En de Nuon is blij als iedereen zo'n doos in huis neemt
Dacht ik eerst ook maar een beetje opzoeking leert dat je met die i3's blijkbaar toch energie-zuinige systeempjes kan bouwen: http://ssj3gohan.twe...sktop-computer-(english).html
Citaat uit de link:
This would be the Intel Core i3-530. This is a highly integrated processor - it's got graphics and the memory controller integrated, leaving the only other platform chip necessary, the 'platform controller hub' or PCH, a very small and low-power device. As the only newest-generation (ahum, at the time) dual-core chip on 32nm, it's got some nice voltage-frequency scaling as well. This processor should, according to a few reputable and less reputable sources, consume about 3-5W DC in idle and roughly 45W under load.
Ga ik met Tech en littlesat mee, want 45W vind ik wel pittig .....