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DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. !

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#1 teleradio

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 18:29


DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 iand a ET-9200 with OpenPli 2012.03.17 is freezing every 2-3min. too! Especially in combination with a running ccam 2.30 with some different cards in it like ORF, SRG, TiVÙSAT, HD+ (white).

I have been also trying a T-REX Supermodul with Predsaurus 2.40. In that case the SRG card in the ET-9200 reader is not recognized at all. Some time the ET-9200 behaves extremely slow when the modul is in the common interface, So you will have to restart OpenPli. After the restart the box works normaly again but after a few minutes you will have to restart it again.

The Daiblo works a little better but is freezing and behaving the same way, indipendetly which Ipnosys software rev. you use!

So there seam to be a big problem between OpenPli and the correct recongnization of modules in the Common Interface.

PLEASE, coulde someone of the developers here, ahve a look in to this matter and possibly solve it?

Thank you!

greeting teleradio

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #2 Roodkapke

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 19:06

And using those cams have what advantage?

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #3 teleradio

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 19:58

And using those cams have what advantage?

Hello Roodkapke!

Please don't get me wrong, but you don't think a receiver or a receiver operating system should be compatible and working well with the most common cam's and cards too, not only by softcams like ccam, Scam ecc.. Especially they should work well even if they are used in combination wiht softcams like ccam and others.

Please don't forget, there are also people out there using an Xtrend Et-9200 or some other Linux receiver which is not very expert like me and is not familiar with configurations ecc.. So this people can get some channels without having to be an expert simply by using a well programmed cam module. Don't you think so too?

I'm using ccam 2.3.0 and I w'd like to use also the Diablo Cam 2 because this cam gives me the opportunity to get some additional channles which I can't in another way! But if you could suggest me how to get this channels simply by configuring my ccam, beside the channels I got by using my regular cards and ccam, I w'd be deeply grateful!

In any case I'd very grateful if someone could solve this incompatibility between OpenPli, ET-9x00 and Diablo Cam 2 with Ipnosys 0.37!


Edited by teleradio, 17 March 2012 - 20:01.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #4 malakudi

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 22:37

Most problems with CI CAMs are due to driver incompatibility.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #5 teleradio

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 22:47

Most problems with CI CAMs are due to driver incompatibility.

Hello malakudi,

thank you for your reply! So what do you suggest to do? Are there some new drivers? Hopefully there will be someone able to fix this compatibility problem in one of the next image releases.


Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #6 malakudi

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 04:26

You need to report the issue to driver developers, I don't think your problem has anything to do with OpenPLI. Have you tried your CI cam to orthe ET9X00 images?

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #7 zeeteefje

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 16:03

@Malakudi: Don't hold your breath.
This issue is as old as the very first enigma on the DM7000 over ten years ago and was never resolved. Nobody cares, because there is no advantage in using a CI-module in this kind of receivers. Everything you want or need can be achieved without the use of a CI module.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #8 teleradio

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 19:10

@Malakudi: Don't hold your breath.
This issue is as old as the very first enigma on the DM7000 over ten years ago and was never resolved. Nobody cares, because there is no advantage in using a CI-module in this kind of receivers. Everything you want or need can be achieved without the use of a CI module.

Hello zeeteefje

****** Nobody cares, because there is no advantage in using a CI-module in this kind of receivers. ******

Are you shure about that??? I don't think so and I'm shure there are many people agreeing about

****** Everything you want or need can be achieved without the use of a CI module. ******

Realy? So, since you can achieve everything and you seem to be very experienced in that, I w'd be very grateful for precise instructions how to achieve all the channels I unfortunately be able to achieve only by using a Diablo Cam 2 beside ccam and my original cards. Thank you in advance for that!


Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #9 zeeteefje

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 19:56

As you are not talking about original cards, you probably mean emu's. All diablo cam's emulators originate on other platforms and were ported to diablo. All is available for any open-linux receiver, but no discussion allowed on this forum.

The problem for an enigma machine is the availability of multiple independent sources of multiple encodings, that will not work. You need one source of (unlimited-) encodings to prevent this issue. CI-modules that only support one provider usually work fine.

A bit silly to give me a -1 for providing the truth. If you don not want the truth, why ask the question?

Edited by zeeteefje, 18 March 2012 - 19:59.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #10 teleradio

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 23:05

As you are not talking about original cards, you probably mean emu's. All diablo cam's emulators originate on other platforms and were ported to diablo. All is available for any open-linux receiver, but no discussion allowed on this forum.

The problem for an enigma machine is the availability of multiple independent sources of multiple encodings, that will not work. You need one source of (unlimited-) encodings to prevent this issue. CI-modules that only support one provider usually work fine.

A bit silly to give me a -1 for providing the truth. If you don not want the truth, why ask the question?


Unfortunately you have got me absolutely wrong. For your reference: I do use ccam 2.3.0 with 4 original cards (2 cards in the ET-9200 card slots and 2 cards in 2 smargo cardreaders). This cards are working without any problem and all available channels with them are working fine. The problem is I w'd like to get some other channles from other providers which I can get easely by using my well programmed Diablocam 2. I know well that there would be the possibility to get anything by using certain servers but i don't want that. I know also that some but not all cam's for single cards are working. I can tell you that for example a cryptoworks cam does NOT work on my Et-9200. She is simply not recognized by the Et-9200 with openPLi. Some cam's will recognized only in CI Slot 2. You see there are more than one problem.

PLEASE do understand and keep well in mind that not all users are experienced like you and that it's not my intention to bore experienced people like you with stupid questions, but I'm looking for help.

I apologize for my bad English and I hope that you will understand my problem better this time.


Edited by teleradio, 18 March 2012 - 23:09.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #11 zeeteefje

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 11:48

The problem is I w'd like to get some other channles from other providers which I can get easely by using my well programmed Diablocam 2.

Yes, that is exactly what I understood. So what provider cards are inserted in this well-programmed Diablocam that will only function with this cam?

Or...as I suspect: NO card, just emu's that are also available without Diablocam in a well-programmed ET9200.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #12 teleradio

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 19:41

The problem is I w'd like to get some other channles from other providers which I can get easely by using my well programmed Diablocam 2.

Yes, that is exactly what I understood. So what provider cards are inserted in this well-programmed Diablocam that will only function with this cam?

Or...as I suspect: NO card, just emu's that are also available without Diablocam in a well-programmed ET9200.

The problem is I w'd like to get some other channles from other providers which I can get easely by using my well programmed Diablocam 2.

Yes, that is exactly what I understood. So what provider cards are inserted in this well-programmed Diablocam that will only function with this cam?

Or...as I suspect: NO card, just emu's that are also available without Diablocam in a well-programmed ET9200.

Hello zeeteefje!

You are right, only Emu's for some French, Austrian, Bulgarian providers (which I guess is not allowed to mention here in public). My problem is and I'm not ashamed to say it: I don't know how I will have to get those providers only by using or better programming my ET-9200 in combination with ccam. You know, no one is born a master and some help from an experienced user w'd be realy helpful and very appreciate!

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #13 zeeteefje

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Posted 20 March 2012 - 10:34

Austria is even available on CCcam, all you need to do is add the keys ;) . For the others you need another solution, but you should ask on a different forum, not allowed here and not Pli related. There is no need for an expensive CI module however, so you can but yours up for sale.

Re: DiabloCam 2 with Ipnosys 0.36 in a ET-9200 with openPli 2012.03.17 freezing every after 2-3 min. ! #14 WanWizard

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Posted 20 March 2012 - 12:00

Ok, I think this discussion about illegal activities has been going on long enough. We don't want anything about keys and related discussions on this forum.

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