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TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0


mick80's Photo mick80 6 Aug 2018

Okay, that's because of geo-blocking then, but the video starts right away with Italian IPs after clicking on the link you posted, so I guess the addon should be good to go if you set it up that way.


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 6 Aug 2018

Yes, i put it in the server but should work with last TSmedia version 13.0 and today updates(from main menu blue-blue)

However many links are mpd seems similar to m3u8 but enigma could not play them but ok with pc vlc


mick80's Photo mick80 6 Aug 2018

Okay, thanks. I'll update and test it out when I get back home next week.

However many links are mpd seems similar to m3u8 but enigma could not play them but ok with pc vlc

What do you mean? I've been using pastylink to get direct links off videomediaset over the past few weeks, and they were all mp4 files and played fine in TSmedia after bookmarking them through your diigo addon.

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 6 Aug 2018

The addon is not stable in TSmedia sometimes run and sometimes not because it is mainly kodi format not TSmedia format and may be because geoblock,but do not expect to run with you on TSmedia

however when the follow the link in windows for 


i got this link and ends with mpd not mp4



foxbob's Photo foxbob 6 Aug 2018

* .mpd is a dash format in kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive. I already asked a question about this extension. In kodi, videoplayer reproduces these files, and enigma2 player is not. How would you teach enigma2 player to play these files?

In the enigma2 player the file LXb3EKWsInQ becomes and there is no playback.


mick80's Photo mick80 7 Aug 2018


The addon is not stable in TSmedia sometimes run and sometimes not because it is mainly kodi format not TSmedia format and may be because geoblock,but do not expect to run with you on TSmedia

however when the follow the link in windows for 


i got this link and ends with mpd not mp4



Okay, one way to sidestep this issue for this type of links in videomediaset is to replace "dashnrcclean/sd_no_mpl.mpd" with the entire numeric string following the underscore ("161bfefa8367d2" for this video). This part stays the same for all videomediaset videos. Then, most of the links seem to end with "-20_0.mp4", so in this case the final url would be:


Unfortunately, it's not always "-20_0.mp4" and I have no idea if there's a way to somehow figure out that final string with absolute certainty. I've checked out quite a few links and I'd say about 80 percent ended with that, but I've also seen "-07_0.mp4", "-11_0.mp4", "-17_0.mp4", "-18_0.mp4" and "-22_0.mp4". Still, with this in mind, do you think you could work something out to get around this .mpd issue?

Edited by mick80, 7 August 2018 - 08:43.

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 7 Aug 2018

Thanks foxbob for the information


good solution for now to play mdp files and conversion ok with enigma player

all links came across converted with adding "-20_0.mp4" and all ok,

i looked in the content of  link for any clue for what to add but found nothing related.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MPD xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xmlns:mas="urn:marlin:mas:1-0:services:schemas:mpd" mediaPresentationDuration="PT10443.12S" minBufferTime="PT5S" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011" type="static">
		<AdaptationSet mimeType="audio/mp4" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" lang="ita">
			<Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"/>
			<Representation bandwidth="64000" codecs="mp4a.40.5" id="0_0" audioSamplingRate="24000">
				<SegmentTemplate duration="3000" timescale="1000" initialization="dash_0.0/init.mp4" media="dash_0.0/$Number$.m4s" startNumber="0"/>
		<AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
			<Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"/>
			<Representation bandwidth="1000013" codecs="avc1.640028" id="1_1" width="720" height="576">
				<SegmentTemplate duration="3000" timescale="1000" initialization="dash_1.1/init.mp4" media="dash_1.1/$Number$.m4s" startNumber="0"/>
			<Representation bandwidth="1600013" codecs="avc1.640028" id="1_2" width="720" height="576">
				<SegmentTemplate duration="3000" timescale="1000" initialization="dash_1.2/init.mp4" media="dash_1.2/$Number$.m4s" startNumber="0"/>
			<Representation bandwidth="2200011" codecs="avc1.640028" id="1_3" width="720" height="576">
				<SegmentTemplate duration="3000" timescale="1000" initialization="dash_1.3/init.mp4" media="dash_1.3/$Number$.m4s" startNumber="0"/>

mick80's Photo mick80 8 Aug 2018

Okay, I'll check it out as soon as I get a chance. Still, wouldn't it be possible to have the addon display multiple links before playing the file? I mean kinda like you did for the rai addon a few months ago, perhaps having the link ending with "-20_0.mp4" as the very first option in the list and then a few alternative links for ""-18_0", "-22_0" and so on, just to be on the safe side.


mick80's Photo mick80 16 Aug 2018

Hi mfaraj57, I finally got a chance to update to TSmedia 13 yesterday, and I gotta say it looks really great and way faster overall in playing all sorts of links in any addon. I love it!  :)

As for videomediaset, I tested it out, and like I said a few days ago, it would be very useful to have the addon display a playlist of multiple links to effectively offset that mpd issue, with the url ending in "-20_0.mp4" obviously at the very top of the playlist (since it's the most used), and then other backup links for "-07_0.mp4", "-11_0.mp4", "-17_0.mp4", "-18_0.mp4" and "-22_0.mp4", just in case "-20_0" doesn't pan out. In fact, I've tested one particular show that had quite a few "-17_0" links, so none of them would play in TSmedia. I know that having a bunch of fake links is not the ideal way of sidestepping this issue, but I guess it's the next best thing.


mick80's Photo mick80 17 Aug 2018

Yep, last night I came upon quite a few videomediaset sections that actually use "-17", "-18" and "-22" for most videos. So, having the addon display a number of different links for each of those parameters would really go a long way. Can it be done? I've tried tinkering with the code and managed to display multiple links, but still got nowhere :rolleyes:

Also, like I said, I love the new interface, it's one heck of an improvement, but I do have one request. Since there are now four items per line (and two lines per screen), I guess the reasonable thing to do would be to have the channel up/down button skip 7 items when scrolling up/down, so that you end up exactly in the same corresponding position. As it stands, the channel up/down button skips 8 items and it's a bit weird and confusing.


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 17 Aug 2018

Hi mick

yes,not problem adding different choices for mpd files although it is annoying to run the file and wait file is working in player or not but may add some code to check if the link active or not before sending for the players

Another method to show mpd file using exteplayer3 as mentioned here https://forums.openp...enigma2-player/

TSmedia use exteplayer3 as default player when assigned from serviceapp setup

serviceapp,exteplayer3 and other dependent files you can install from feed of your image if available

regarding channel up/down yes,i forgot to change according to the new style,thanks

Edited by mfaraj57, 17 August 2018 - 11:03.

mick80's Photo mick80 17 Aug 2018

...but may add some code to check if the link active or not before sending for the players

I guess that would be the best option, provided it can be done. If not, I wouldn't mind having multiple links. As far as I know, the parameters used are "-07_0", "-11_0", "-17_0", "-18_0", "-20_0", and "-22_0".


I understand what you're saying about exteplayer3, but the ability to download mp4 files is what's great about your addon, so that would be a step back.


mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 17 Aug 2018

ok,no problem i will do it ,just few code lines

but consider using exteplayer3 in future it is good with iptv and more stable and can run many format efficiently,if using openpli or openatv(those what i know) just from the download feed install serviceapp and exteplayer and from the setup of serviceapp in menu select exteplayer3 as default player

TSmedia will use exteplayer automatically although you will not notice any change in interface but will be written in the right bottom that the default player is exteplayer

using exteplayer will not interfer by the mp4 download methods of TSmedia.


mick80's Photo mick80 17 Aug 2018

Okay, thanks for the explanation. I'll have to check this out one of these days.

I'll wait for a videomediaset update then, whenever you're free to look into it. As for the scrolling issue I described earlier, I guess you'll be pushing an automatic update as well over the coming days.

mick80's Photo mick80 18 Aug 2018

Hey mfaraj, I see that you've uploaded the new version of videomediaset to your website. Thanks. I'll test it out when I get back home tonight.

I've checked out default.py just to see what you did there and try to pick your brain Out of curiosity, why is it that you used "if checklink(link)" for some of those parameters, and "if True" for others? Are they interchangeable when checking if a link is live or not?

On a different note, I have another question about TSmedia 13. How come you've added an extra step before streaming videos? I mean, playing any video in any addon now requires hitting okay twice, as a second screen appears where only the selected video's link is displayed. I wouldn't really mind, but this now makes it impossible to quickly jump to a different video by using the arrow up/down buttons, as no other links are shown in the left-hand pop-up box.

mick80's Photo mick80 19 Aug 2018

I just tested the updated videomediaset addon (1.9.6) and none of the videos would play, even the ones ending in "-20_0.mp4" that worked fine in the previous version. All I get is "Error:No items found." I even performed a full reboot, just to be on the safe side, as I also noticed you had pushed the update to fix the scrolling issue.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  001.jpg   116.31KB   1 downloads

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 19 Aug 2018

Hi mick80
Yes i added extra step for playing the selected item.
The reasonal is technical and to explain more that previously i used shell method to run addon default module and this is good and can exit the execution anytime and easy to collect the output data,shell method by using this command
Python addon/default.py
As i said it is good but the only drawback it is slow so i have decided to use other approach to run default.py from tsmedia by using
Import addon.default ,sure this is a lot faster but faced with naming of the addons as example plugin.video.videomediasat ,import state understands that plugin is directory as well as word video,to solve the problem i removed the kodi style of naming of the addon from plugin.video.videomediasat to videomediasat

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 19 Aug 2018

Now not this the only problem i faced but cannot exit or cancel the execution and the image spinning icon appears instead tsmedia spin ,to solve this problem i used what called threading which mean you can run multiple tasks at same time and you can control the execution by stopping the container thread anytime.
I thought by this i solved all my problems and the plugin becomes faster and become happy by the results.

mick80's Photo mick80 19 Aug 2018

Okay, no problem, thanks for clearing it up. You clearly know better and after all I love how the plugin is way faster overall. It's just that I didn't understand this extra step which kinda defeats the purpose of the left-hand box as no other items are now displayed. Wouldn't it be possible to still retrieve other videos in the main playlist while playing a video?


As for videomediaset, why am I getting that error now?

Edited by mick80, 19 August 2018 - 08:40.

mfaraj57's Photo mfaraj57 19 Aug 2018

Then discovered after using this approach that when there is lag between the current screen and the next screen,mean that when open new screen the first one disappear and current dvb channel program appears and then after few moments the next sceen appears,i know this behavior resulted from using threading which not liked by enigma.
To solve the problem i decided to use one screen and everytime launch the data in the same screen and this solved the problem but the problem stays when sending the file to player.