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TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0


amigo's Photo amigo 18 Jul 2013

cant edit post before


If i search it start streaming, once its in favo, it wont start



Attached File  Schermafbeelding 2013-07-18 om 21.09.43.png   277.32KB   55 downloads


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 18 Jul 2013

yes you are right when moved to favorite will not work

going to fix in next update


Edited by mfaraj57, 18 July 2013 - 22:27.

hat's Photo hat 20 Jul 2013

Regarding the downloading of movies:

1) There is that window where one can follow the actual running downloads. But once one leaves tsmedia, say in order to watch some TV, there is no quick way to monitor the status of  downloads, that is to get the said window to reappear. It would be nice, in this situation, not to have to take the long meandering path just to see the status of my downloads.

2) Is it indeed currently so that putting the receiver into standby will kill all the unfinished downloads? If so would it be possible to get the receiver to continue downloading even while in the standby state, as is the case when I record something from the satellite feed?


dirocca's Photo dirocca 20 Jul 2013

I confirm that would be great

Grtz Philip

vimmers's Photo vimmers 21 Jul 2013

i have looked trough the tread but don't see enigma1 mentioned

why is that. aren't it possible to use it on enigma1 boxes. if not why ?


athoik's Photo athoik 21 Jul 2013

i have looked trough the tread but don't see enigma1 mentioned

why is that. aren't it possible to use it on enigma1 boxes. if not why ?


Enigma1 boxes does not support H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and this is a must...


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 21 Jul 2013

Regarding the downloading of movies:

1) There is that window where one can follow the actual running downloads. But once one leaves tsmedia, say in order to watch some TV, there is no quick way to monitor the status of  downloads, that is to get the said window to reappear. It would be nice, in this situation, not to have to take the long meandering path just to see the status of my downloads.

2) Is it indeed currently so that putting the receiver into standby will kill all the unfinished downloads? If so would it be possible to get the receiver to continue downloading even while in the standby state, as is the case when I record something from the satellite feed



yes i have to assign remote key to view current downloading jobs 

regarding downloading while  stb in standby  i don think this is possible hecause downloading differs from recording and if possible i do not know how to do that


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 23 Jul 2013

TSmedia 3.2 enigma2 plugin

-films2luxe.com -French movies added to movies section

-Fixed Terrafilm
-Assigned shortcut key(help_key) to view current downloads after exit from plugin,might be be disabled from settings
-rtmp streams download added to iptv also for Tunein radio to download audi streams
-facility to test and add stream online to the plugin with cooperation with website http://www.vlc.eu.pn/index.php
-fixed dailymotions links for desitv bollywood movies
-fixed arabic movies title in anakebnet
-show movie cover to teledunet nilesat
-updates shahidnet-mbc by dreams channels
-add quality selection for dreamfilm,moovizon,anakebnet
-local media files explorer added to user streams section
-fix other minor bugs


-update from previous version
-From TSpanel-addons-TSmedia
-by telnet method

opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk






Download links:

oe1.6 and openpli2.1

OE2.0 and openpli 3.0 images

have fun
TSmedia Team 7/2013
Edited by mfaraj57, 23 July 2013 - 11:56.

littlesat's Photo littlesat 23 Jul 2013

It would be nice to have an option to "hide" the plugin when you are in the main menu....


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 23 Jul 2013

Yes good suggestion,appearance in main menu should be option to the user
will include this option in settings in next update

Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 23 Jul 2013

Error during install:

Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0 (3.2) to root...

Collected errors:

 * check_data_file_clashes: Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0 wants to install file /usr/lib/librtmp.so.0
        But that file is already provided by package  * librtmp0
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0.
>>> DONE <<<

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 23 Jul 2013

use -force-overwrite option

opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 23 Jul 2013

Hehe, that can only be done when installing by hand; what about installing from the feeds?


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 23 Jul 2013

till now not available in the feeds

usually librtmp not included by defaults in image  so i included  in the package

also for same reason i include rtmpdump  and other libraries as dependent files because they are available in the feeds of most images

Edited by mfaraj57, 23 July 2013 - 13:36.

gorski's Photo gorski 23 Jul 2013

In PB you can use that as well (force overwrite), if memory serves...


Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 23 Jul 2013

till now not available in the feeds

Depends on what image you use .....


usually librtmp not included by defaults in image  so i included  in the package

also for same reason i include rtmpdump  and other libraries as dependent files because they are available in the feeds of most images

Probably not by the image itself, but by another package.


kocus37's Photo kocus37 23 Jul 2013

Hi mfaraj57


I install your last version i follow like you said, and in your plugin in the update section library, i can install libcdio++0_082-r0,md5 mismatch.

and librtmp-bin_243_git*** and librtmp-bin246c_git****, cannot satisfy dependencies librtmp0***.

Exit player doesnt  exit when press yes, i have to press another key, for exemple move down.

Great work, keep on....


Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 24 Jul 2013

till now not available in the feeds

Depends on what image you use .....


>usually librtmp not included by defaults in image  so i included  in the package

also for same reason i include rtmpdump  and other libraries as dependent files because they are available in the feeds of most images

Probably not by the image itself, but by another package.


I worked around it by installing version 2.9 and updating via the plugin itself.


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 24 Jul 2013

till now not available in the feeds

Depends on what image you use .....

>usually librtmp not included by defaults in image  so i included  in the package
also for same reason i include rtmpdump  and other libraries as dependent files because they are available in the feeds of most images

Probably not by the image itself, but by another package.

I worked around it by installing version 2.9 and updating via the plugin itself.

i know that including external files within the package of plugin is not proper way and against enigma2 or python rules
i can do this easily for many files but in most of images rtmpdump is not including in standard feeds of popular images and even when put as part of dependency the image will not install it because not available in the feeds
i think there is problem in dealing with installation of packages because in many cases the user throw the plugin because it asked to install other package,installation of package should be one step like installation of application in android or window

however because rtmpdump lib0rtmp are not necessary for running the plugin i removed them from the plugin,and they needed only when the user want to download rtmp stream and they are available through the plugin itself
Edited by mfaraj57, 24 July 2013 - 11:08.

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 24 Jul 2013

Hi mfaraj57
I install your last version i follow like you said, and in your plugin in the update section library, i can install libcdio++0_082-r0,md5 mismatch.
and librtmp-bin_243_git*** and librtmp-bin246c_git****, cannot satisfy dependencies librtmp0***.
Exit player doesnt  exit when press yes, i have to press another key, for exemple move down.
Great work, keep on....

i updated the files through TSmedia/update/library
first install librtmp0 and then the others
regarding exit button is not functional in openpli in movieplayer because i modified the function to be in arrow up(more easier for user instead every time has to confirm his exit)