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#1 sirdir

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 19:01

Hallo Leute


Ich hätte einen Featurewunsch:

OE2.0 hat ein Feature, das ein Springen/Spulen über das Ende einer (laufenden) Aufnahme hinaus verhindert.

Das VTI Image für die VU+ hat was ähnliches, die Option "Vorspulen am Ende des Films stoppen".

OpenPLI ist für mich leider keine Option, so lange es nicht so etwas ähnliches gibt.

Ist evtl. so eine Funktion geplant?

Edited by sirdir, 10 July 2013 - 19:01.

Re: Featurerequest #2 betacentauri

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 19:12

Und was passiert bei den anderen Images wenn man es versucht?
Nichts? Oder kommt da eine Warnung? Oder wird zum Ende gesprungen aber nicht die Wiedergabe beendet?
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Featurerequest #3 sirdir

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 20:31

Und was passiert bei den anderen Images wenn man es versucht?
Nichts? Oder kommt da eine Warnung? Oder wird zum Ende gesprungen aber nicht die Wiedergabe beendet?


Bei den anderen Images wird die Wiedergabe beendet. Oder es kommt eine Frage ob man zurück in die Filmliste will oder was auch immer. Das ist aber genau ein 'Fehler', der mich an Enigma2 schon immer extrem genervt hat.

Wenn du z.B. zeitversetzt TV guckst und du willst die Werbung überspringen und gerätst so versehentlich an's (momentane) Ende der noch laufenden Aufnahme, willst du ja nicht aus dem Timeshift raus fallen oder wenn du's als Aufzeichnung schaust auch nicht das Anschauen der Aufzeichnung beenden. Sondern du willst halt 'quasi life' weitergucken.

Wie gesagt, in OE2.0 ist es gefixt und im VTI Image auch.


Einfach gesagt ist es einfach nicht möglich näher als 20 (VTI voreinstellung) oder ~4 (OE2.0 fixe Einstellung so weit ich weiss) Sekunden an's Filmende zu springen, egal ob nun noch eine Aufzeichnung läuft oder ob sie bereits beendet wurde.

Edited by sirdir, 10 July 2013 - 20:35.

Re: Featurerequest #4 betacentauri

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 20:44

Du meinst 20 bzw. 4 Sekunden, oder?

An soetwas hatte ich auch schon mal gedacht, da es beim Timeshiften kurz hinterm Live Point (<1 Sekunde) teilweise zu Tonproblemen kommt.
Beim Timeshiften ist das aber ein Problem, weil man ja auch zum live Point springen können muss.

Hab jetzt gerade keine Idee wie einfach oder schwer das umsetzbar ist.
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Featurerequest #5 sirdir

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 23:06

Kann ich auch nicht sagen, ich nehm an die Änderungen von VTI am source sind nirgends zu finden? ;)

Die Probleme sind glaub ich nicht gross, der Macher des Permanent Timeshifts hat IMHO sein Plugin auch angepasst wegen OE2.0.

Re: Featurerequest #6 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 04:16

Kann ich auch nicht sagen, ich nehm an die Änderungen von VTI am source sind nirgends zu finden? ;)

Nein: VTi ist Closed Source (im Wiedersprache mit die Lizenz vom Open Source Software die sie selber als Soucre benützen......).

Re: Featurerequest #7 littlesat

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:16

Vti is closed source as far i know.. In fact they are voilating all licenses....
Xqq me when i'm incirrect here..

Edited by littlesat, 11 July 2013 - 05:17.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Featurerequest #8 Dimitrij

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:36

Sorry for the english...


How is this setting is English.
Show a screenshot from this menu.

Edited by Dima73, 11 July 2013 - 05:36.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Featurerequest #9 sirdir

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:12


It's called 'Stop fast forwarding at the end of movie'  in 'VTI Setup'. 

Can I attach an image here? Anyway, do you really need it?

It's the last item in ---- Movies / Timers -----


To explain again in english, this option prevents you from unintentionally getting to the end of a (still running) recording in playback and 'falling out' of the playback. I.E. if you're recording something and start watching it after 5 minutes, at some point there will be some commertials you'd like to jump over. But if you jump 5+1 minute you'll fall out of the playback and get to the movie-menu (depending on your setting..). My wish would be that you get close to the end of the recording so you can continue to watch it, but you can never jump 'over the edge' and immediately fall out of the playback.

As already mentioned, OE2.0 does about the same thing, just that it's fixed to about 4 seconds and there's no option to configure (I could live with that, too, as long as it just works ;) )

Re: Featurerequest #10 Rob van der Does

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:48

I.E. if you're recording something and start watching it after 5 minutes, at some point there will be some commertials you'd like to jump over. But if you jump 5+1 minute you'll fall out of the playback and get to the movie-menu (depending on your setting..). My wish would be that you get close to the end of the recording so you can continue to watch it, but you can never jump 'over the edge' and immediately fall out of the playback.

Ahh, now it's clear. Would indeed be nice to have.

Re: Featurerequest #11 Robinson

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:53

I agree. A nice feature.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

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Re: Featurerequest #12 Dimitrij

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 13:15


It's called 'Stop fast forwarding at the end of movie'  in 'VTI Setup'. 

Can I attach an image here? Anyway, do you really need it?

It's the last item in ---- Movies / Timers -----


To explain again in english, this option prevents you from unintentionally getting to the end of a (still running) recording in playback and 'falling out' of the playback. I.E. if you're recording something and start watching it after 5 minutes, at some point there will be some commertials you'd like to jump over. But if you jump 5+1 minute you'll fall out of the playback and get to the movie-menu (depending on your setting..). My wish would be that you get close to the end of the recording so you can continue to watch it, but you can never jump 'over the edge' and immediately fall out of the playback.

As already mentioned, OE2.0 does about the same thing, just that it's fixed to about 4 seconds and there's no option to configure (I could live with that, too, as long as it just works ;) )

Thank you.

Edited by Dima73, 11 July 2013 - 13:16.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Featurerequest #13 Dimitrij

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 21:00

VTi image...

	config.usage.stop_seek_eof = ConfigSelection(default = "20", choices = [
		("0", _("off")),
		("10", "10 " + _("seconds")),
		("20", "20 " + _("seconds")),
		("30", "30 " + _("seconds")),
		("60", "60 " + _("seconds"))])


class InfoBarSeek

self.seek_to_eof = int(config.usage.stop_seek_eof.value)



	def doSeekRelative(self, pts):
		seekable = self.getSeek()
		if seekable is None:
		prevstate = self.seekstate

		if self.seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_EOF:
			if prevstate == self.SEEK_STATE_PAUSE:
		if self.seek_to_eof:
			remaining = self.calcRemainingTime()
			seek_interval = pts / 90
			if remaining < seek_interval:
				len = seekable.getLength()
				play_pos = len[1] - (self.seek_to_eof*1000 * 90)
		seekable.seekRelative(pts<0 and -1 or 1, abs(pts))
		if abs(pts) > 100 and config.usage.show_infobar_on_skip.value:


	def __evEOF(self):
		if self.seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_EOF:

		# if we are seeking forward, we try to end up ~1s before the end, and pause there or seek_to_eof is set we skip back and switch to play mode.
		seekstate = self.seekstate
		if self.seekstate != self.SEEK_STATE_PAUSE:
			seekable = self.getSeek()
			if self.seek_to_eof and seekable and self.seekstate != self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY:
				len = seekable.getLength()
				play_pos = len[1] - (self.seek_to_eof*1000 * 90)

		if seekstate not in (self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY, self.SEEK_STATE_PAUSE): # if we are seeking
			seekable = self.getSeek()
			if seekable is not None:
		if seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY: # regular EOF

doSeekRelative works ok.

__evEOF not correctly for Pli image.Problem in:

if self.seek_to_eof and seekable and self.seekstate != self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY:

Edited by Dima73, 12 July 2013 - 21:02.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Featurerequest #14 sirdir

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:13

Unfortunately I'm not so much into enigma2. I understand that code (didn't know they did that in python! thought it's part of the binary) but without knowing what routines exist etc. it's not so easy. But I guess here are a lot of guys that know how to implement it ;) 

Re: Featurerequest #15 littlesat

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 06:32

Why should it require a setting?
And indeed it wil totaly block going to eof.. As far i can see it will loop the last seconds of the file when it is not growing. If you should add something like this i suggest you should detect if the file played is growing.

Edited by littlesat, 13 July 2013 - 06:38.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Featurerequest #16 betacentauri

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 06:57

I also see no need for a setting (use some seconds). I didn't look into the code, but it should be possible to go to live point when timeshift is running.
Preventing a jump to eof for recordings is ok for me regardless of whether recording is running or not. Or would that cause problems cutting the file? Otherwise I see no reason why a user wants to jump to eof.
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Featurerequest #17 Rob van der Does

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 12:55

I also see no need for a setting (use some seconds). I didn't look into the code, but it should be possible to go to live point when timeshift is running.

This request is not about being in timeshift, but about watching a recording in progress.

Re: Featurerequest #18 sirdir

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 14:46

I also see no need for a setting (use some seconds). I didn't look into the code, but it should be possible to go to live point when timeshift is running.

This request is not about being in timeshift, but about watching a recording in progress.

In fact, when being in timeshift not being able to unintentionally jump 'out' of the recording is very useful as well. I'd rather be some seconds behind the 'real' life point than falling out of timeshift accidentially. 

There were in fact some implications with permanent timeshift, but the developer fixed that because OE2.0 does it the same way anyway...



It will just prevent you from jumping past the last few seconds of the file. It won't loop, if you don't jump it will play the last seconds of the file and then stop.

Edited by sirdir, 13 July 2013 - 14:50.

Re: Featurerequest #19 Rob van der Does

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 15:06

In fact, when being in timeshift not being able to unintentionally jump 'out' of the recording is very useful as well. I'd rather be some seconds behind the 'real' life point than falling out of timeshift accidentally. 

There were in fact some implications with permanent timeshift, but the developer fixed that because OE2.0 does it the same way anyway...

When in TS this is not important: when jumped to live-TV you can simply rewind. When having left a recording this doesn't work.

Re: Featurerequest #20 sirdir

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Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:07

In fact, when being in timeshift not being able to unintentionally jump 'out' of the recording is very useful as well. I'd rather be some seconds behind the 'real' life point than falling out of timeshift accidentally. 

There were in fact some implications with permanent timeshift, but the developer fixed that because OE2.0 does it the same way anyway...

When in TS this is not important: when jumped to live-TV you can simply rewind. When having left a recording this doesn't work.


I'd have to try it again but I think there are also problems when in TS. For example if you 'fall' out of it you'll suddenly change channel with the number buttons and no longer jump.. if you don't get that quickly enough you might change channels and lose your timeshift.

On the other hand I don't see why you have to jump past the end. You can just press stop if you want that.

I agree that an option isn't really needed, on the other hand I'm not sure how many seconds you have to stay back to be sure you never 'fall out' of the recording.

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