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Provider CAID

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#1 Robinson

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 13:12

Hello guys,

I have a request to implement an additional feature but I'm not sure if it's not too difficult.
if you go to Menu-Information-Service, you will have a choice of 4 coloured buttons. The yellow button and the blue button show almost identical information.
If I may suggest something, would it be possible to use one of these 2 coloured buttons to display the information on all CAID's and all Provider Idents for a given channel? That would really be helpful.

For example, Eurosport on Hot Bird:

0100 - 000068
0500 - 022A00
0500 - 022F00
0500 - 024F00
0500 - 030100
0500 - 032A00
0500 - 041F00
0604 - 000000
0931 - 000000
0B01 - 000000
0BAA - 000000
1803 - 000000
1813 - 000000

Or even more information, including all EMM and ECM PID's:

Posted Image

Here is another example for RTL Crime:

Posted Image

Is anyone else interested in such detailed scrambling information for all channels? Or is it just me? :(
Maybe there is a separate plugin which does that? It does not have to be under Menu-Information-Service. Of course, it could be a separate plugin in Extensions directory.

Thanks for your great work!

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #2 Robinson

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 09:05

Here are 2 more examples, this time for NED1 and MTV Rocks on Astra 19.2E:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Noone is interested in trying to develop such a plugin?

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #3 Robinson

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 16:07

Unfortunately, some of the images have disappeared from my previous messages.

Now they should stay here:


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ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #4 Robinson

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Posted 5 May 2013 - 15:00

I have also noiticed that Oscam shows this information in its log.

For example:

2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 0] CAID: 0603 ECM_PID: 1972 PROVID: 000000
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 1] CAID: 0627 ECM_PID: 19B9 PROVID: 000000
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 2] CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 14E4 PROVID: 042400
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: new program number: 20FC (0603:20FC unknown)
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: Found 5 IRDETO ECM CHIDs
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: trying irdeto chid index: 1
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: trying irdeto chid index: 2
2013/05/05 15:49:26 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: trying irdeto chid index: 3
2013/05/05 15:49:27 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: trying irdeto chid index: 4
2013/05/05 15:49:27 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: Found 2 IRDETO ECM CHIDs
2013/05/05 15:49:27 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: trying irdeto chid index: 1
2013/05/05 15:49:27 1834 6D7FF4B0 c dvbapi: Start descrambling PID #2 (CAID: 0500) 1

CAID: 0603 ECM_PID: 1972 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0627 ECM_PID: 19B9 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 14E4 PROVID: 042400

But I would love to see that information somewher in the menu, preferably Menu-Information-Service.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #5 Pliyer

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:45

Here in Menu-Information-Service is showed in old Gemini2 V4 and 5.xx images for DM800HD and DM8000HD PVR stb - i remember.

I want this info too, better is in Extended OSD menu...

But i know HD GLASS skin, who have this feature, but is slow and big for slower STB with small flash.

Edited by Pliyer, 14 December 2015 - 01:47.

Re: Menu-Information-Service #6 littlesat

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:11

There is a difference between the yellow and blue button... yellow is information by settings and blue what is returned from the tuner. They could be (slightly) different...


Provider IDs OMT parcing is currently not fully supported by E2. Note that different CAIDs could also have different Provider ID handling.


CAIDs lists is no issue at all.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #7 Robinson

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:41

I'm not sure about MGCAMD and CCCAM but OSCAM shows this information in its webiterface (see above, please).

I wonder if someone could actually find a way to extract this sort of information from Oscam and present it somewhere in the menu? Natural places that come to mind are:

- Softcam menu

- Menu - Information - Service - BLUE (or other)

- Second Infobar


You say that CAIDs lists is no issue at all but nobody wants to do it.

This would be satisfying for freaks like me:

CAID: 0603 ECM_PID: 1972 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0627 ECM_PID: 19B9 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 14E4 PROVID: 042400

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #8 Pliyer

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Posted 25 December 2015 - 05:12

I think in python (skin) is possible:

icaids = info.getInfoObject(iServiceInformation.sCAIDs)

Re: Menu-Information-Service #9 littlesat

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Posted 25 December 2015 - 12:03

It will give CAIDs... but no provIDs...

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #10 Robinson

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Posted 25 December 2015 - 12:18

Here is an example of what Oscam Webinterface shows for one of the Polish channels:


CAID: 0B01 ECM_PID: 0466 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 05F6 PROVID: 032A00
CAID: 1803 ECM_PID: 0592 PROVID: 000000
CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 065A PROVID: 000000
CAID: 0100 ECM_PID: 052E PROVID: 000068
CAID: 1813 ECM_PID: 052E PROVID: 020068
CAID: 0B02 ECM_PID: 04CA PROVID: 000000
CAID: 1884 ECM_PID: 0AA6 PROVID: 000000


If only it was so simple to transfer it to OpenPLi menu.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #11 Pliyer

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Posted 25 December 2015 - 13:28

Robinon, but this i only once, after zap to hannel, generated into oscam log, this is unusable for use in skin, i think...

Must be different way via enigma2 api, try to look...


Re: Menu-Information-Service #12 Pliyer

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 02:20



Re: Menu-Information-Service #13 2boom

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 09:09

my converters :)


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Re: Menu-Information-Service #14 Pliyer

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 11:56

Any example of use in skin please?

Re: Menu-Information-Service #15 2boom

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 17:21

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="265,202" size="780,20" font="Regular; 17" backgroundColor="background1" transparent="1" halign="center" noWrap="1" valign="center" zPosition="3">
  <convert type="EcmInfoLine" />
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="944,202" zPosition="3" size="280,20" noWrap="1" valign="center" halign="right" font="Regular;17" transparent="1" backgroundColor="background1">
  <convert type="CaidBar">#00aaaaaa, #0003a902, #00f0bf4f</convert>

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  • Attached File  1.jpg   46.19KB   7 downloads

Re: Menu-Information-Service #16 Robinson

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 18:54

Still, the infobar shows just the current CAID/ProvID and additionally shows the CAID's in green, which is the same as the second infobar in OpenPLi.

It does not show the information as outlined in #10 above, unless there is a separate screen for that.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Menu-Information-Service #17 Pliyer

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 11:26

I think, Enigma2 not supply ProvID, only all Caids and actual ProvID...

I think, mustbe any patch of enigma or patch for emulator (oscam)... Or use emulator with support of pid.info (mgcamd or gbox)...

My question: and dvbsnoop is able to get all ProvIDs from ts (transport stream)? Know anyone syntax? In my OpenPli not found dvbsnoop utility... Hve anyone path or link? Thx.

Edited by Pliyer, 30 December 2015 - 11:27.

Re: Menu-Information-Service #18 Robinson

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 12:33

opkg install dvbsnoop


OK, maybe Enigma2 indeed does not know ProvID so it would be great to have a script (which could be assigned to a key using HotKey) which could read this sort of information from a running Oscam or other cam.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Provider, CAID

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