Cool TV Guide 5.5?
Posted 29 February 2012 - 21:24
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #2
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #3
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #4
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #5
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #6
Posted 1 March 2012 - 01:49
Nochmal an alle, die einen Fehler bekommen wie: ImportError: No module named CoolConverter geht ins FTP nach: /usr/share/enigma2/EuerSkin/ öffnet die skin.xml mit z.b. Notepad++ sucht dort nach CoolPico oder CoolPicon das sieht dann in etwas so aus: <widget source="Service" render="CoolPicon" position="500,20" zPosition="1" size="50,30" alphatest="on"> <convert type="CoolConverter">CoolEvent</convert> </widget> löscht die 2 und 3 Zeile, und falls vorhanden das n bei CoolPicon dann sollte es in etwa so aussehen: <widget source="Service" render="CoolPico" position="500,20" zPosition="1" size="50,30" alphatest="on" transparent="1" /> und das macht Ihr bei allen gefundenen Stellen... ABER keine anderen Werte ändern ! die hat ja der Skinner so schon richtig angepasst... nur die 2 und 3 Zeile löschen und eventuell das n falls vorhanden... speichern und wieder hochladen in Euren Skin Ordner....
I cannot find any refer to "coolpico(n)" in my skin.xml, so i stay with 5.50 as newer changes are minor...
Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530 DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #7
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #8
Posted 1 March 2012 - 13:40
Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530 DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #9
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #10
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #11
Posted 26 March 2012 - 12:58
Yes it shit the bed when you hit ok since v5.60, from the author itself:
I cannot find any refer to "coolpico(n)" in my skin.xml, so i stay with 5.50 as newer changes are minor...
if you not find "coolpico(n)" in your skin.xml..
then you get also no problem with 5.6.1....
and there are a lot of changes in the new version
you don't need coolpico anymore and so you save around 8 MB Ram !!
so install 5.6.1 and then you can delete your coolpico folder...
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #12
Posted 26 March 2012 - 16:28
I have a bug since a few versions >5.50, dont display epg on channels which are empy (no epg) but it still shows those empty channels without epg in my list..??
Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530 DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #13
Posted 26 March 2012 - 22:07
Very true Coolman, seems 5.6.1 play nice with my Domica skin
I have a bug since a few versions >5.50, dont display epg on channels which are empy (no epg) but it still shows those empty channels without epg in my list..??
i don't know what you mean...
explain maybe with a sample
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #14
Posted 26 March 2012 - 22:40
I did enable this setting in CoolTV/Menu/TV - Skip channels without EPG to Yes
screenshot (1).jpg 811.49KB 40 downloads
And after E2 restart it still shows the channels without epg, example last channel listed BVN from hotbird.
screenshot.jpg 791.14KB 39 downloads
Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530 DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #15
Posted 27 March 2012 - 23:53
I did enable this setting in CoolTV/Menu/TV - Skip channels without EPG to Yes
screenshot (1).jpg 811.49KB 40 downloads
And after E2 restart it still shows the channels without epg, example last channel listed BVN from hotbird.
screenshot.jpg 791.14KB 39 downloads
maybe the translation is not 100% perfect...
but this is not a bug...
this mean:
if you press down, and a channel come with no EPG, then the coursor jump to the next available EPG channel..
Re: Cool TV Guide 5.5? #16
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