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[Poland] A change on the website?


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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #61 onken

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 13:38

Hi Willy

Yes, becauce descriptions it becomes difficult to read :/

But, you can check XMLTV import because some data is missing and e.g. Zone Romatinca

I download its cross epg this channel have epg

and you change to channels films descrption: ( example ) Kochac i umrzec - [film sensacyjny] ??

Please :)

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #62 doglover

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 13:47

Zone romantica s indeed missing, because I have disabled it in my dowload.
Could not fnd a download site for it anymore.
Do You know one?

If you have epg on this channel with Crossepg, then you must import something which I do not have control over.


and you change to channels films descrption: ( example ) Kochac i umrzec - [film sensacyjny] ??

Which channel? because this "jklsaghjaghjaghajajb sadfjhagbah" means the same to me.


Edited by doglover, 22 January 2013 - 13:47.

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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #63 doglover

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 13:59

Is zone Romantica renamed to Romance TV?


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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #64 doglover

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 14:11

Found a schedule for Zone Romantica.


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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #65 onken

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 14:22


Almost all channel films - now: tilte polish + tilte orginal language and other descrptions type e.g. [komedia] , [film sensacyjny] , [film familijny] , [film przygodowy] etc

You can prepare:


nPremium 2 HD Strefa zrzutu - ( Drop Zone ) and other informations [film sensacyjny]

You can prepare tile ?? to format: nPremium 2 HD Strefa zrzutu - [film sensacyjny] and big epg decriptions later orginal title ?

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #66 doglover

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 14:42

I am sorry but what is wrong with this epg. See screenshot


Attached Files

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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #67 onken

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 14:55

I now, but maybe can change script but in firs decription in big epg descriptions [film sensacyjny] move to firs name: Strefa zrzutu - [film sensacyjny] and later move orginal title to big description ? :)

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #68 Ampersand

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 18:43

EPG on the screenshot looks fine so no need to change anything IMHO. ;)

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #69 Ampersand

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 20:58

I talked to @onken and he is right. I did not understand exactly where problem exist. After last changes on source website we do not have genres / types of movies in description (what you see in square bracket is genre). Check my attachments so you see the difference. Hope you can fix it.

Attached Files

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #70 Robinson

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 23:14

Is zone Romantica renamed to Romance TV?

These are 2 different channels.

Found a schedule for Zone Romantica.

Can you PM me the website? I'll check if it is correct because it is very difficult to find a reliable site listing Zone Romantica schedule.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #71 doglover

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 09:16

I talked to @onken and he is right. I did not understand exactly where problem exist. After last changes on source website we do not have genres / types of movies in description (what you see in square bracket is genre). Check my attachments so you see the difference. Hope you can fix it.

I do understand.
In the XMLTV file I have:

  <programme start="20130123112000 +0100" stop="20130123125500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Ostrza chwa³y</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(Blades of Glory)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[komedia]. Dwaj ³y¿wiarze figurowi, Chazz Michael Michaels i Jimmy MacElroy, rywalizuj± ze sob± nie tylko na tafli lodowej, lecz tak¿e w ¿yciu prywatnym. Mê¿czy¼ni s± swoimi zupe³nymi przeciwieñstwami. Dzieli ich w zasadzie wszystko - od wygl±du po cechy charakteru i upodobania. Chazz jest silny, pewny siebie i mêski, natomiast Jimmy'ego wyró¿niaj± wra¿liwo¶æ, zwinno¶æ i wytrzyma-³o¶æ. Czêsto dochodzi miêdzy nimi do konfliktów. Ka¿da sportowa impreza to okazja do kolejnej k³ótni. Kiedy jednak podczas mistrzostw ¶wiata przechodz± do rêkoczynów, zostaj± zdyskwalifikowani i pozbawieni swoich dotychczasowych trofeów. Wówczas Chazz zaczyna wystêpowaæ w dzieciêcej rewii, a Jimmy zostaje sprzedawc± obuwia sportowego. Mijaj± trzy lata. Usi³uj±cy ratowaæ w³asn± karierê trener przypomina sobie o by³ych mistrzach. Wykorzystuj±c lukê w przepisach, postanawia w³±czyæ dawnych rywali do turnieju ³y¿wiarskiego tym razem jako... parê. Chazz i Jimmy dostaj± szansê powrotu na szczyt pod warunkiem, ¿e zdo³aj± ze sob± wspó³pracowaæ. Ich najwiêkszymi konkurentami s± Stranz Van Waldenberg i jego siostra Fairchild
Josh Gordon, Will Speck
Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123125500 +0100" stop="20130123144500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Wy¶cig z czasem</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(In Time)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[thriller SF]. Historia rozgrywa siê w niedalekiej przysz³o¶ci, w ¶wiecie, w którym aby unikn±æ przeludnienia, wprowadzono reglamentacjê czasu do prze¿ycia. Tym samym jest to najcenniejsze dobro. Ludzie przestaj± siê starzeæ w wieku 25 lat, ale jednocze¶nie wszyscy s± genetycznie zaprogramowani, ¿eby ¿yæ jeszcze tylko jeden rok. Bogaci, których na to staæ, mog± ¿yæ wiecznie, niestety pozostali musz± wykazaæ siê wiêksz± inwencj±. ¯eby prze¿yæ d³u¿ej, trzeba zarabiaæ, kra¶æ lub dziedziczyæ czas. Bohaterem filmu jest m³ody cz³owiek z getta, Will Salas , nies³usznie oskar¿ony o zamordowanie bogatego cz³owieka dla przejêcia jego czasu. Uciekaj±c, zabiera ze sob± piêkn± zak³adniczkê, Sylviê Weis - dziedziczkê czasu, z któr± postanawia zniszczyæ panuj±cy system
Andrew Niccol
Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Cillian Murphy.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123144500 +0100" stop="20130123151500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Premium Box Office (21)</title>
	<desc lang="pl">[magazyn kulturalny]. Dynamiczny magazyn kulturalny przedstawiaj±cy najwa¿niejsze i najbardziej interesuj±ce wydarzenia nadchodz±cego tygodnia - premiery kinowe i teatralne, wystawy i koncerty.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123151500 +0100" stop="20130123162000 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Usain Bolt. Najszybszy cz³owiek ¶wiata</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(Usain Bolt. The Fastest)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[film dokumentalny].</desc>

Which does have the genre (or category in XMLTV speak).
Also in my box, the category is mentioned. See attached file.
(The picons in my box are not up-to-date).


Attached Files

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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #72 onken

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 09:23

Hi Willy

Jarex explain to you later, im check today, you add epg ( i think ) to Zone Romantica from CBS Actions, please correct :)

You can tell me, why i can update manula from telnet epg base date epg from telnet ??

I ask, because autoamtic in plain hour not work good, today again i have informations "upgrade 0 events" :(

I download from yellow button it downlad now

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #73 doglover

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 10:15

Zone Romantica: I have send you a PM with the download site.
But I do not have any way of knowing if this published schedule is correct.

As for updating the epg with a telnet instruction: This is not possible. Except you use remote control in the webif and do it the normal way.
I saw this morning that I also did not have an import. But a manual start revealed:

[EPGImport] nextImport, source= Rytec Poland XMLTV
[EPGImport] Downloading: http://www.ebook-directory.net/rytecxmlepg/rytecxmltvpoland.gz to local path: /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] unlink /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] Downloading: http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/epg_data/rytec.channels.xml.gz to local path: /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] afterChannelDownload /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] Using twisted thread
[EPGImport] Parsing channels from 'http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/epg_data/rytec.channels.xml.gz'
[XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information
[Unknown channel:  PolsatFutbol.pl
Unknown channel:  CNBC.pl
Unknown channel:  TVNPlus1.pl
Unknown channel:  Edusat.pl
Unknown channel:  EurosportHD.pl
Unknown channel:  Czworka.pl
Unknown channel:  Cinemax.pl
Unknown channel:  iTVN.pl
Unknown channel:  KinoPolskaMuzyka.pl
Unknown channel:  TVP3.pl
Unknown channel:  WojnaIPokoj.pl
[EPGImport] ### thread is ready ### Events: 36256
[EPGImport] imported 36256 events
[EPGImport] #### Finished ####

So a normal import. And data for Zone Romantica.

PS: Why the automatic download does not worked, is outside my control.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #74 doglover

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:34

Jarex & Onken:

Could you judge the epg of Canal+ (HD), because this is a new grab definition. Written from scratch, because the old definition has been so many times amended, the definition almost becomes unreadable.

Thanks in advance.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #75 Robinson

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:50

Jarex explain to you later, im check today, you add epg ( i think ) to Zone Romantica from CBS Actions, please correct :)

I do not know of any useful website carrying Zone Romantica schedule.
If you know one, please share it with us.
I would expect you to help Willy instead of just finding small mistakes and requesting immediate action from him.
He's just a human.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #76 onken

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:59


If i download from VMLTV not see any informations to "type film"

Please see screen ( im use OpenAAF and XMLTV import and VU+ Solo2 ) - its error my firmware + xmltv ??

Posted Image

Posted Image

Im testing crossepg, not see still "type film" but other epg descriptions ?

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by onken, 23 January 2013 - 14:01.

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #77 doglover

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:14

OK. This category is easily fixed. An oversight of me.
Remember this is a complete rewrite to avoid the problems with left-over HTML tags.

But is the text in the description field comprehensible. I mean, no gabs in the text which makes it awkward to read?


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #78 onken

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:36

Willy, this idea is good :)

Ok, please correct category

I think yet is maybe good idea to add polish title to big epg descriptions ( not only orginal title ) ? what do you think ?

Posted Image

Edited by onken, 23 January 2013 - 14:40.

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #79 onken

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:42

soory, bas screen and not can edit post :(

This good screen:

Posted Image

Re: [Poland] A change on the website? #80 Ampersand

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 16:15

I talked to @onken and he is right. I did not understand exactly where problem exist. After last changes on source website we do not have genres / types of movies in description (what you see in square bracket is genre). Check my attachments so you see the difference. Hope you can fix it.

I do understand.
In the XMLTV file I have:

  <programme start="20130123112000 +0100" stop="20130123125500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Ostrza chwa³y</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(Blades of Glory)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[komedia]. Dwaj ³y¿wiarze figurowi, Chazz Michael Michaels i Jimmy MacElroy, rywalizuj± ze sob± nie tylko na tafli lodowej, lecz tak¿e w ¿yciu prywatnym. Mê¿czy¼ni s± swoimi zupe³nymi przeciwieñstwami. Dzieli ich w zasadzie wszystko - od wygl±du po cechy charakteru i upodobania. Chazz jest silny, pewny siebie i mêski, natomiast Jimmy'ego wyró¿niaj± wra¿liwo¶æ, zwinno¶æ i wytrzyma-³o¶æ. Czêsto dochodzi miêdzy nimi do konfliktów. Ka¿da sportowa impreza to okazja do kolejnej k³ótni. Kiedy jednak podczas mistrzostw ¶wiata przechodz± do rêkoczynów, zostaj± zdyskwalifikowani i pozbawieni swoich dotychczasowych trofeów. Wówczas Chazz zaczyna wystêpowaæ w dzieciêcej rewii, a Jimmy zostaje sprzedawc± obuwia sportowego. Mijaj± trzy lata. Usi³uj±cy ratowaæ w³asn± karierê trener przypomina sobie o by³ych mistrzach. Wykorzystuj±c lukê w przepisach, postanawia w³±czyæ dawnych rywali do turnieju ³y¿wiarskiego tym razem jako... parê. Chazz i Jimmy dostaj± szansê powrotu na szczyt pod warunkiem, ¿e zdo³aj± ze sob± wspó³pracowaæ. Ich najwiêkszymi konkurentami s± Stranz Van Waldenberg i jego siostra Fairchild
Josh Gordon, Will Speck
Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123125500 +0100" stop="20130123144500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Wy¶cig z czasem</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(In Time)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[thriller SF]. Historia rozgrywa siê w niedalekiej przysz³o¶ci, w ¶wiecie, w którym aby unikn±æ przeludnienia, wprowadzono reglamentacjê czasu do prze¿ycia. Tym samym jest to najcenniejsze dobro. Ludzie przestaj± siê starzeæ w wieku 25 lat, ale jednocze¶nie wszyscy s± genetycznie zaprogramowani, ¿eby ¿yæ jeszcze tylko jeden rok. Bogaci, których na to staæ, mog± ¿yæ wiecznie, niestety pozostali musz± wykazaæ siê wiêksz± inwencj±. ¯eby prze¿yæ d³u¿ej, trzeba zarabiaæ, kra¶æ lub dziedziczyæ czas. Bohaterem filmu jest m³ody cz³owiek z getta, Will Salas , nies³usznie oskar¿ony o zamordowanie bogatego cz³owieka dla przejêcia jego czasu. Uciekaj±c, zabiera ze sob± piêkn± zak³adniczkê, Sylviê Weis - dziedziczkê czasu, z któr± postanawia zniszczyæ panuj±cy system
Andrew Niccol
Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Cillian Murphy.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123144500 +0100" stop="20130123151500 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Premium Box Office (21)</title>
	<desc lang="pl">[magazyn kulturalny]. Dynamiczny magazyn kulturalny przedstawiaj±cy najwa¿niejsze i najbardziej interesuj±ce wydarzenia nadchodz±cego tygodnia - premiery kinowe i teatralne, wystawy i koncerty.</desc>
  <programme start="20130123151500 +0100" stop="20130123162000 +0100" channel="nFilmHD2.pl">
	<title lang="pl">Usain Bolt. Najszybszy cz³owiek ¶wiata</title>
	<sub-title lang="pl">(Usain Bolt. The Fastest)</sub-title>
	<desc lang="pl">[film dokumentalny].</desc>

Which does have the genre (or category in XMLTV speak).
Also in my box, the category is mentioned. See attached file.
(The picons in my box are not up-to-date).


You right. It works fine on nPremium2. Looks like it depends on source web page so not every channel has genre. Am I right? Canal+HD does not have genres but the rest is properly displayed (with XMLTV import at least), not sure if your question is relayed to genre on Canal+HD. Thanks a lot.

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