When I cut out parts from the video it works fine.
Length of resulting video is shown correctly on the box.
- 10 min movie
- cut beginning from 00:00:00 to 00:02:00
- cut end from 00:08:00 to end
- and cut out from 00:05:00 to 00:07:00
-> Result lenght = 4 min movie
Lenght of 4min is shown correctly on the box.
When played on PC with VLC or WindowsMediaPlayer lenght shows as 6min.
It plays correctly, but timeline crashes (VLC / MediaPlayer).
That's not a big problem but but it is not 'nice'.
But there's a real problem:
When I place cuts with moviecut and playback the original video, I can only navigate / playback within this range of start + end cutpoints.
(cuts / cutpoints - hope it is the right translation for german "Schnitt / Schnittpunkt")
Edited by Martin_B, 3 January 2013 - 19:49.