Gigablue HD 800 SE
It would be nice if the box could NOT come back automatically on (boot) when the power is restored
So when the box is in deep sleep & the power is knocked off for the night, it would be nice if the power state is preserved (deep sleep) when the power is restored (like one can select in PC BIOS)
I realize that remote would most likely not work, but that is OK.
For now I had to fit inline power switch (I really do not have to have GB running all day every day just because power to AV is on)
I was adviced to try E2 plugin called startuptostandby , but so far I did not maage to locate on that would install on the unit
One from here does install "...not found, but incompatible with the architectures configured"
startuptostandby plugin ?
Started by sebus, 30 Apr 2012 19:06
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