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Is my Dreambox a clone?

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#1 Matsaki

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Posted 7 September 2012 - 19:26

I just received my Dreambox DM800 HD SE, that I bought from a very big and serious dealer, that only sells first hand products. The first thing I did was trying the verification cod used by Dreambox, and it gave green light (even if I heard they can now also be faked).

Second this I tried was installing a new OpenPLI image from here, which also worked fine. The problem started when I tried to flash "newnigma2 v. 3.3.2" and the box got locked, showing the error: "No CA Found"

A friend I asked told me that this means the box is a clone. But I can't belive it? How can I check to be really sure? Could the OpenPLI image be installed on a clone?

(The price was not a "clone" price either)

Thanks for any help!

Edited by Matsaki, 7 September 2012 - 19:27.

Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #2 Robinson

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Posted 7 September 2012 - 22:38

Maybe the Newnigma image you were trying to install was for clones.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #3 ims

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Posted 7 September 2012 - 22:48

When you install night build from this web and it works, it is not clone, imho. For clone must be image patched.

I think, that mytube plugin check , if it is clone, and if it is clone, it does not work well.
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Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #4 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 10:01

When I tried the latest nightly build from1/9 it stoped at 59% two times. I took a later from 24/8 and it worked fine. I used Sunray FlashUP to put the new enigma 2, and then it just show SIM2, No CA Found. when I connect Sunray FlashUP.

Somebody said that when it say SIM2, it's a clone. I very sure that the seller would never sell a non original product. But everything can happen.

What is "mytube plugin check"
Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #5 radxnl

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 10:24

yes SIM2 is a very very bad sign ;)

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #6 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 10:34

SIM2 only shows up when Sunray FlashUP is connected. When disconnected only No CA Module shows.
Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #7 radxnl

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 10:39

it's a clone, you can be sure about it.

try to use the official upload tool from DMM and you will have it confirmed.

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #8 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 11:21

Mybe or maybe not. I was readinga nother forum:

It seems you have flashed your original dm800 with a SIM2 team image... re-flash your box using dream-up and your lan cable making sure you have an original image for your box to see if that works.

I guess I can contact DREAM MULTIMEDIA give them serial no. and Mac address and they will be able to tell. I have no doubt that he seller will give me a new box if it is a clone. But first I will do some more testing. :mellow:

Edited by Matsaki, 8 September 2012 - 11:23.

Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #9 Avalanche

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 11:54

Some clones also have a bottun with the text "mini flashup" on the back,
or you can open the box and if you see a simcard with the text "sim 2.10" or "Ferrari" it's a clone.

And Sunray FlashUP is used for clone boxes not the original ones.

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #10 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 12:43

The box don't have that "mini flashup" button. And the simcard is white, but also glued with black glue so I cant see ant text on it.
Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #11 Happysat

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 13:23

And the simcard is white, but also glued with black glue so I cant see ant text on it.

Sim2 based clones never have their sim card glued in the plastic holder, you just can take the sim out.

Flash your box with a orginal ssl84 and then grab some OpenPLi from the download section, not working -->>RMA.

Attached File  sim2.10.JPG   23.79KB   81 downloads

Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530  DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #12 malakudi

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 13:40

I think you have original DM800SE, but you flashed newnigma2 image patched for some clone box. Use dreamup from DMM, flash SSL84, then flash image.

Where did you download this newnigma2 image you flashed?

Newest upatched OpenPLI images can be used in clone boxes that have the new SIM which is a DM800SE SIM clone. The key in SIM can be revoked, but it hasn't been revoked till today.

Edited by malakudi, 8 September 2012 - 13:45.

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #13 Happysat

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 14:22

Im sure TS his box is orginal:

Second this I tried was installing a new OpenPLI image from here, which also worked fine.

He only needs to get rid off the sim2 ssl from the patched newnigma crap :)

Common mistake many newbies make is flashing everything they found on sat-U with zero knowledge which is no problem all boxes can be recovered in a jiffy B)

This new sim a8p can also be used in 500hd/800hd not only SE..

Edited by Happysat, 8 September 2012 - 14:23.

Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530  DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #14 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 15:38

Ok thanks guys. Now I know what and how and will check on monday whats going on :)
Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #15 Matsaki

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 16:57

And the simcard is white, but also glued with black glue so I cant see ant text on it.

Sim2 based clones never have their sim card glued in the plastic holder, you just can take the sim out.

Flash your box with a orginal ssl84 and then grab some OpenPLi from the download section, not working -->>RMA.

Attached File  sim2.10.JPG   23.79KB   81 downloads

By the way, I just found the following on a site with things to check if the Dreambox is clone or not:

In original dm800 the sim card is fixed with black glue , on clone is not fixed just introduced.

I wrote a email to Dream Multimedia with sn# and Mac address, so lets see the answer from them
Dreambox Dm7025+

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #16 pieterg

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 17:22

anyone can copy the serialnumber and mac, so I don't think they can tell you whether it's genuine, based on just that.
They'll probably tell you to flash a factory image, and run the genuine dreambox checker plugin.

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #17 Happysat

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Posted 8 September 2012 - 18:14

Just a simple flash of the orginal bootloader can save you all these drama with clones and contacting dmm...

Octagon SF8008 / TBS5530  DVB-S2/T2 T-85/1.50Mtr/3x90cm (53e 52e 51,5e 28e 25,9e 23e 19e 13e 9e 4e 1w 5w 14w)

Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #18 cobus

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Posted 9 September 2012 - 18:55

Its not a clone forget the sunray / sim 2 use orginal dreamupp

Groetjes Cobus R








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Re: Is my Dreambox a clone? #19 Matsaki

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 19:32

Good news. It looks like it's not a clone. My friend manage to flash the bootloader and newnigma v.3.3.2 (I will change to OpenPLI) :) So I guess my worries is over. Thanks for all the help though. Seems almost impossible to differ a clone from original this days :blink:
Dreambox Dm7025+

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