@malakudi, sorry you are right . Your code is working. I'm confused.
@littlesat, I tested the code you and malakudi mentioned and this works like a charm. Here is how I used it. May be someone need it in the future:
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
info = service and service.info()
if service is None:
info = service and service.info()
if not info:
caids = info.getInfoObject(iServiceInformation.sCAIDs)
for caid_entry in caids:
f = open('/tmp/caids_dump.txt', 'a')
f.write(str(hex(caid_entry)) + "\n")
BTW, I aggree with you, I would like to see this on service info screen if PLi developers could change related code.
Case is solved. Thanks for both of your quick and usefull responses !