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PLi Garnet how do I update CCcam to 1.6.1 ?

's foto romcard 1 feb 2007

I have a Dream 500S which I bought about 2 weeks ago and running PLi Garnet on it.

I have found a copy of CCcam 1.6.1, how can I upgrade my box to install this newer version. Is it easy to do and is there an installation guide anywhere on how to do it.

Thanks in advance from Dream newbie....

's foto dAF2000 1 feb 2007

I have a Dream 500S which I bought about 2 weeks ago and running PLi Garnet on it.

I have found a copy of CCcam 1.6.1, how can I upgrade my box to install this newer version. Is it easy to do and is there an installation guide anywhere on how to do it.

Thanks in advance from Dream newbie....

There is no need to find a copy, it's just in the downloads (blue button, Software management, Downloads, cardservers/cams. CCcam). I assume your box is connected to the internet.

's foto romcard 1 feb 2007

Yes my box is connected to the net. Thanks for the quick response. Will try that when i get home.

's foto Henksat 1 feb 2007

Please don`t forget to stop CCcam en remove it before you do.

's foto dAF2000 1 feb 2007

Please don`t forget to stop CCcam en remove it before you do.

Only stop it. The old version cannot be removed in a 500, it's in the image itself ;)

's foto romcard 1 feb 2007

Silly question how do I stop it ?

Is it in the blue menu also ?

's foto dAF2000 1 feb 2007

Silly question how do I stop it ?

Is it in the blue menu also ?

Blue/Softcam setup,

to stop:
set Default Softcam to none and press green

to start:
set Default Softcam to CCcam 1.6.1 and press green

All other settings can remain default/none.

's foto romcard 1 feb 2007

Thanks, just tried to upgrade cam but it says failed, not enough space in \var.

Free 484kB, needs 516kB.

what folder could I delete something from ?

's foto E.T. 1 feb 2007

If you have no idea what's on the dreambox itself you could better put a new image on it. With Garnet on the dreambox and only CCcam and a settingslist in it, the var is not higher then 60%

Otherwise, look into the bleu button menu, remove software and see if there in anuthing mentioned you don't need and remove it.

good luck ;)

's foto dAF2000 1 feb 2007

That right, and because the DM500 doesn't have that much free /var, we've included CCcam standard in the image (won't cost any /var space). It's 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 however, but good enough for most purposes.

's foto romcard 1 feb 2007

just checked /var used 70%. In the remove software all that is listed is cccam config and cccam softcam. The Garnet image is 20061228-2164.

Only other things added were gbox cam, TPS autoupdater and pet123dreamsettings 07-01-07.