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ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen

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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #161 MiLo

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 18:34

is there a reason for not provide the ext2 and ext3 modules in actual build with 3.3 kernel ?

Yes, they make the kernel considerably larger.

The work arrounds (UUID mounts) for the 3.2.2 kernel are now no longer working and the ext2 and ext3 filesystems
mounted with ext4 module.

If you really want to, you can install the ext2 and/or ext3 module by issuing "opkg install kernel-module-ext2"

In some recordings since last week the freezers come back...

Do you want to help us solve them?
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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #162 mblum11

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 18:58

Hi MiLo,

i try to install them manually, but in actual build (Kernel 3.3) this was not possible when i try it.

When i read the commit in et9x00_defconfig to kernel 3.3 rightly the posibility to install them manually is not configured

-# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XATTR is not set
-# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set
-# CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #163 pieterg

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 20:55

The 3.3 kernel contains several important write latency fixes, which hugely improved etx4 write performance (as well as some other fileystems).
So I'm not sure using ext2 still has advantages.

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #164 mblum11

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 05:56

So I'm not sure using ext2 still has advantages.

when use a ext2 fs with the ext4 module probably not. I am back for now to my last known working
configuration (ext2 fs with ext2 module) with 3.2.2 kernel.

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #165 Pike_Bishop

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 12:04


i have not freezer but i have an other problem here with my ext3 formatted hdd and so i need also the
right kernel-module-ext2 and kernel-module-ext3 which we had in older Kernel-3.2.2
now in Kernel-3.3.0 we didn't have these packages anymore -> can you please put they again in Kernel-3.3.0


Edited by Biki3, 17 April 2012 - 12:04.

Receiver: VU Ultimo 4K, Octagon SF8008 4K, Gigablue Quad 4K

Image: OpenPLI-8.3

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #166 familievierfuss

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 12:11

The 3.3 kernel contains several important write latency fixes, which hugely improved etx4 write performance (as well as some other fileystems).
So I'm not sure using ext2 still has advantages.

Yes, maybe. But we have formatted the HDD with ext2 or with ext3. So, if we use now ext4, we must make a backup of all records and must initialize the HDD with ext4 and must play back the backup of all records. This take several hours to manage it.

I think my wife and the kids will kill me... ;-)

So, please put the ext2/3 drivers an the feed and we can install it manuall.



Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #167 netbus666

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 14:35

The 3.3 kernel contains several important write latency fixes, which hugely improved etx4 write performance (as well as some other fileystems).
So I'm not sure using ext2 still has advantages.

Yes, maybe. But we have formatted the HDD with ext2 or with ext3. So, if we use now ext4, we must make a backup of all records and must initialize the HDD with ext4 and must play back the backup of all records. This take several hours to manage it.

I think my wife and the kids will kill me... ;-)

So, please put the ext2/3 drivers an the feed and we can install it manuall.



There is no need to... EXT3 HDD is running fine without any hitches and glitches.
Who the hell needs ext2?

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #168 familievierfuss

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 14:54

Ich schreib mal auf Deutsch.

Wer benutzt ext2?
Alle die die Freezerproblematik hatten und als Workaround festgestellt hatten, dass es damit ging. Dies war bevor zahlreiche Änderungen im openpli-Image gemacht wurden.
Später wurde dann festgestellt, dass dies auch mit ext3 Platten fehlerfrei ging, wenn dass ext3-Modul genutzt wurde.

Und dann sind wir einfach bei dem Punkt, dass eine Neuformatierung incl. Backup und Rückspielerei auf ext4 einfach zu Zeitaufwändig ist.

Milo hatte es ja auch schon beschrieben, dass man ja manuell die entsprechenden Treiber nachladen könnte es es wäre gut. Dies ging ja auch so im Kernel 3.2.2. Aber im neuen Kernel kann man keine entsprechenden Module nachladen, dies funktioniert nicht.

Warum dem mündigen User nicht einfach die Wahl lassen was er macht?

Also es gibt wohl Gründe ext2 zu benutzen.
Und da bin ich nicht ganz alleine. :-)

Edited by familievierfuss, 17 April 2012 - 14:55.

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #169 MiLo

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 17:37

I formatted a 160GB laptop disk as ext3. Put it in the et9x00. Mount it with the ext4 driver, using data=ordered to further reduce performance.

On that disk, I can run 8 simultaneous recordings (6 HD channels + 2 SD channels) to that disk, for an hour, without overruns (and hence, no glitches). While these are running, I can stress the system by running "dd" commands to read or write to the disk, and do big FTP transfers in background. Still no overruns. I use an ET9x00 in the living room that inherited its 1.5TB drive (~60GB free space left) from its predecessor, which is ext3 converted to ext4. It never glitches either, though it (seldomly) is recording 3 or more HD channels at a time.

What are you guys doing that you still get overruns? What output do you get when you stop a recording? It logs a histogram of buffer usage that is very illustrative. Short of sending me your harrdisk, I can't think of anything else to do here.

Edited by MiLo, 17 April 2012 - 17:37.

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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #170 Violator73

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 06:33

Hi MiLo,

I am also one of those with freezers in recordings, and I also do not have any problems anymore when using an ext2 formatted hdd with ext2 drivers. It just works.

I appreciate your work and research regarding this problem, but as long as this problem is not really fixed, I would suggest to keep at least the possibility to install ext2/3 drivers.

Thank you very much!!! :)


Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #171 daddelfalk

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 06:51

Can confirm, no problems here with plain ext4 driver used for ext2/3/4 disks and pieterg is perfectly right in using ext2/3 is a technical retrograde. Better fix the problems where they come from (your images used and configuration or just try another harddisk formatted directly with ext4)

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #172 MiLo

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 07:29

...but as long as this problem is not really fixed...

As far as I know, the problem is really fixed.
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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #173 familievierfuss

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 08:34

Ja, es mag ja gefixt sein, wenn man die Platten neu formatiert.

Es geht um den immensen Zeitaufwand von einer großen Platte ein Backup zu machen (wenn man überhaupt einen alternativen Speicherplatz hat), die Platte neu zu formatieren (okay, dies geht relativ schnell) und wieder das Backup einzuspielen!

Warum nicht einfach die Möglichkeit geben, die entsprechenden einzelnen Treiber manuell zu installieren, wie es ja auch schon im vorherigen Kernel 3.2.2 möglich war?

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #174 MiLo

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 08:52

Did you actually READ my posts?

I formatted a 160GB laptop disk as ext3. Put it in the et9x00. Mount it with the ext4 driver, using data=ordered to further reduce performance.

I use an ET9x00 in the living room that inherited its 1.5TB drive (~60GB free space left) from its predecessor, which is ext3 converted to ext4. It never glitches either, though it (seldomly) is recording 3 or more HD channels at a time.

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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #175 familievierfuss

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 09:17

Yes, I did!

But you can read in my posts, that i (and much other users) formatted the internal disk with ext2. So, if i want avoid glitches with the new kernel (Yes, other users have glitches with ext2 disks and the new kernel!), i must backup the disk than format with ext4 and than the backup back to the disk. First, not all users have the space for a backup and second it needs several hours to do this.

So imho it's easier to make the possibility to install the ext2 drivers manual.

Edited by familievierfuss, 18 April 2012 - 09:18.

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #176 MiLo

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 09:23

I did the same, no glitches.
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Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #177 dvboxer

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 09:27

As far as I know, the problem is really fixed.

Sorry, no it is not, at least not the very problem I have which might be a different one from that that others with glitches in recordings all over the place have. I still have a terrible performance (only) when writing the first dozen megabaytes after mounting. I just tested it with yesterday's image: 7 MByte/second which later go up to 52 Mbyte/second. But I assume there is nothing you could do as I suspect it to be a ext4 driver problem in connection with certain hardware. What about my suggestion to turn on all filesystem related debugging options in the kernel?
VU+ Duo

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #178 dvboxer

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 09:29

By the way I am talking about an ext4 filesystem and the ext4 driver. No problem with the ext2 driver when I tried a few months ago.
VU+ Duo

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #179 Violator73

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 13:34

...but as long as this problem is not really fixed...

As far as I know, the problem is really fixed.

Good, I will test it.

By the way:
Even if most users do not have or do not notice this bug, or are not able to reproduce it, it does not mean that this bug does not exist!

Re: ET9000:Hänger in HD Aufnahmen #180 Violator73

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 19:16


I did a quick test:
1) I installed todays OpenPLi (17.4.2012) on my ET9000
2) I did not add any plugins, nor did I change any settings
3) Did some test recordings (ext2 formatted hdd mounted with ext4 driver)

I took me only 4 test recordings to get a freezer right at the beginning of one recording. Further recordings also showed glitches.

So I assume this bug is not fixed... :(

What exactly is the reason for not offering the ext2/3 driver as download?


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