sorry, haven't had time to include this in the skin, yet. I've tried a few ways to use your code, but it didn't work for me.
Your code is good Dima73 - my attemps to implement this weren't that good .
I think that it would be possible to change the standard info with this? (Show 1Epg would be the standard).
So here's how I tried it:
installed EPGsearch
copied the '' to the Renderers
tried to edit the source, render,.... it didn't work
<screen name ="Channe lSelection" position="center,90" size="1120,570" title="Channel Selection">
<widget source =" ServiceEvent" render ="Label" position ="805,7 0" zPosition ="1 " size ="31 0,48" font="Regu la r;22" halign ="center" foregroundColor="yellow">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
Is this the right piece I've got to edit?
I've been editing the infobar and a few other things, but I couldn't use your code - because I'm to stupid for it
PS: is there a Howto for skins - with a list of the standard things and how everything works (sources,.... - so that I'm able to solve my problem on my own)?
Edited by Balu, 24 June 2012 - 10:30.