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CF on dm7025

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#1 dog05

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Posted 11 June 2012 - 21:33

I try to copy the flash of my dm7025 on a CF. I follow the procedure given in the wiki but when I run the command "copy flash to internal CF card" script "/ usr / bin / root_to_cf.sh" is not executed. Can anyone help me?

Re: CF on dm7025 #2 hemispherical1

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 17:46

Did you try running /usr/bin/root_to_cf.sh from telnet to see whether the problem is in the script itself or whatever calls the script?


Re: CF on dm7025 #3 dog05

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 20:40

Hemi, Telnet is a procedure that I have never used, always use to ftp by dcc, you can tell me how to do so I can do this test?

Re: CF on dm7025 #4 hemispherical1

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 23:46

http://www.google.co...q=how to telnet

Once you figure out how to telnet into the DB (hint. I believe DCC has a telnet client/tab)... enter the command:

/usr/bin/root_to_cf.sh (and hit the enter key)


Re: CF on dm7025 #5 dog05

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 11:58

Hemi, I'm very grateful for the help.

Re: CF on dm7025 #6 dog05

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 14:42

Hemi, still take advantage of your patience and professionalism, making you this question: given that the DM7025 has only 32mb of flash memory and I frequent crashlog for full memory, which files or plugins I can delete. I am interested only plugins oscam, cccam221 and scam 3.60.

Re: CF on dm7025 #7 MiLo

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 15:01

There is hardly anything to gain. There is something like 100kB in plugins installed, the rest is all in the big "squashed" file. Removing files will often result in taking up even more flash space, because the "administration" part grows while the squashed file data cannot really be removed.

Installing a CF card is the best thing for a 7025, any card will do. Even a tiny card of 16MB will help, use the flashextender to use it. If you have a larger card, 128MB or more, the cf-boot option is by far the best way, as it also considerably speeds up things. I've seen shops selling those cards for 1 euro.
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Re: CF on dm7025 #8 dog05

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 21:39

Milo, you've been very clear in exposing the problem and I agree with you that CF is the best solution but I can not charge us the flash, but I follow "the letter" the steps. I cf 2gb, I followed the steps in the wiki but I can not copy the flash. Could you help me in the procedure "Pass Pass".

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