Looking at enigma startup log I see two errors.
The first is the same as I have already asked a pull request in skin-PLiHD.
I am using the latest libpng 1.6.12 in my SH4 receiver. I have error:
[SKIN] parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'Screensaver'>
libpng warning: ICCP: Incorrect known sRGB profile.
Looking at the changes in the libpng code I see that in libpng 1.6.2 has added the warnin. The error is also in earlier versions, but there's no warnin in the console.
I found that the error is due to anniversaryOpenPLi.png. I am using:
pngquant --ext .png --force 256 anniversaryOpenPLi.png
optipng -o7 anniversaryOpenPLi.png
That so anniversaryOpenPLi.png have the correct sRGB profile and optimized.
The second error is:
[Skin] Error: {} dTV-HD-Reloaded/skin.xml: color 'secondBG' must be # Aarrggbb or valid named color. Please contact the skin's author!
Color secondBG used in ScreenSaver and AudioSelection but not defined in my skin.
I think the colors used in the enigma, it is necessary to define in skin_default.xml. Ask to specify it in all skins in my opinion is wrong. As I understand, if it defined in the basic skin, then skin_default.xml will not be used, and will not conflict.
I attach two patch that corrects these small errors.