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Solo2 "loop out"

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Re: Solo2 "loop out" #21 Firex

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Posted 1 July 2013 - 13:06

On the VTi-forum they made a patch for the NimMager in PLi; that seems to be working fine.


Yes true, I can confirm that ... ;)

Edited by Firex, 1 July 2013 - 13:07.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #22 malakudi

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Posted 3 August 2013 - 16:13

I took a little time to investigate the loopthrough issue.


The "problem" in the drivers is that they report /proc/stb/frontend/X/rf_switch only on frontend 0. Nim manager expects to find it in /proc/stb/frontend/1/rf_switch when enabling loopthrough tuner A to tuner B.

If you manually do "echo -n internal > /proc/stb/frontend/0/rf_switch", it works fine.


The other VU+ receiver that has internal loop-through is VU+ Duo. On VU+ Duo, the rf_switch is located on frontend1, and internal loopthrough works ok for B. So it seems that for VU+, this setup is consistent and not a bug. It applies rf_switch on the tuner that can be setup as loopthrough. Which other boxes also have internal loopthrough? Xtrend do not have external loop.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #23 Rob van der Does

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Posted 3 August 2013 - 16:16

Hardwarewise the Solo2 only support loopthrough from tuner B --> A (so the coax has to be connected to tuner B). But the PLi image doesn't support this.

On the VTi-forum you can find a patch for the PLi-image to correct this.

Edited by SatKiekerd, 3 August 2013 - 16:17.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #24 pieterg

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Posted 3 August 2013 - 16:27

Which other boxes also have internal loopthrough?


Re: Solo2 "loop out" #25 malakudi

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Posted 3 August 2013 - 21:33

Which other boxes also have internal loopthrough?


OK, so how does dm8k handles loop through? Which frontend has the rf_switch option? Can dm8k do loopthrough A->B and B->A?


VU's hack was "ugly" but I think we can improve the code to support all cases without ugly hack or box specific option.

Edited by malakudi, 3 August 2013 - 21:34.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #26 pieterg

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Posted 4 August 2013 - 00:48

I believe the dm8k did A->B.
And vu+ did the same, with the duo.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #27 malakudi

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Posted 4 August 2013 - 06:56

Can any owner of DM8K check where rf_switch option is located? Is it only on frontend/0/rf_switch ?

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #28 Erik Slagter

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 18:08

It's on /proc/stb/frontend/1. IMHO the most logical place, that's the tuner that is influenced, not tuner 0. So if VU+ would have use the same approach, it would have worked out of the box, apparently.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: Solo2 "loop out" #29 filou

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:40

If you manually do "echo -n internal > /proc/stb/frontend/0/rf_switch", it works fine.


The above solution works great, but the variable is lost after each box or enigma2 restart. I tried to add the function in /etc/init.d/ and link it in /etc/rc3.d/ but the box does NOT recognize it (cat /proc/stb/frontend/0/rf_switch returns "external"). It seems this must be ran after enigma2 is loaded but my skills are too limited to do this. Anyone can help? Thanks!

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #30 filou

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 15:34

OK I solved the problem of LOOPTHROUGH for the SOLO2. The trick is to make sure it runs AFTER enigma2 is loaded.


(a) connect your coax to LNB2


(B) setup receiver with TUNER B as the configured tuner, TUNER A as loopthrough to TUNER B


© make a script with enough sleep time to give enigma2 time to boot (loopthrough.sh here):


sleep 20
echo -n internal > /proc/stb/frontend/0/rf_switch
(d) call it in /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh
/etc/loopthrough.sh &


Don't forget to chmod u+x both files and add the "&" at the end of the call otherwise it will not run in parallel to the Enigma2 boot.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #31 shilev

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Posted 15 April 2015 - 22:13

is there a solution to make this work on vu+ solo2 with openpli? i still didn't find soution for loop trough to tuner B in open pli

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #32 Firex

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 06:26



solution see here:





Re: Solo2 "loop out" #33 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:11

thanks for info


but unfortunately, after i put nimmanager.py from link in thread you post (post nr. 26), after restart GUI i got only open pli start image, remote control doesn't work, i need to reflash image.

i don't understand german, so maybe i'm doing something wrong..

i don't understand part with opkg install enigma2-src. i tried this in telnet but i got some errors.


could you pls help, step by step in english please? :)

maybe nimmanager.py is wrong in attachment in post nr 26.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #34 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:27

as default i don't have nimmanager.py in box, only nimmanager.pyo

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #35 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:45

i tried also this nimmanager.py:




i deleted line that should be deleted but again after restart only open pli image at boot and remote doesn't work


i really don't understand what should i do..maybe delete nimmanager.pyo first? the one that's in the box as default?


i have open pli from 19.1.2015., maybe i neeed newer version (but this one seems more stable than newer versions i tried, regarding media player which i use very often).

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #36 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:39

ok, i made opkg uppdate and now opkg install enigma2-src was ok.

i have nimmanager.py and nimmanager.pyo in box.

but now  clock is wrong it's 11.33 and box shows 9.33, in menu-setup-timezone i can't change timezones, it says only UTC.

also, after deleting that sentence in nimmanager.py (if nim2 == (nim1 - 1):), after restart again no booting and remote doesn't work...


i'm going mad..

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #37 Firex

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:40

You have to change the actual "NimManager.py" (old "NimManager.py" from post doesn`t work anymore).


To get the actual file, you have to install the enigma2-src in Telnet with "opkg install enigma2-src". After that, there is also a file "NimManager.py" in direction "/usr/lib/python/components". This file you must Change ...


If there was an error, in telnet after "opkg install enigma2-src",  are you sure you have no mistake or space when typing? 


Unfortunately I am not at home and can not try it.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #38 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:44

in last post (maybe you didn't see it), i said i managed to install enigma2-src, but now clock is wrong and i can't make changes in menu-setup-timezones..

also, i changed nimmanager.py in the box, the one i got after installing enigma2-src, and again no booting after restart, remote control doesn't working.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #39 Firex

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:51

Important for change the NimManager.py (Quote from user betacentauri):

The indentation (ie tabs or spaces at the beginning of a line are very important. They must be exactly right. Otherwise it does not work. So you must not just the "if ..." delete line, but you must then also in the line the "self.linkIn .." Send to front. that is, it must at the beginning of the line as many tabs / spaces are as in the line below or above.

The changed passage of NimManager.py must exactly look as in the post, I have linked above ...

Edited by Firex, 16 April 2015 - 10:55.

Re: Solo2 "loop out" #40 shilev

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:12

it's ok now! one empty space in nimmanager.py was problem.


but i still have problem with clock, it's 12.11 but box says 10.11. i can't change timezone

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