Edited by mfaraj57, 7 October 2017 - 19:36.
TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2321
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2322
Posted 7 October 2017 - 20:55
I was indeed curious what that green icon meant, and now I know, looks good
Finally, did you find out anything about the 1080p issue?
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2323
Posted 10 October 2017 - 22:02
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2324
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2325
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2326
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2327
Posted 23 November 2017 - 08:24
Thanks for the reply.AllucTMDB is working but i think the error from that you exceed the limit of links given by alluc,the limit now reduced to 200 only which mean two or three clicks not more.
Would you know how to resolve this?
Is it something to do with the account?
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2328
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2329
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2330
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2331
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2332
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2333
Posted 28 December 2017 - 15:12
Hi mfaraj 57, long time no see
Anyway, that plugin for raireplay you created a while ago (raireplay_1.0.1) is in need of some minor adjustments after I guess they discontinued those links we were using since they have been empty for several days now.
If you recall, I'm obviously referring to links such as
As you can see there is nothing there, but I've done some research, and the new working links now are all like this one instead:
Now, the variables here are "canale" (channel) and "giorno" which is of course the date, and while the previous links would only return up to the past seven days from today's date, these new urls can actually fetch up to the past 14 days from today's date.
On that page, the items that need to be retrieved are of course "name" (show's title), and "square" (show's thumbnail) whose links are like this one for example:
where "[RESOLUTION]" needs to be replaced with "256x-".
Finally, "PathID" is where the URLs for each show's videos are. First of all, the addon should disregard the values of "PathID" that start with "raiplay/programmi..." and only retrieve the ones that start with "raiplay/video...". Then, the base url which has to be added to that value is "http://www.raiplay.it" while "/raiplay" in PathID gets dropped.
So, for instance, the link for this "PathID"
And that's where the m3u8 link for the video is, under "contentUrl". Now, from there, you can just stick with the system you cooked up back in September to generate downloadable mp4 links from those m3u8 links, which you explained in post #2270 and had worked flawlessly until now.
So, whenever you have some time to take a stab at this and fix the code, you could just, like the other time, set it all up with a single channel (Rai1) and then I'll add the rest of the channels myself and any icon that might be needed.
Thanks in advance, mfaraj57.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2334
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2335
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2336
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2337
Posted 30 December 2017 - 00:36
Hi Mfaraj57, in Vu+Duo2 with Vti image and Atile HD skin, Tsmedia will start installing skin and followed by a restart automatically when TSmedia is selected. After it restarted, the Atile skin will not exist anymore, it will change automatically to the default skin.
Beside this, selecting a video in U-tube will display an error saying skin error and this window will continue to display and selection of any keys would not turn this error screen off even after the countdown timer has completed counting as it will auto start another fresh countdown timer.
Thanks in advance
Have a Happy & Prosperous New Year
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2338
Posted 30 December 2017 - 09:59
THanks bumperbee
It is strange behavior what you have described as TSmedia does not play with the default skin but react to the installed skin ,if installed skin is fhd,TSmedia installs its fhd skin.
However i am planning to install vti in my solo2 and see the problems.
happy new year
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2339
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2340
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