One possible solution is to add a disc partition label. After reboot the automount always mount the partition to folder named as the pattion label as long that there is not another device mounted to that folder.
same happend to dreambox.
You can check the device to find the /dev/sd... with telnet to box ,
cat /proc/mounts this will give all mounted devices.
blkid this will give all disc like devices
example I just formatted my cf , using the openpli hd utility.
The result is : blkid (there is no option to give label with pli utility.)
/dev/sdf1: LABEL="usb" UUID="737cf91d-64b2-4ab6-8302-e9afd5d27baf" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sdc1: UUID="ef96638a-f03a-4b61-a01f-3afcefd29648" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sda1: LABEL="hdd" UUID="9f36254d-e7ff-49bb-aed4-0f047e5433f3" TYPE="ext3"
As You see /dev/sdc1 does not has a lable. after formatting it is mounted to /media/sdc1 (ps it's formated ext4 the fact that blkid outputs ext3 is a bug from blkid self)
With the latest versions the device will be anyway mounted to /dev/cf after reboot. But to be really shure (and you do not want to use a fstab entry)
just simply use the command from out of telenet as well ..
tune2fs -L cf /dev/sdc1
Now run blkid to check,
/dev/sdf1: LABEL="usb" UUID="737cf91d-64b2-4ab6-8302-e9afd5d27baf" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sdc1: LABEL="cf" UUID="ef96638a-f03a-4b61-a01f-3afcefd29648" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sda1: LABEL="hdd" UUID="9f36254d-e7ff-49bb-aed4-0f047e5433f3" TYPE="ext3"
Now after rebooting the box the device will be mounted to /media/cf for shure.
That's the default udev value