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myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli?

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#1 kim1406

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 14:48


I just tried Pli image on my Vu+ Uno, and I love it. It is very stable and working fine. The only problem is that mytube plugin is crashing everytime trying to open a stream. This plugin is working fine in other image like BH.
Any chance to have myutube working on Pli?


Edited by kim1406, 31 March 2012 - 14:50.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #2 ims

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 15:00

look into MyTubeService.py and find line:
(fmturl, fmtid) = fmtstring.split('&itag=')

add 2 lines =>
(fmturl, fmtid) = fmtstring.split('&itag=')
if len(fmtid) >= 3:
    fmtid = fmtid[:2]

then restart gui.

Edited by ims, 31 March 2012 - 15:06.

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #3 Dream1975

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 15:36

Ik heb ook het probleem dat bepaalde streams een green screen of death geven. Ik gebruik een officiële Dreambox met de officiële plugin (ik neem aan dat PLi deze van http://www.dreamboxu...0/experimental/ afhaalt). Is het mogelijk contact op te nemen met de maker zodat hij deze fix kan verwerken in de officiële versie (als het op andere images wel goed werkt weet hij waarschijnlijk niet van de GSOD in OpenPLi). Of moet er een wijziging in PLi gedaan worden zodat het weer goed gaat (omdat het in andere images wel goed gaat)?

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #4 Dream1975

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 15:57

Sorry, I forgot I was in the English section. I'll translate:

I had the same problem some stream give a crash when using the official Mytube plugin on my DM8000. If other images don't have the same problem is it possible to fix this in PLi (or should the original maker add the above patch in it's plugin)? Please let me know if the maker should fix it, the I'll contact him

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #5 ims

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 16:01

This is not problem in PLi code, but in used version of mytube plugin in PLi repository.
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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #6 Dream1975

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 16:27

I thought PLi got the plugin directly from http://www.dreamboxu...0/experimental/

Shall I contact the maker then so he can change his plugin there?

It is strange though other images don't have the problem as the TS stated

Edited by Dream1975, 31 March 2012 - 16:28.

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #7 ims

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 16:30

plugin is from schwercraft... there is updated yet. I hope, it will be updated in PLi too.
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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #8 Dream1975

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 17:00

Indeed, if I manually install the latest mytube from http://www.dreamboxu...0/experimental/ it works fine.

@PLi why isn't the last version in the feed? I thought you always picked the latest version from the above site?

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #9 Roodkapke

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 17:45

If i'm nog mistaken we aren't allowed.
The author doesn't want it to run on VU+ and Xtrend receivers.

I might be wrong though, I can't really remember what is allowed these days.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #10 pieterg

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 17:47

I can't really remember what is allowed these days.

It might not even be allowed on dmm receivers, because our GPL e2 is not compatible with non-GPL plugins.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #11 Dream1975

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 18:57

I use an official DM8000. I remember the maker didn't have a problem offering Mytube for Openpli as long as it was a Dreambox.

The license states:
this plugin may be distributed and executed on hardware which
is licensed by Dream Multimedia GmbH.

This plugin is NOT free software. It is open source, you are allowed to
modify it (if you keep the license), but it may not be commercially
distributed other than under the conditions noted above.

As an exception regarding Modifcations, you are NOT permitted to remove
any geniune checks implemented in this Software or change them for means of disabling
or working around the genuine checks, unless the change has been explicitly permitted
by the original Author(s).
So in my opinion it is no problem for the DM images to offer the latest version.

Mutant HD2400, OpenPLi nightly, 2x DVB-C & 2x DVB-S

Mutant HD51, OpenPLi nightly, 1x DVB-C & 1x DVB-S

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Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #12 pieterg

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 20:34

the authors changed the licenses with the apparent(?) intention to break compatibility with GPL

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #13 MrKappa

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 21:34

Maybe we should count on WebMedia plugin improvments. It does what Mytube does, we have some forward/reverse functions which we cannot use on Mytube and we have access to other video platforms.
I think it should only be improved for example showing an image preview or additional info for each video. For me it could be perfect and a good replacement of Mytube.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #14 kim1406

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Posted 1 April 2012 - 04:03

What I understand from your posts is that, Mytube is no longer works on Vu+, am I right? even though it is working fine in other images but not Pli.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #15 kalehrl

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Posted 1 April 2012 - 07:31

Pli team respect the wishes of plugin creators.
If they don't want their plugin to run on boxes other than dreambox, Pli will honor it by not removing the part of the plugin which checks the box.
Other teams obviously don't respect plugins creator's wishes and modify the plugin to run on other boxes.

Edited by kalehrl, 1 April 2012 - 07:32.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #16 Dimitrij

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Posted 17 June 2012 - 07:55

ver. 20120616-r5
-recent changes to the schwerkraft.elitedvb.net
-patch for PLi(Stop video - Ask user)

Edited by Frenske, 17 June 2012 - 09:08.
Answer moved to the English section and added to this topic which is related. ;)

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #17 kalehrl

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Posted 17 June 2012 - 08:21

Hi Dima73
I get this error when installing this plugin:

root@et6x00:~# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube (1.0-20120616-r5) to root...
Installing python-gdata (1.2.4-r4) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...-r4_mipsel.ipk.
Configuring python-gdata.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube.

* MyTube *
* MyTube Player for direct *
* playback of Youtube movies *
* Version - r5 16-06-2012 *

Plugin successfully installed!
You should restart enigma2 now...
Collected errors:
* pkg_parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* pkg_parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!

But the plugin works nonetheless.

Edited by Frenske, 17 June 2012 - 09:09.
I moved your answer to the English section. Feel feel to continue your issue overhere.

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #18 Dimitrij

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Posted 17 June 2012 - 08:31

Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube.
Do not worry about mistakes.
I specifically did not reworked control file.
It was so early.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: myutube on Vu+ Uno on pli? #19 kalehrl

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 18:35

The plugin won't install on latest openpli:


Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube (1.0-20120616-r5) to root...       
Collected errors:                                                              
 * parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!      
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enig
 *      gst-plugin-flv *                                                       
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube.

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