType(pid, xine_type);
!  xineLib->playVideo();
   /*eDebugNoNewLine("AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(%d) - ", bypass);
   if (::ioctl(m_fd, AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE, bypass) < 0)
*** lib/gdi/xineLib.cpp 2012-03-25 12:53:04.000000000 +0500
--- lib/gdi/xineLib.cpp.orig 2012-03-25 12:45:22.000000000 +0500
*** 16,22 ****
   stream = NULL;
   end_of_stream = false;
   videoPlayed = false;
-  filmPlayed = false;
   printf("XINE-LIB version: %s\n", xine_get_version_string() );
--- 16,21 ----
*** 125,133 ****
  void cXineLib::playVideo(void) {
!		 if (filmPlayed == true) {
!   xine_stop(stream);
!		 }
   end_of_stream = false;
   videoPlayed = false;
--- 124,130 ----
  void cXineLib::playVideo(void) {
!  xine_stop(stream);
   end_of_stream = false;
   videoPlayed = false;
*** 138,144 ****
  // setStreamType(1);
  // setStreamType(0);
- if (filmPlayed = true) {
  xine_pids_data_t data;
  xine_event_t event;
    event.type = XINE_EVENT_PIDS_CHANGE;
--- 135,140 ----
*** 150,157 ****
    printf ("input_dvb: sending event\n");
    xine_event_send (stream, &event);
-   }
--- 146,151 ----
*** 168,177 ****
  void cXineLib::stopVideo(void) {
! // xine_close (stream);
   end_of_stream = false;
   videoPlayed = false;
-  filmPlayed = false;
  void cXineLib::setStreamType(int video) {
--- 162,170 ----
  void cXineLib::stopVideo(void) {
!  xine_close (stream);
   end_of_stream = false;
   videoPlayed = false;
  void cXineLib::setStreamType(int video) {
*** 210,216 ****
    eWarning("xine_play failed!");
    return ;
- filmPlayed = true;
  videoPlayed = true;
--- 203,208 ----
*** 283,292 ****
  void cXineLib::setAudioType(int pid, int type) {
   audioData.pid = pid;
   audioData.streamtype = type;
-		 if (videoPlayed) {
-   playVideo();
-  }
  void cXineLib::setPrebuffer(int prebuffer) {
--- 275,280 ----
*** lib/gdi/xineLib.h 2012-03-25 12:45:44.000000000 +0500
--- lib/gdi/xineLib.h.orig 2012-03-25 12:45:27.000000000 +0500
*** 22,28 ****
		  xine_streamtype_data_t  videoData, audioData;
!  bool				    videoPlayed, filmPlayed;
   int					 osdWidth, osdHeight;
   int					 windowWidth, windowHeight;
--- 22,28 ----
		  xine_streamtype_data_t  videoData, audioData;
!  bool				    videoPlayed;
   int					 osdWidth, osdHeight;
   int					 windowWidth, windowHeight;

Regards Raider05

E2PC, Ubuntu 12.04 x86, DVB-S2 card Omicom SkyStar 4, Nvidia card 9500GT 512Mb DDR2 driver 195.36.24, Satellites 9.0E, 36.0E

Git enigma2pc

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #643 betacentauri

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 19:25

Hi Betacentauri,

To watch movies (video), work at least in the Pli-HD skins, must be from the master branch of the Enigma that put out a new branch openpli_merge overwrite files
or to /usr/local/e2/lib/enigma2/python/

Screen/Dish.py ,

Hi Raider05,

have you tested with my latest patch? With it I get no green screen while watching movies (mkv). Do you get a green screen or does E2 freeze?
In case of green screen please post log.

And for me did make this changes, switch audio track litle fast

*** lib/dvb/decoder.cpp 2012-03-25 12:44:53.000000000 +0500
--- lib/dvb/decoder.cpp.orig 2012-03-25 12:43:25.000000000 +0500
*** 236,242 ****

Thanks for the code!! I have tried almost the same (comment out playVideo in audio part). But for me it didn't work properly.
I hope you have solved the problem. I'll check it tomorrow.

Best regards,
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #644 Raider05

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 08:12

Hi, Betacentauri

Thanks you for patch. For me am now Fullscreen_Mode at the launch Enigma2 fine works :)

have you tested with my latest patch? With it I get no green screen while watching movies (mkv). Do you get a green screen or does E2 freeze?

Yes, i am testing your last changes. Now can watch movies (mkv, avi) and have't green screen :), thanks. I will continue to test.

I have tried almost the same (comment out playVideo in audio part)

Switch audio track at the view Live TV is same works and faster (2-3 sec) than before. You do not work ?

E2PC, Ubuntu 12.04 x86, DVB-S2 card Omicom SkyStar 4, Nvidia card 9500GT 512Mb DDR2 driver 195.36.24, Satellites 9.0E, 36.0E

Git enigma2pc

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #645 betacentauri

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 18:51

I have tried almost the same (comment out playVideo in audio part)

Switch audio track at the view Live TV is same works and faster (2-3 sec) than before. You do not work ?

I had no time to test your code. And when I have time (e.g. now) my STB is in use (I use vtuner). I'll change the source code now and will test it tomorrow.

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #646 Raider05

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 18:02

Hi, Betacentauri.

I can switch audio tracks at the view in movies (mkv, avi) when use these changes.
*** lib/gdi/xineLib.h 2012-03-27 20:51:17.000000000 +0500
--- lib/gdi/xineLib.h.patch 2012-03-27 20:50:32.000000000 +0500
*** 70,75 ****
--- 70,78 ----
   int VideoGeriT(pts_t Sar);
	  void SeekTo(long long value);
+  int getNumberOfTracksAudio();
+  void selectAudioStream(int value);
+  int getCurrentTrackAudio();
   Signal1<void, struct iTSMPEGDecoder::videoEvent> m_event;
*** lib/gdi/xineLib.cpp 2012-03-27 20:51:26.000000000 +0500
--- lib/gdi/xineLib.cpp.patch 2012-03-27 20:53:17.000000000 +0500
*** 289,294 ****
--- 289,318 ----
+ int cXineLib::getNumberOfTracksAudio() {
+		 int ret = xine_get_stream_info(this->stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_MAX_AUDIO_CHANNEL);
+		 return ret;
+ }
+ void cXineLib::selectAudioStream(int value) {
+		 xine_set_param(this->stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, value);
+ }
+ int cXineLib::getCurrentTrackAudio() {
+		 if (getNumberOfTracksAudio()) {
+				 int ret=xine_get_param(this->stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL);
+				 return ret;
+		 }
+		 return 0;
+ }
  void cXineLib::setPrebuffer(int prebuffer) {
   xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_METRONOM_PREBUFFER, prebuffer);
*** lib/service/servicemp3.cpp 2012-03-27 20:44:08.000000000 +0500
--- lib/service/servicemp3.cpp.patch 2012-03-27 20:49:04.000000000 +0500
*** 744,755 ****
  int eServiceMP3::getNumberOfTracks()
!  return 0;
  int eServiceMP3::getCurrentTrack()
!   return 0;
  RESULT eServiceMP3::selectTrack(unsigned int i)
--- 744,766 ----
  int eServiceMP3::getNumberOfTracks()
!  cXineLib *xineLib = cXineLib::getInstance();
!  int ret=xineLib->getNumberOfTracksAudio();
! //	    printf("Number of tracks - %d\n", ret);
!		 if (ret) {
!				 return ret;
!		 }
!		 return 0;
  int eServiceMP3::getCurrentTrack()
!  cXineLib *xineLib = cXineLib::getInstance();
!  int ret = xineLib->getCurrentTrackAudio();
! //	    printf("Current  track audio - %d\n", ret);
!		 return ret;
! //  return 0;
  RESULT eServiceMP3::selectTrack(unsigned int i)
*** 763,769 ****
   int ret = selectAudioStream(i);
   if (!ret) {
    /* flush */
!   seekTo(ppos);
   return ret;
--- 774,780 ----
   int ret = selectAudioStream(i);
   if (!ret) {
    /* flush */
! //  seekTo(ppos);
   return ret;
*** 771,777 ****
  int eServiceMP3::selectAudioStream(int i)
!   return 0;
  int eServiceMP3::getCurrentChannel()
--- 782,792 ----
  int eServiceMP3::selectAudioStream(int i)
!   cXineLib *xineLib = cXineLib::getInstance();
!   xineLib->selectAudioStream(i);
! //  return 0;
!	 return i;
  int eServiceMP3::getCurrentChannel()

and probably still need to add in function
void cXineLib::FilmVideo(char *mrl)
in file lib/gdi/xineLib.cpp
xine_set_param(this->stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, -1);
videoPlayed = true;

I hope that as you will be able to help :)

Regards, Raider05.

E2PC, Ubuntu 12.04 x86, DVB-S2 card Omicom SkyStar 4, Nvidia card 9500GT 512Mb DDR2 driver 195.36.24, Satellites 9.0E, 36.0E

Git enigma2pc

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #647 betacentauri

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 18:52

Hi Raider05,

thanks very much!

With the other source code changing audio channels work and watching recordings is much more stable. But not 100% stable. And I also recognized once a very long switching time. There must be another bug.

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #648 betacentauri

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 19:30

Hi all,

I have published a new patch for openpli_merge branch. Watching live tv and recordings is much more stable.
Switching live channels is sometimes very slow (especially when watching HD channels).

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #649 betacentauri

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 20:00

I can switch audio tracks at the view in movies (mkv, avi) when use these changes.

Hi Raider05,

I have applied your changes to git (openpli_merge branch).
It works without problems. Thanks very much!

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #650 Pr2

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 13:46


Here is the final version of create_nim_sockets utility.

By default it will scan from adapter0 to adapter3 and for each from frontend0 to frontend3.
You can change this behavior from command line option -a and -f.
It will also create the file nim_sockets in the current folder, you can also change this with the -o option.

sudo ./create_nim_sockets -o /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets

Will create the nim_sockets file at the right place (if you keep the default OpenpliPC destination path). People that uses a script to launch OpenpliPC can simply add this line in the script to have a dynamically created nim_sockets file.

./create_nim_sockets -h

Info: create_nim_sockets 1.0 started

Command line options:
     -a number of adapter	 : provide a numerical value default:4
     -f number of frontend    : provide a numerical default:4
     -o /path/filename	    : path and filename default:./nim_sockets
    -h					   : this help
     -d					   : enable debug

Option -d will simply be more verbose and can be usefull for troubleshooting.


Can you please include this file in the OpenpliPC tree, source file is attached in the .tgz



Attached Files

NO SUPPORT by PM, it is a forum make your question public so everybody can benefit from the question/answer.
If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #651 MrCoolSpan

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 17:41


Here is the final version of create_nim_sockets utility.

By default it will scan from adapter0 to adapter3 and for each from frontend0 to frontend3.
You can change this behavior from command line option -a and -f.
It will also create the file nim_sockets in the current folder, you can also change this with the -o option.

sudo ./create_nim_sockets -o /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets

Will create the nim_sockets file at the right place (if you keep the default OpenpliPC destination path). People that uses a script to launch OpenpliPC can simply add this line in the script to have a dynamically created nim_sockets file.

./create_nim_sockets -h
Info: create_nim_sockets 1.0 started
Command line options:
	 -a number of adapter	 : provide a numerical value default:4
	 -f number of frontend	: provide a numerical default:4
	 -o /path/filename		: path and filename default:./nim_sockets
	-h					   : this help
	 -d					   : enable debug

Option -d will simply be more verbose and can be usefull for troubleshooting.


Can you please include this file in the OpenpliPC tree, source file is attached in the .tgz



I see what you trying to do, but it still not working as it shut do
etc i have a hauppauge hvr 4000 card whit dvb-s2 and dvb-t
when i run you script it create a nim_sockets whit only

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0

when the correct one shut be

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 0
Has_Outputs: no
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 1
Has_Outputs: no
Dm 800 hd (no clone;) and openpli ) dm 7000 openpli, db7020 openpli, Ubuntu 12.04 x64 openpli,Wave torodial T90 dish, diseqc 10/1... 5W, 1W, 05E, 7E, 13E, 16E, 19,2E, 21E, 28E

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #652 kerven

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 18:57

thank pr2

auto nim sockets work well for me..

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S
Name: vTuner proxyFE DVB-S
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: Siano Mobile Digital MDTV Receiver
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0
for twintuner like hvr400 , it"s more complicated to do....


Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #653 bluzee

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:18

Hi all. Very cool project you guys have going on here.

Having a lot of success with this so far, however a very curious issue with the included xine-lib though. It compiles OK, but about half the h.264 channels I try to play give a green screen of death then you'll see the video start to play in the bottom of the screen with no audio then a few seconds later enigma will shutdown. mpeg2 channels seem OK so far. Nvidia vdpau works fine with my video card. CPU usage is almost zero on the h.264 channels that play OK.

I switched from the master branch to the old_xine_lib branch and I get the same results. I did make sure to clear all the xine libs out of /usr in between changes. I have some xine lib e2pc deb files that I found posted for the cougar-enigma project and if I install those everything seems to play OK using vdpau at least. Switching from vdpau it crashes. Only major problem I found with those libs is I can't change audio tracks which is necessary on some channels.

Any thoughts? Something goofy with my compiler? Wrong Nvidia driver version? It's a Ubuntu 11.04 system but nvidia has been upgraded from ppa. I have a log file made during a crash. I'll see if I can attach that. This is with the master branch.

Attached File  log.txt   14.96KB   2 downloads

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #654 Pr2

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:48

I see what you trying to do, but it still not working as it shut do
etc i have a hauppauge hvr 4000 card whit dvb-s2 and dvb-t
when i run you script it create a nim_sockets whit only

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0

when the correct one shut be

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 0
Has_Outputs: no
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 1
Has_Outputs: no

Please provide me the output of:
./create_nim_sockets -d

And please also show me the result of

ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter0/
ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter1/

Please also check on your system the access right on the above files?

And can you please try to run it as sudo:

sudo ./create_nim_sockets -d

If the program cannot acces the "files" then it cannot retrieve the DVB tuner informations.

The program is looking at adapter from 0 to 3 and for each of them for frontend from 0 to 3 too (by default) so the program scans your entries but probably cannot open it to read the detail.

About the Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118 this is the information returned by the driver that you have installed on your system, if Hauppage is not using this chipset then you have a conflict between your drivers on your system and some clean-up is needed.


P.S.: I am currentely facing some internet problem at home so I am not sure to be able to answer you this week-end.

Edited by Pr2, 30 March 2012 - 19:49.

NO SUPPORT by PM, it is a forum make your question public so everybody can benefit from the question/answer.
If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #655 MrCoolSpan

  • Member
  • 29 posts


Posted 30 March 2012 - 19:59

I see what you trying to do, but it still not working as it shut do
etc i have a hauppauge hvr 4000 card whit dvb-s2 and dvb-t
when i run you script it create a nim_sockets whit only

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0

when the correct one shut be

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 0
Has_Outputs: no
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR400
Frontend_Device: 1
Has_Outputs: no

Please provide me the output of:
./create_nim_sockets -d

And please also show me the result of

ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter0/
ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter1/

Please also check on your system the access right on the above files?

And can you please try to run it as sudo:

sudo ./create_nim_sockets -d

If the program cannot acces the "files" then it cannot retrieve the DVB tuner informations.

The program is looking at adapter from 0 to 3 and for each of them for frontend from 0 to 3 too (by default) so the program scans your entries but probably cannot open it to read the detail.

About the Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118 this is the information returned by the driver that you have installed on your system, if Hauppage is not using this chipset then you have a conflict between your drivers on your system and some clean-up is needed.


P.S.: I am currentely facing some internet problem at home so I am not sure to be able to answer you this week-end.

sudo ./create_nim_sockets -d

Info: create_nim_sockets 1.0 started
Tuner found: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0: Conexant CX24116/CX24118
// dvb_frontend_info for /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
struct dvb_frontend_info FETYPE = {
  .name		   = "Conexant CX24116/CX24118",
  .type				  = 0,
  .frequency_min		 = 950000,
  .frequency_max		 = 2150000,
  .frequency_stepsize	= 1011,
  .frequency_tolerance   = 5000,
  .symbol_rate_min	   = 1000000,
  .symbol_rate_max	   = 45000000,
  .symbol_rate_tolerance = 0,
  .notifier_delay		= 0,
  .caps				  = 0x500006ff
NIM Socket 0:
	  Type: DVB-S2
	  Name: Conexant CX24116/CX24118
	  Has_Outputs: no
	  Frontend_Device: 0
/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend2 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend3 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend1 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend2 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend3 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend0 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend1 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend2 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend3 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend1 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend2 doesn't exist
/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend3 doesn't exist
Info: File [nim_sockets] created please check it.
Info: create_nim_sockets done

ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter0/
totalt 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root	 200 2012-03-30 20:46 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root	  60 2012-03-30 20:46 ../
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 1 2012-03-30 20:46 demux0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 5 2012-03-30 20:46 demux1
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 2 2012-03-30 20:46 dvr0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 6 2012-03-30 20:46 dvr1
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 0 2012-03-30 20:46 frontend0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 4 2012-03-30 20:46 frontend1
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 3 2012-03-30 20:46 net0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 212, 7 2012-03-30 20:46 net1

ls -Fal /dev/dvb/adapter1/
ls: can not access / dev/dvb/adapter1 /: No such file or directory
martin @ HTPC: ~ / downloads / create_nim_sockets $

Dm 800 hd (no clone;) and openpli ) dm 7000 openpli, db7020 openpli, Ubuntu 12.04 x64 openpli,Wave torodial T90 dish, diseqc 10/1... 5W, 1W, 05E, 7E, 13E, 16E, 19,2E, 21E, 28E

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #656 signal.quest

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:24

Hello. I am completely new to this project. I hope you don't mind me asking a question. Would I be able to utilize a QAM tuner such as an Avermedia A180 with this project? If not natively, could I use it through a VTUNER? Thanks.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #657 Pr2

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 08:29


I will try to add even mode debug to understand why there is no output for /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1


If you mean DVB-T or DVB-C yes it will work with OpenpliPC (either with a physical card in the PC or via vtuner).
Analogic signal is not supported by E2.


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Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #658 signal.quest

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 13:52


If you mean DVB-T or DVB-C yes it will work with OpenpliPC (either with a physical card in the PC or via vtuner).
Analogic signal is not supported by E2.


Thanks for the response I am trying to use DVB-S2 for SAT and a ATSC/Clear QAM digital DVB card for unencrypted cable in US. Should this work? Thanks.

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #659 pieterg

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 14:03

e2 currently has no ATSC support (though probably not too hard to implement this, we need somebody with hardware and an ATSC signal, to do the job)

Re: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit #660 signal.quest

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 16:27

e2 currently has no ATSC support (though probably not too hard to implement this, we need somebody with hardware and an ATSC signal, to do the job)

I have the hardware and signal and can act as a proxy for the programmer to test with. Please let me know if I can help. Thanks!

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