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Movie Player modifications

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Re: Movie Player modifications #121 sek1973

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 18:56

I placed wrong MovieSelection.py file - it has not the correction for audio extensions. Please find the right one attached.
Sorry for that. :(

Attached Files

Re: Movie Player modifications #122 ims

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 19:14

Ok, it can be...

But I am still not understand, if I want preview title 2 and 30 in list of movies, why I must press on 2nd file ">" and then 28x button ">", when i want preview file 30. (Or close/open MovieList and go to item 30 and >)
As MiLo wrote:

"The "<>" buttons now work like the >>| and |<< buttons on a CD player, skipping to the next or previous song."

This he wrote on my address (I thank him ), although I repaired (or added) feature for normal working = where is selector, there is possible preview file with >. (The "CD's" feature i removed not, was not my).
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Re: Movie Player modifications #123 sjlouis

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 09:34

I have restored an old version of my system and if I have lost the Sek's improves, I could read again the .avi files and I have no more problems to move a file. I don't know if the problems come from the MoviePlayer or from the image (operating system). Does somebody have information? To keep the Sek's improves and other recent things, I've restored my last system but I've noticed another problem: when I want to move a file, I don't see a directory (I've called it "Ordi") while I see it with the MoviePlayer.

No response about these problems? Nobody have these problems?

Vu+ Ultimo 4K - OpenPli 8.3

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Re: Movie Player modifications #124 MiLo

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 09:43

But I am still not understand, if I want preview title 2 and 30 in list of movies, why I must press on 2nd file ">" and then 28x button ">", when i want preview file 30. (Or close/open MovieList and go to item 30 and >)

Just press the preview button twice (once to stop, once to start at the new spot). Just like a CD player. If the remote lacks such a button (for some reason, DMM used the old 7025 remote for the 800se) you can configure another button, like "TV", for that.

The < > keys are mainly for using the movielist as MP3 player. After playing a few songs, the bar will still be on the first one, so pressing "next" should go to the next song, and not to the song the bar is pointing at.
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Re: Movie Player modifications #125 ims

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 10:25

OK, now i understand it... But then it is very confusing for using as preview for movies. Most users using it for movie.
( or movies is be better: ">" - play under selector , next ">" - STOP )

Then could be added both - for MP3 with <> as CD and posibility change file with selector ( better for movies).

Edited by ims, 26 March 2012 - 10:42.

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Re: Movie Player modifications #126 sek1973

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 11:02

For movies would be better: ">" - play under selector , next ">" - STOP

That is the Play key function. When you assign preview function to one of (TV, RADIO, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue) you will have exactly the same functionality. Preview function firstly checks if something is being played. If not, starts playing selected item. If yes, it stops it and:
- starts playing selected item if it is not the same that was being played already
- does nothing else when selection points to the item which was alredy being played
if playInBackground:
	 self.list.playInBackground = None
	 if playInBackground != current:
	  # come back to play the new one
Starting preview by > is only an extra feature. The main function for those keys is jumping to next or previous item.
I'm not sure that users will be able to catch the logic when we differentiate the < > keys behavior for movies and songs.
I suppose when you use it mainly for movies, jumping functionality is not the priority - perhaps my patch will be then sufficient...
I'm open for suggestions. :)

Re: Movie Player modifications #127 ims

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 11:38

Yes, understand full... problem is there in old remote controllers and less buttons. There are not extra 4 buttons for <<, >, || , >

I will see, how it will be work without latest patche, when i will put "preview" under green.

Edited by ims, 26 March 2012 - 12:54.

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Re: Movie Player modifications #128 sjlouis

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 13:00

Sek, the "<" and ">" touches about you speak, are they left and right arrows or the touches which are on the left and on the right the "0" touch we have on the ET9000 remote?

Vu+ Ultimo 4K - OpenPli 8.3

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Re: Movie Player modifications #129 sek1973

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 14:00

Sek, the "<" and ">" touches about you speak, are they left and right arrows or the touches which are on the left and on the right the "0" touch we have on the ET9000 remote?

Yes, exactly. They are also called ZAP history keys. You can use them to go to last watched channels.

Re: Movie Player modifications #130 sek1973

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 14:05

Is there everything ok with git repo:
I'm trying to sync (pull) or clone and getting an error... :(
openpli.git.sourceforge.net[0:]: errno=No error
fatal: unable to connect a socket (No error)

git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)

Re: Movie Player modifications #131 sjlouis

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 08:33

Sek, I have written 2 questions. So don't know for what response is your "yes" ;) . So I ask it again :
1°) Are the touches the left and right arrows (as we have up and down arrow)?
2°) Are the touches these ones which are on the left and on the right the "0" touch we have on the ET9000 remote (I can use them to go to the beginning or the end in a movie)?

I've done a software update yesterday and I can read again the .avi files but the movement of a movie is still strange and I have still a directory I can't see when I want to move a movie.

Vu+ Ultimo 4K - OpenPli 8.3

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Re: Movie Player modifications #132 blzr

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 10:01

[<] [0] [>]
True sarcasm doesn't need green font...

Re: Movie Player modifications #133 sjlouis

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 12:46

Ok, thank you :) .

Vu+ Ultimo 4K - OpenPli 8.3

Xtrend ET9200 - OpenPli 6.2

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