Posted 9 March 2012 - 18:24
Pieterg, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Littlesat, you've got a choice (as this is only cosmetic), either use data that you are in control of (lamedb) and display the correct parameters, or use the data you are not in control of and when it doesn't work properly just tell everyone it is down to the manfacturer of the receiver and it is up to them to correct it. Just one more question: why should the data in lamedb be wrong anyway? What is the cause?
True {'inversion': 'Auto', 'tuner_signal_quality': 65535, 'modulation': '8PSK', 'tuner_type': 'Satellite',
False {'inversion': 'On', 'tuner_signal_quality': 65535, 'modulation': 'QPSK', 'tuner_type': 'Satellite',
'symbol_rate': 22000000, 'system': 'DVB-S2', 'polarization_abbreviation': 'H', 'tuner_signal_power': 51760,
'symbol_rate': 22000000, 'system': 'DVB-S', 'polarization_abbreviation': 'H', 'tuner_signal_power': 51760,
'polarization': 'Horizontal', 'tuner_bit_error_rate': 0, 'fec_inner': '2/3', 'orbital_position': 'Astra 1H/1KR/1L/1M/2C(19.2E Ku-band)',
'polarization': 'Horizontal', 'tuner_bit_error_rate': 0, 'fec_inner': 'Auto', 'orbital_position': 'Astra 1H/1KR/1L/1M/2C(19.2E Ku-band)',
'frequency': 11361000, 'tuner_signal_quality_db': None, 'tuner_locked': 1, 'tuner_number': 0, 'tuner_synced': 1, 'tuner_state': 'LOCKED',
'frequency': 11361000, 'tuner_signal_quality_db': None, 'tuner_locked': 1, 'tuner_number': 0, 'tuner_synced': 1, 'tuner_state': 'LOCKED'}
'pilot': 'Auto', 'rolloff': '0.35'}