Yes the editors show the wrong namespace they show
e100000 when i check the options of a channel.All the channels you did mention i did check thru the menu with Stream Info and they show all the same name space as La Deux - eeee0000
I hope "eeee0000" is okay now, it also shows this id from your Norkring channels.xml:
<!-- DVB-T VRT - Norkring BE-->
<channel id="">1:0:1:1010:0001:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- een -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:1030:0001:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- een+ -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:1020:0001:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ketnet/canvas -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:10b0:0001:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ketnet/canvas+ -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:10b0:0001:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ketnet/canvas+ -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:1451:00d2:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ActuaTV -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:13ed:006e:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- GunkTV -->
The channel userbouquet is also showing eeee0000 for all these dvb-t channels if i open in notepad ect.
This channel " <channel id="">1:0:1:1451:00d2:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ActuaTV -->" did work before only renamed into teletenne15
Maybe with the new pids its importing epg for this one:?
<channel id="">1:0:1:65:6E:2038:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ActuaTV -->
Can you please check " <channel id="">1:0:1:450:8a6:2210:eeee0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- L1mburg tv --> "
L1 dvb-t is showing TV-Rijnmond epg , L1 from Astra does show the right epg from import.
Attached is a edit rytec.channels.xml with the eeee0000 namespace for the channels you mentioned changed
Thanks again Willy
rytec.channels.xml 5.61KB
Edited by Happysat, 27 April 2012 - 14:37.