as I see you use the analog output.
placa 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], dispositivo 0:
In theory, in the OSD should be:
Sound card1
Sound device 0
'alsamixer' ?
However, I noticed that U-19.10 really likes to send sound to HDMI. Apparently, you need to do something in the alsa.conf area (I don't remember what it is called there now).
In general, 19.10 some kind of strange. I can't install it on SSD "WD Blue ... 500GB". More precisely, Xorg doesn't start, but with the HDD it is normal. Maybe wait for the LTS?
Thanks again 1455, I was able to solve the sound problem by using the pactl application.
If it is useful for someone I leave it here as I did:
The bold lines are terminal commands.
pactl list short sinks
1 alsa_output.pci-0000_26_00.6.analog-stereo module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz
2 alsa_output.pci-0000_10_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra1 module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz
pactl set-default-sink 'alsa_output.pci-0000_26_00.6.analog-stereo'
sudo gedit /etc/pulse/
At the bottom of file uncomment the line of the output and it should look like this
### Make some devices default
set-default-sink output 1
#set-default-source input
Delete the ~/.config/pulse directory and reboot the system.
Now work fine the sound for me.