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ET9000 - latest OpenPLi updated today

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#1 dam72

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 19:29

Hi OpenPLi team,

today I´ve recognized the following. Once I zapp to a channel where there is no Signal, I get the message "Tunen fehlgeschlagen" in english "tuning failed". When zapp back to a service with a normal strong signal the Tuner doesn´t lock anymore. I get a black screen, with the same message "Tunen fehlgeschlagen". The annoying thing is, that no matter what I do, zapp to antoher service or restart the e2. Nothing helps! Of course you don´t get a crash log.
The only thing which helps, I MUST cut off power - switch the cuircut breaker on the back side, and swicth it again on, to get i tuning again!? This is that much annoying you cannot believe... :(

The second thing is, while wachting a IPTV service I´d like to record the event on my et9000 HDD, but I can´t.
I get the message

"Aufnahme wegen unbekanntem Service $serviceref of the IPTVservice$ fehlgeschlagen"

It seems, that the recording function does not know this service type and rejects the recording. Is this possible to change?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by dam72, 20 January 2012 - 19:29.

Re: ET9000 - latest OpenPLi updated today #2 pieterg

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 19:32

It seems, that the recording function does not know this service type and rejects the recording. Is this possible to change?

many streaming fixes and improvements (including this one) have been made in the 'streaming' branch.
After a few more tests, this branch will be merged into the master branch.

Edited by pieterg, 20 January 2012 - 19:32.

Re: ET9000 - latest OpenPLi updated today #3 dam72

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 22:57

Hi Pieterg,
many thanks for your reply.

What about the Tuner issue I reported? It´s really making me crazy. I can remember that this wasn´t before... :unsure:

Re: ET9000 - latest OpenPLi updated today #4 pieterg

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 23:24

It doesn't sound familiar to me, haven't experienced it (yet).

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