I'm trying to figure out how to execute a command at startup.
The command I'm trying to execute is:
ssh -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key -f -L port:x.x.x.x:port -N user@x.x.x.x -p port
Where should I put this line or should write a script? How would the script look like and where should I put it?
(OpenPli 2.1 beta on my dm800se. )
I tried to search for an answer in the forum but I was unable to find any good information.
Maybe you guys can help me out here?
Thanks in advance!
Execute command at startup - dm800se
Started by squidden, 05 May 2012 22:08
2 replies to this topic
Re: Execute command at startup - dm800se #2
Posted 6 May 2012 - 01:09
Google "SysV Init" to get an overview of how the init scripts work. You could just add your command to an existing script, but if the initscripts get updated, it would overwrite your changes, neater to add your own script. Also, the default runlevel of the E2 boxes is 3.
Re: Execute command at startup - dm800se #3
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