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'ChannelList Preview Mode' on PLi3 ?

's foto rtzhjgg0 11 aug 2012

I like very much the 'ChannelList Preview Mode' of AAF images. If this option is activated, you can preview channels (without leaving the channel list) just by pressing OK. At this point you have three choices:
-switch the selected channel to main window with OK
-switch the selected channel to PiP with MENU + BLUE
-leave the channel list and return to the channel you started at with EXIT

This is a patch from 'andyblac'.

I was curious if it runs on PLi3 and made a patch/diff which works here very well.

It would be very nice to see this feature on Pli :)

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto Dimitrij 11 aug 2012

And where is the patch?

's foto rtzhjgg0 11 aug 2012

I found only this (perhaps the initial thread): ChannelSelection: add Channel preview as an option

I generated the diffs (for personal purposes only) comparing 3 affected files. This patch runs perfectly on my PLi3.

's foto littlesat 11 aug 2012

In our graphical Multi EPG this is also possible by pressing RED.... I do not see to change the OK butten (even by a config) in the settings list.....

I suggest it can only be considered to find another way without adding a config.... (e.g. TV button... when you're already on TV then zap to it)....

Menu blue is already possible...

's foto rtzhjgg0 11 aug 2012

If anyone want to test how it works, just overwrite this files

then restart E2 and activate the feature in setup, system, customize.

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto Dimitrij 11 aug 2012


's foto rtzhjgg0 12 aug 2012

...I suggest it can only be considered to find another way without adding a config.... (e.g. TV button... when you're already on TV then zap to it)...

Your 'Preview mode in ChannelSelection pressing TV / RADIO' works great here! But what I'm missing in your solution is: after previewing ,leave the channel list with EXIT and return to the channel you started at. But perhaps these are just "works in progress" :)

's foto littlesat 12 aug 2012

That is indeed work in progress.... As e.g. I need also cover the zap back to the correct bouquet that is not covered on Aaf's patch (bug)... I need some little more research here ;)
Veranderd door littlesat, 12 augustus 2012 - 10:27

's foto rtzhjgg0 13 aug 2012

Your Preview works now like a charm :)
'Zap back' on EXIT is perfectly solved. The pipzap handling is great. It works also during a movie is played and pipzap is activated!
All this only with one file modification (ChannelSelection.py)
Super job B) B) B)

's foto littlesat 13 aug 2012

And no configsettings required.... ;).... I tried it since Sunday morning - since than it is working fine here.
Veranderd door littlesat, 13 augustus 2012 - 21:56

's foto Taykun345 13 aug 2012

Nice, now we just need new builds for our boxes :)

's foto Frogman 14 aug 2012

Nice, now we just need new builds for our boxes :)

just go to http://openpli.git.s...99090eff80f75b0 and save the raw-file of the ChannelSelection.py (see the top link), copy this file to the directory
usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ and reboot your receiver - the ChannelSelection.pyo will be compiled again and you can enjoy the feature ;)

Edit: after the reboot please delete the copied ChannelSelection.py on the receiver
Veranderd door Steffen, 14 augustus 2012 - 05:27

's foto littlesat 14 aug 2012

As far I understood the images are not build due something incorrect in the ShootYourScreen plugin from e2openplugins.

's foto Pedro_Newbie 14 aug 2012

Could you place this plugin on the feed for oe2.0? This is a reworked version of the plugin screengrabber, I adjusted the name so it is suitable for Openpli. (part of the name was incorrect, -plugin was missing).
This plugin enables you to make multiple screenshots and store them. The used button is adjustable, TEXT, HELP, INFO, MUTE and VIDEO keys can be used as trigger to make a screenshot with your remote.

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto blzr 14 aug 2012

As far I understood the images are not build due something incorrect in the ShootYourScreen plugin from e2openplugins.

seems that you gave a link to the forum for the (second-degree ;)) insiders, so it does not explain us much... :P

's foto littlesat 14 aug 2012

Sorry for that link..

This is the issue with our builds - so an issue on e2openplugins.. And we prefer opensource screen grabber plugins - howerver this should be fixed...
In addition I want to prevent for having plugins with OE2.0 in the name.... as OpenPli != OE 2.0....
DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-32', 'mips-common', 'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'mipsel-linux', 'common']
ERROR: Function failed: do_install (see /home/martin/openpli3/build-dm800se/tmp/work/dm800se-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-shootyourscreen-0.1+git3+5c315c658a0c12c9cf73dc9722f4e1be4b693d93-r5/temp/log.do_install.29899 for further information)
NOTE: make -j 8 DESTDIR=/home/martin/openpli3/build-dm800se/tmp/work/dm800se-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-shootyourscreen-0.1+git3+5c315c658a0c12c9cf73dc9722f4e1be4b693d93-r5/image install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
ERROR: oe_runmake failed

Veranderd door littlesat, 14 augustus 2012 - 08:59

's foto Dimitrij 14 aug 2012

class ChannelSelectionBase(Screen):
def __init__(self, session):
  Screen.__init__(self, session)
  self["key_red"] = Button(_("All"))
  self["key_green"] = Button(_("Satellites"))
  self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Provider"))
  self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Favourites"))
  self["list"] = ServiceList()
  self.servicelist = self["list"]
  self.numericalTextInput = NumericalTextInput()
  self.servicePathTV = [ ]
  self.servicePathRadio = [ ]
  self.servicePath = [ ]
  self.rootChanged = False
  self.mode = MODE_TV
  self.dopipzap = False

  self.startRoot= None # Add!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
def setRoot(self, root, justSet=False):
  if self.startRoot is None: # ????????????
   self.startRoot = self.getRoot()
  path = root.getPath()
  inBouquetRootList = path.find('FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.') != -1 #FIXME HACK
  pos = path.find('FROM BOUQUET')
  isBouquet = (pos != -1) and (root.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory)
  if not inBouquetRootList and isBouquet:
I use a call to the screen in their plugins separately.

self.startRoot= None
Veranderd door Dima73, 14 augustus 2012 - 13:23

's foto littlesat 14 aug 2012


Did you had a GSOD?.... in some kind of plugin? Indeed there could be a declaration of self.startRoot missing... (or I have to add perform a hasattr, but then I prefer a declaration first)

I did not get any error on this during testing so I left the declaration on purpose. I didn't know yet that some plugins did use it...

This evening I will check to side effects.... When the are side effects I add a hasattr test in the if... (so only store startRoot in case the attribute is available).

When setting to None is good here I can also consider to remove the other declaration of it.
Veranderd door littlesat, 14 augustus 2012 - 13:49

's foto Dimitrij 14 aug 2012

TMBD Details(http://openpli.org/f...8-tmbd-details/)
Softcam setup mod(http://openpli.org/f...post__p__282394)
and etc,i do not remember what else was doing.
So much time was spent.

File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 938, in enterPath
    self.setRoot(ref, justSet)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 865, in setRoot
    if self.startRoot is None:
AttributeError: 'TMBDChannelSelection' object has no attribute 'startRoot'

File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 1060, in showProviders
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 938, in enterPath
    self.setRoot(ref, justSet)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 865, in setRoot
    if self.startRoot is None:
AttributeError: 'AutoCamServiceSetup' object has no attribute 'startRoot'

Veranderd door Dima73, 14 augustus 2012 - 14:10

's foto littlesat 14 aug 2012

....I'll fix it this evening... No problem...