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HDMI-CEC problems

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#1 feelfree

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 22:50

I already described my problems with the HDMI-CEC implementation in the german subsection, but I'll repeat it here since I think I have the greater audience here.

Vu+ Ultimo is connected to Pioneer VSX-921 at HDMI-3, which is connected to a Panasonic TV-Set HDMI-1.

Address is reported as

TV goes to standby when STB goes to standby (-> good!)
TV switches on when STB is switched on (-> good)
TV switches to DVB-T, no matter of the config to switch input is set or not (-> problem#1)
A/V-Receiver switches on if STB is switched on, no matter if the config is set or not (-> problem#2)

With the VTI image, I had no issues at all with this setup.
I had a look at their implementation (hdmi_cec.cpp, HdmiCec.py), which looks very different to the one used in PLi image.

Although I was able to build an OpenPli image, my knowledge of all this stuff is obviously not good enough to replace the HdmiCec-implementation of OpenPli with the one used by VTI. I tried to replace hdmi_cec.cpp, hdmi_cec.h, HmdiCec.py and modified enigma_python.i, but I did not manage it to build such an modified enigma2-binary.

What are other user's experiences with the HDMI-CEC implementation of OpenPli? No issues? The VTI-version looks a bit better to me, since the C++ part is minimal and basically evertyhing can be tested at python-level. But that's just an impression from a Noob at the moment...

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #2 pieterg

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 22:55

did you get the same CEC address with the VTI image?
Users have reported that VU doesn't provide the address, so it needs to be configured by hand.

If e2 sends an activation signal with the wrong address, the tv might switch to the wrong input.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #3 feelfree

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 22:59

There's no such function in the plugin to obtain the address, or I don't remember. doesn't look so wrong (TV is connected to HDMI-1, Amp to HDMI-3).

Will check this weekend with VTI once again.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #4 pieterg

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 23:21

fixing the address might be a good idea.
What might be happening is this;

hdmi link established between amp and stb.
stb address:

tv on, stb transmits activation from
tv switches to input 3
hdmi link established between tv --> amp --> stb

stb changes its address to
and sends activation from (ignored by the tv, because it has already switched to

fixing the address to might avoid this.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #5 feelfree

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 23:38

Have tried that before, now once again. It does change nothing :-(

Also the plugin settings for the Amp has no effect at all. My amp switches always on when the STB switches on, and it never switches off when the STB switches off, no matter of any setting. There's really something totally going wrong in my setup. I'd be happy if I could help with some debugging, but I'll need some advice.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #6 pieterg

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Posted 1 March 2012 - 23:41

if you run e2 in the foreground, you should see all cec messages

init 4

I'm assuming the amplifier simply ignores the poweroff command.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #7 feelfree

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 19:50

Plugin is configured to switch TV on/off when STB goes on/off, but do not switch input of TV and do not touch A/V-Receiver.

TV switches to wrong input. See log below.

Edit: As I write this, i see that it may be a problem with STB set to "fixed address", as it has NOT a fixed address when power-toggling the A/V-Receiver. Will do a second test with no fixed address.

VuUltimo Standby

action -> GlobalActions power_down
action -> GlobalActions power_up
enter standby
eHdmiCEC: send message 36
eHdmiCEC: send message 36
eHdmiCEC: received message A0 00 80 45 20 01 11

VuUltimo PowerOn

action -> StandbyActions power
leave standby
eHdmiCEC: send message 04
eHdmiCEC: send message 70 13 00
eHdmiCEC: received message A0 00 80 45 20 00 01

AV Receiver PowerOn

eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 84 00 00 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 84 10 00 05
eHdmiCEC: received message 46
eHdmiCEC: send message 47 76 75 75 6C 74 69 6D 6F
eHdmiCEC: received message A0 00 E0 36 85 00 03
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 46
eHdmiCEC: send message 47 76 75 75 6C 74 69 6D 6F
eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00

AV Receiver standby

eHdmiCEC: received message 87 00 80 45
eHdmiCEC: received message 8F
eHdmiCEC: send message 90 00

Edited by feelfree, 2 March 2012 - 19:55.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #8 pieterg

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 20:48

Plugin is configured to switch TV on/off when STB goes on/off, but do not switch input of TV and do not touch A/V-Receiver.

Are you sure? I see it send 70 13 00, 'set system audio mode' which only happens when you configure the av receiver to be woken up by the stb.

In the remaining messages, I see nothing which would trigger the tv to switch to the wrong input.
Unless perhaps the other input is the default, and since you don't send a 'source active' commmand, it decides to switch to the default.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #9 feelfree

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 21:17

Yes, I'm sure. Maybe the problem is not only with the hdmi-cec implementation itself, but with the plugin-configuration as well? It seems that most configs have no effect. The message may also explain why the AV-Receiver turns on...

My TV set is configured to hotel-mode and starts ALWAYS with HDMI1. The only exception is the hdmi-cec implementation of OpenPli.... :-(

BTW: Have you ever considered to use the different approach from plnick (HdmiCec.py in dvbapp at code.vuplus.com)? This plugin has WAY more possibilities and works flawlessly with my setup.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #10 pieterg

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 21:49

well, looking at their code, it seems it was based on our component.
We have more options, so I think we should just fix bugs that we find.

Just found a typo, which would explain why 'set system audio mode' is sent.
Doesn't explain why the tv would switch though.
Unless the avr triggers it.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #11 feelfree

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 22:19

We have more options

Huh? This is their setup-code:
		 def createSetup(self):
  77				 self.list = []
  78				 self.hdmienabled = getConfigListEntry(_(_("HDMI CEC enabled:")), config.hdmicec.enabled)
  79				 self.hdmiactivesourcereply = getConfigListEntry(_(_("Active Source Reply On:")), config.hdmicec.active_source_reply)
  80				 self.hdmitvstandby = getConfigListEntry(_("VU standby => TV activity:"), config.hdmicec.standby_message)
  81				 self.hdmitvdeepstandby = getConfigListEntry(_("VU deepstandby => TV activity:"), config.hdmicec.deepstandby_message)
  82				 self.hdmitvwakeup = getConfigListEntry(_("VU on => TV activity:"), config.hdmicec.wakeup_message)
  83				 self.hdmivustandby = getConfigListEntry(_("TV standby => VU+ activity:"), config.hdmicec.vustandby_message)
  84				 self.hdmivuwakeup = getConfigListEntry(_("TV on => VU+ activity:"), config.hdmicec.vuwakeup_message)
  85				 self.hdmitvinput = getConfigListEntry(_("Choose TV HDMI input:"), config.hdmicec.tvinput)
  86				 self.hdmiavinput = getConfigListEntry(_("Choose A/V-Receiver HDMI input:"), config.hdmicec.avinput)
  87				 self.hdmiavvolup = getConfigListEntry(_("A/V-Receiver volume up:"), config.hdmicec.avvolup)
  88				 self.hdmiavvoldown = getConfigListEntry(_("A/V-Receiver volume down:"), config.hdmicec.avvoldown)
  89				 self.hdmiavvolmute = getConfigListEntry(_("A/V-Receiver toggle mute:"), config.hdmicec.avvolmute)
  90				 self.hdmiavpwron = getConfigListEntry(_("A/V-Receiver power on:"), config.hdmicec.avpwron)
  91				 self.hdmiavpwroff = getConfigListEntry(_("A/V-Receiver power off:"), config.hdmicec.avpwroff)
  92				 self.hdmitvpwron = getConfigListEntry(_("TV power on:"), config.hdmicec.tvpwron)
  93				 self.hdmitvpwroff = getConfigListEntry(_("TV power off:"), config.hdmicec.tvpwroff)
  94				 self.hdmienabletvrc = getConfigListEntry(_("Use TV remotecontrol:"), config.hdmicec.enabletvrc)
  95				 self.hdmidevicename = getConfigListEntry(_("Set VU device name:"), config.hdmicec.devicename)
  96				 self.hdmiinputaddress = getConfigListEntry(_("Address (0~FF):"), config.hdmicec.input_address)
  97				 self.hdmiinputvalue1 = getConfigListEntry("Value 1 (message):", config.hdmicec.input_value1)
  98				 self.hdmiinputvalue2 = getConfigListEntry("Value 2 (optional):", config.hdmicec.input_value2)
  99				 self.hdmiinputvalue3 = getConfigListEntry("Value 3 (optional):", config.hdmicec.input_value3)
100				 self.hdmiinputvalue4 = getConfigListEntry("Value 4 (optional):", config.hdmicec.input_value4)
101				 self.hdmilogenabledfile = getConfigListEntry("Log to file enabled :", config.hdmicec.logenabledfile)
102				 self.hdmilogenabledserial = getConfigListEntry("Serial log enabled :", config.hdmicec.logenabledserial)

I miss the "choose HDMI-input" configs in your code at the very first place.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #12 feelfree

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 22:51

Just tried your fix:
A/V-Reveiver now NEVER wakes up or switches off, regardless of the config.
TV wakes up when NOT setting fixed address, but still switches to wrong input.
I the A/V-Receiver is already switched on, TV does not switch on when powering the STB.

Edited by feelfree, 2 March 2012 - 22:56.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #13 feelfree

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 22:59

I the A/V-Receiver is already switched on, TV does not switch on when powering the STB.

Sorry, the setting for switching TV on was not on. Same behaviour, regardless of A/V-receiver is on or off.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #14 pieterg

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 23:34

hm, so they duplicated the HdmiCec component in the plugin. Weird.
I was looking at the wrong one, this one has a few more options indeed.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #15 pieterg

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Posted 2 March 2012 - 23:44

btw, looking at their settings, since they apparently have a need for 'tv input' and 'av input' settings, I assume that reading out the physical address on a VU does not work reliably.
(normally, each cec node will discover its own physical address)
That would probably also explain the problems you're having.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #16 holi

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Posted 9 March 2012 - 11:11

I have also problem with HdmiCec. I have Vu+ connected to HDMI 1 ( adress is set to ). When I turn off Vu - everything work fine (tv goes in standby) but when i turn on Vu - Tv is turning on to wrong input (dvb-t). I have hotel mode enabled and set the hdmi1 as initial input, but without any results. I try it on Vti and there everything is ok. Here is some messeges:
Vu+ stanby:
eHdmiCEC: send message 04
eHdmiCEC: send message 82 10 00
eHdmiCEC: send message 8E 00
eHdmiCEC: send message 44 6D
eHdmiCEC: send message 70 10 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
Vu+ power on:
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00
eHdmiCEC: received message A0 00 80 45 20 00 01
eHdmiCEC: received message 8C
eHdmiCEC: send message 87 00 00 00

Set correct input ith tv remote:
eHdmiCEC: received message 80 00 00 10 00
eHdmiCEC: received message 86 10 00
eHdmiCEC: send message 82 10 00

And here is log from Vti:
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 85 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 82:10:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 8e:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 85 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 82:10:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 8e:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 85 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 82:10:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] send cec message 8e:0 to f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** StandByMessage ** send message: 36 to address 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** InActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 9d:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** InActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 9d:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message a0 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** WakeUpMessage ** send message: 4 to address 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** ActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 82:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** Active VU Message ** send message: 85 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message a0 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message a0 from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 8c from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 8c from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] received cec message 8c from 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** WakeUpMessage ** send message: 4 to address 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** ActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 82:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** Active VU Message ** send message: 85 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** WakeUpMessage ** send message: 4 to address 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** ActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 82:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** Active VU Message ** send message: 85 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** WakeUpMessage ** send message: 4 to address 0
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** ActiveSourceMessage ** send message: 82:10:0 to address f
[VTI HDMI-CEC] ** Active VU Message ** send message: 85 to address f

Also when I turn on with tv remote - vu is still off

Edited by holi, 9 March 2012 - 11:13.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #17 iceke

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 23:22

I got the same problem.
Panasonic G30, hotelmode on, always hdmi1 at startup, fixed ip on vu+ and tv.
viera link on,link on on,lik off on, etc.
When i power on/off the tv with the remote from the tv everything works flawless, when i power on/off with the remote frome the vu+ the tv never switches to hdmi1 -> always to analog signal.
I didn't scan for analog/dvb-c or dvb-t channels and put all inputs on the tv on ignore (exept for hdmi1 and sdcard/usb ofcourse)

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #18 feelfree

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 12:18

So it seems to be a general problem with the combination of OpenPli@Vu+ and Panasonic TV sets :(
No chance of trying the VTI implementation - which works flawlessly - in OpenPli?

Edited by feelfree, 11 April 2012 - 12:20.

Re: HDMI-CEC problems #19 audionics

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 14:57

I still have the same problem with 7020HD and Panasonic Plasma

Does anyone have a solution or a way to use another HDMI CEC implementation? :o


Re: HDMI-CEC problems #20 ims

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 20:26

I had similar problem on my Philips and DM800SE ... when on TV was DVB-T and was wake-up dream, then TV did not switch to HDMI1 too ( but was displayed name of dream on TV).
I think, there must be some delay between commands ... added time.delay(0.1) in HdmiCec.py and it seems, it works for me now well.

import time

eHdmiCEC.getInstance().sendMessage(address, cmd, data, len(data))

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