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openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000)

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#1 brau21

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 19:53

hi all,

since updated last weekend pli-online-image, the new included dvd-player-plugin will not work with the latested installed emc3 (enhanced movie player).
everytime i launch a dvd via emc i get a gs!
all backups before updating pli according to dvd-plugin are running well!
so i think it has to do with the implementation with that dvd thing!


Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #2 Rob van der Does

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 20:01

So blame PLi that EMC can 't keep up with them......?
Why use EMC anyway? What's in it that's not in Pli?

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #3 brau21

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 20:47

get it?
emc went find wiith that old configuration!
since changes within pli dvd get worse results...


Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #4 Rob van der Does

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 20:53

get it?
emc went find wiith that old configuration!
since changes within pli dvd get worse results...

That why I responded with:

So blame PLi that EMC can 't keep up with them......?
Why use EMC anyway? What's in it that's not in Pli?

No reaction on that?

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #5 brau21

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 20:58


Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #6 Rob van der Does

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 21:00

Sorry for not making that clear: this was meant to be serious indeed.

Edited by SatKiekerd, 17 January 2012 - 21:00.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #7 brau21

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 21:15

me 2!
so wats the thing?
in my case: after updating the latest pli (weather from 15.01.2012 or today) all dvd-mountings via playing with emc were corrupt and ending with an gs!
imho this according due including dvd and mediaplayer entire pli-image.
am i wrong so please let me know :)


edit: ET-9000 (again)

Edited by brau21, 17 January 2012 - 21:15.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #8 WanWizard

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 23:18

If you can show that it is caused by a bug in the OpenPLi code, we would like to know so it can be fixed.

It can also be caused by work-in-progress (remember, you get daily updates that may or may not be 100% working all the time), in which case you have to wait until it's finished.

Otherwise the advice stays the same: if some plugin is not compatible to OpenPLi, it's the plugin author that needs to act (if he wants to continue supporting OpenPLi), not OpenPLi that has to adapt to a plugin.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #9 littlesat

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 23:22

Carsh with Green Screen means there should be a crashlog.,.. post it here as an attachment and then we have a chance at least to see what is going wrong...

And please note that 99% of the functionality is standard included in PLi - so in fact you do not need it al all.

As far I know currently EMC is a third party plugin and also closed source. So when something is wrong there, there is a chance that we even are not able to fix it at all...

Edited by littlesat, 17 January 2012 - 23:24.

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Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #10 Rob van der Does

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Posted 18 January 2012 - 07:35

And, as has been asked many times in many threads: please explain why you want to use EMC at all. As far as I know it brings no/hardly any additional functionality to PLi.
In other words: if there's functionality in PLi('s mediaplayer) that you really miss, tell it. Tell it here and now. Only that way ideas can be brought in the image, instead of people relying on closed third party plugins for unkown reason and complaining here if they don't work.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #11 dgoo2308

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 07:40

Sorry to jump in but I have a few boxes, which all share through samba the /hdd/movie. So I created a new directory on the root: /emc, where with auto mount the other boxes /hdd/movie are mapped and created a perm link to /hdd/movie as 'This_Box'. Now in the Enhanced Movie cetre you can set a directory where EMC starts and what is the top-level so I pointed it to /emcee. Therefore I can from the PVR button see all my boxes there /hdd/movie listed as the name I used in the auto mount and can play them all. Furthermore, it makes an extra directory with latest recordings, no matter on which box i recorded it. On top of that one of my PC's his DVD is mapped in the same directory which means i can even play the DVD, all from one button 'PVR' and all within one tick. It surely something to think about. The only thing I face now is the subtitle is not showing on the EMC V3.
Now as per your above question, I tried to use Mediaplayer, everybody who used it at our home(6 people from Germany, Belgium, Taiwan, French, Japan) they all asked me how to play a movie and how to watch recording on other box and what to do to play a dvd. So I tried myself and without reading how it works on the internet i could not figure out how to play a movie. It's not a matter what it has or not it's a matter that it does not work intuitive where as with EMC, no explanation is needed to use it. For users it's really a must to reduce the number of menus that you have to go through to watch tv, record, watch recording and play dvd. I don't want to make advertisement for EMC nor am I involved in EMC but I just want something that works and my house mates can also use.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #12 MiLo

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 09:37

My wife had no trouble figuring out how to play a movie. Just point the bar at it and push OK.

Tell me how I can make that more intuitive?
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Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #13 littlesat

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 10:39

Yesterday Coolman, the creater of EMC, made some fixes. They are posted hear in another thread as pyo (for EMC and CoolEPG). It are pyo files so they are closed source. That is is closed source that is the decision of the creater and he might have good reasons for it. Making a closed source plugin compatible -or- at least keeping them is a not done.

He told me that within a few days/weeks he comes with an upgrade that is PLi-compatible. I cannot give any guarantee....

But still the standard movieplayer has approx. the same functionality... Did you try the yellow (standard) button to set directories? You should already find there all your mounted boxes and stuff... and even you can set bookmarks on them?

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Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #14 dgoo2308

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:11

in reply to MiLo: I understand that for a single box and no shares or dvd on a share.
I got now EMC V3.0 running, I have the seek-bar (don't work in media player), for movie and DVD playback, and got now one point to play movie-media being on a share or share DVD and after the seek bar install I also have subtitles on DVD. So I won't complain anymore and my house mates won't call me anymore when I'm not here. One button, PVR select media (dvd starts playing without going to VideoTS), or last recorded (on whatever box it was recorded) select file press ok and play, seek with cursors exit stops and returns to list, another exit back to tv. Simple.

In reply to littlesat: I'll try again but I remember I could only play in the standard movie player directory (under PVR) in the same path as the recorder path being /hdd/movie. don't known or understand the bookmarks, might be my problem.

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #15 littlesat

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:13

As far I know the standard Movieplayer does the same... One button to play everything.... But what do you mean with seekbar??? In EMC there is also a seekbar??? Is simpy get the idea that you still want wat you are used to. And again, we cannot follow closed source projects... as we can not patch them when we change something and even do not see when something is broken. So I predict you'll always can have issues with 3rd party closed source plugins.... when you want to keep the latest PLi-images. That is what it is....

Edited by littlesat, 25 February 2012 - 11:15.

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Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #16 dgoo2308

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:19

the seek bar plugin, not related to EMC but also works and in the standard DVD player, you press cursor button left or right and you move the marker back or forward press ok and you jump to that location, don't work in media player as you return to the list

Re: openPli - dvdplayer and emc3 (et/xt-9000) #17 littlesat

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:33

Is this only for DVDs and this also is functional in PLi... Could you make some screenshots what you mean....
As far I know you can de the sceneselection also in PLi...

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