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et9x00 Weblinks / Streaming Media

Timm's Photo Timm 10 Mar 2012


The ETPortal in combination with the Weblinks pluging looks very slick. it's great that you can use it for websites and streaming media alike. I made for instance a page for online radio stations and have a link to the latest newsbroadcast:
http://nos.nl/nieuws...audio/journaal/ nosjournaal.gif s

The amount of dutch sites is limited. In the latest update the plugin includes an list of livestreams and a automated list of livestreams. The local TV station Omroep 3ML has the honour the be the first dutch ip-tv station on this list.

Another local station that is maybe more interesting is AT5. This is the Amsterdam local channel and more interesting for people who live outside the city. You can put the logo in the img directory add in one of the files /share/weblinks the following line:

+rtmp:// live=true :: AT5_groot.gif

Any other streaming suggestions?

pcd's Photo pcd 10 Mar 2012


It may be of interest to you that the weblinks portal view is based on the plugin Webmedia portal screen - which I adapted from the PicturePlayer gallery code.

Cheers, pcd.

Timm's Photo Timm 12 Mar 2012


It may be of interest to you that the weblinks portal view is based on the plugin Webmedia portal screen - which I adapted from the PicturePlayer gallery code.

Cheers, pcd.

Yep, that is interesting. Could you shed some light over the format of the cfg files?

pcd's Photo pcd 14 Mar 2012

I was refering to the .jpg picture gallery in the starting screen of these plugins.

Timm's Photo Timm 26 Mar 2012

Topic can be closed. New browser works sightly different.

see also topic: http://openpli.org/f...-et9x00-et6x00/