Probeer deze eens ,deze heb ik van ihad en werkt bij mij prima.
Het vreemde is dat het channelnummer "15"is en dat die begint te tellen bij 4
Alleen misschien even stoeien met de volgorde?
# #
# Boblight Configuration file #
# #
# Channels is calculate by number of lights*3
# 16 lights wil be 48 channels
# 8 lights wil be 32 channels
# 4 lights wil be 12 channels
# 2 lights wil be 6 channels
# and so on....
# Type can be:
# karate, atmolight or momo
# for more info, go to this link:
#port 19333
### >> Atmolight << ###
name ambilight
output /dev/ttyUSB0
channels 15
prefix FF
rate 38400
debug off
type atmo
interval 16000
# #
# Light section #
# #
# You can change this to your own setting, some people have crossed red and blue etc....
# then you change the blue 0000FF to red FF0000 and red to 0000FF.
name red
rgb FF0000
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0
name green
rgb 00FF00
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0
name blue
rgb 0000FF
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0
name left1
color red ambilight 4
color green ambilight 5
color blue ambilight 6
hscan 0 50
vscan 0 100
name right1
color red ambilight 7
color green ambilight 8
color blue ambilight 9
hscan 50 100
vscan 0 100
name top1
color red ambilight 10
color green ambilight 11
color blue ambilight 12
hscan 0 100
vscan 0 50
name sub1
color red ambilight 13
color green ambilight 14
color blue ambilight 15
hscan 0 100
vscan 50 100
Edited by Meega, 14 September 2012 - 15:05.