TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2261
Posted 14 September 2017 - 19:35
But will look closely again to the m3u8 files again but still confused about the structure of m3u8 file as info button not always give me mp4 files or all files have same name
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2262
Posted 14 September 2017 - 20:07
So, replacing the first part of those links (from http to/i/) with:
http://creativemedia1.rai.it/ http://creativemedia2.rai.it/ http://creativemedia3.rai.it/ http://creativemedia4.rai.it/and the final part (from _,1800 to .m3u8) with _1800.mp4 would give us four links, among which one or two will always work as mp4 files. I understand it's not the best solution but it would work, I guess
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2263
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2264
Posted 15 September 2017 - 06:40
Okay, thanks But I suppose it should be creativemedia1 through creativemedia4, because some shows use creativemdia1 and creativemdia2, others creativemdia1 and creativemdia3, sometimes others just creativemedia4. I'm not sure if these servers are randomly selected for each show or it depends on the type of show, I never cared to find that out, but I've been downloading stuff of that site for years, and I know there's four servers for mp4 files.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2265
Posted 15 September 2017 - 06:40
ok,4 mp4 links generated from the m3u8 link,two of the four are only working,sometimes 1 and 2 and for others 3,4,
not good to put invalid link,so correlate m3u8 name with wich links are active
now updated version in server test it
if '2uscreativem1' in line or '2uscreativem2' in line:#if m3u8link contains one of these strings then link1 andlink2 are active for i in range(1,3): final_mp4_link='http://creativemedia'+str(i)+'.rai.it/'+var_link+'_1800.mp4' addDir("mp4_link "+str(i),final_mp4_link,3,'play.png','',1,link=True) else: for i in range(3,5): final_mp4_link='http://creativemedia'+str(i)+'.rai.it/'+var_link+'_1800.mp4' addDir("mp4_link "+str(i),final_mp4_link,3,'play.png','',1,link=True)
Edited by mfaraj57, 15 September 2017 - 06:41.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2266
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2267
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2268
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2269
Posted 15 September 2017 - 11:03
two for only working mp4 either 1 or 2 or 2 or 3
Just tested it, working good, I like the way it's set up now Still, I'd like to better understand what you did there, as I'm constantly trying to pick your brain What's the meaning of range here?
for i in range(1,3): final_mp4_link='http://creativemedia'+str(i)+'.rai.it/'+var_link+'_1800.mp4' addDir("mp4_link "+str(i),final_mp4_link,3,'play.png','',1,link=True) else: for i in range(3,5): final_mp4_link='http://creativemedia'+str(i)+'.rai.it/'+var_link+'_1800.mp4' addDir("mp4_link "+str(i),final_mp4_link,3,'play.png','',1,link=True)
You say it's either 1 or 2 or 2 or 3, did i get that right? I mean, "range(1,3)" and "range(3,5)", does that mean that the addon gets either creativemedia1 and creativemedia2 or creativemedia2 and creativemedia3? What I'm saying is, what is it that determines the value of str(i), and how does the addon discriminate?
Anyway, thanks again for putting up with my crazy ideas Just one more question, would there be any way at all to preserve the original chronological order since events are currently displayed randomly? If not, I guess it's no big deal after all.
BTW you might wanna restore plugin.video.raitv_1.0.16 to its previous real version on the server, as it's currently one of the early test versions for RaiReplay.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2270
Posted 15 September 2017 - 14:21
Take example
m3u link
reading above link
#EXTM3U #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=848000,RESOLUTION=512x288,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2",CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE http://2uscreativem1-vh.rai.it/i/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_,800,1800,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1883000,RESOLUTION=928x522,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2",CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE http://2uscreativem1-vh.rai.it/i/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_,800,1800,.mp4.csmil/index_1_av.m3u8
after replacing first part and last part
http://creativemedia1.rai.it/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_1800.mp4 http://creativemedia2.rai.it/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_1800.mp4 http://creativemedia3.rai.it/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_1800.mp4 http://creativemedia4.rai.it/podcastmhp_world/replaytv_world/raiuno_world/sera_world/7594997_1800.mp4
and just find that if strings http://2uscreativem1 or http://2uscreativem2 are present in link before replacement then
the created mp4 links 1 and 2 will work and the rest are invalid, if http://2uscreativem3 or http://2uscreativem4 in originallink then the created mp4 links 3 and 4 will work and the rest are invalid
difficult to sort items because presented to tsmedia as coming from source and no simple solution from the addon itself,unless make changes to internal tsmedia code.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2271
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2272
Posted 18 September 2017 - 19:47
Hey mfaraj57, a bunch of questions for you.
Any chance you figured out what's going on with 1channel? Like I said a few weeks ago, it no longer displays all the items for long-running shows. For instance, check out Saturday night live. The addon shows just 19 seasons out of 42 available.
Also, live channels are still not working in USTVnow. There's a new version available (14.2.8, see attachment) which was released a few days ago. I tried getting it to work in TSmedia, but no luck.
Finally, I see there's now the openload resolver from streamondemand, but I just checked a few links and none of them worked. How come? Still a work in progress?
Attached Files
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2273
Posted 18 September 2017 - 21:18
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2274
Posted 19 September 2017 - 10:19
Regarding playlists,i noticed something like that but didnit give attention as may be incidental but nice you confirm that to me to fix.
Will check usatvnow today as i remember need some editing.
Edited by mfaraj57, 19 September 2017 - 10:19.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2275
Posted 25 September 2017 - 06:44
1channel 1.0.9 fixed the issue I described a few days ago. And the playlist bug is also gone. Thanks.
On the other hand, is openload still on the fritz? I tried several links last night in 1channel as well as others I added to userm3u, they were all valid links, but none of them worked in TSmedia. It's a huge problem when openload doesn't work for so long Also, how come the download window doesn't show the file size anymore? That was useful, any chance you could restore that?
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2276
Posted 25 September 2017 - 14:31
Regarding openload,it is also nightmare not because 1channel only but in my arabic forum a lot of pressure because most of arabic addons depend on openload.
decrypting openlaod by myself it is too complicated for me so i depend on external sources as well as need frequently updating
openload updated from the server i gave above but the strange thing in the morning is working with me in the evening nothing work.
For urlresolver i found this link for updated urlresolver servers and will use it,but openload to work need pairing in from this link https://olpair.com/ and working only for 4hrs.and this applicable also to kodi
my plan to add both if peliserver openload is not working then the code direct the user to urlresolver to do pairing .
Edited by mfaraj57, 25 September 2017 - 14:35.
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2277
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2278
Re: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0 #2280
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