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MV 3.5.2

's foto magnus_1 30 dec 2006

Thanks for a nice image. There is one problem I can't live with... When using Mplug to get external EPG you have 3.5.2 included in the image. This one is not usefull with Mplug in alias mode..due to the left right view... must be up -down. The normal thing is to replace the extepg.so normally located in var/tuxbox/.... Now the file is in lib/tuxbox.... and can not be replaced. Do you have a 3.50 to manully intall or do you have any other ide?


's foto mirakels 30 dec 2006

if you place an extepg.so in /var/... it should get precedence over the one in /lib as far as I understood.
It works for me, getting rid of this annoying MV to instead get the minesweeper game :)

's foto hemertje 30 dec 2006

it there a possibility that Mplug is updated against MV 3.5.2?


's foto magnus_1 30 dec 2006

The problem is the viewing of the channel names... it's not really a mplug problem....