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EPG Data's retention

[Belgium-Netherlands] [France]

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#1 polkwan

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 14:14



I'm openin this new thread because I've got only 2 days of EPG details on french channels.


I'm mostly using a Belgian smartcard and I noticed many differences between channels. The telesat channels show EPG on 7 days. This is perfect. However, the BIS channels (available on the same telesat abonnement) are only showing 2 days of EPG.


I tried both XMLTV and XEPGDB providers but it seems to make no difference.


Moreover, there's something not so clear to me :


- Does Rytec Benelux include official channel lists of all Benelux providers or only their "own-broadcasted" ones ?


Anyway, I tried to get more retention in enabling Rytec France but it doesn't bring me more days' retention.


Is it normal or should I do something differently ?

Re: EPG Data's retention #2 WanWizard

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 14:19

What do you mean by "official"?


There is nothing "official", Rytec compiles it's own data, availability depends on whether it is obtainable or not.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: EPG Data's retention #3 polkwan

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 14:40

I mean for example that :


TF1 HD on Telesat is officially part of the channel list of this operator but is actually taken from BIS TV.

So, in this case, does Rytec provide the EPG for this channel from both Rytec Benelux and Rytec France or only one of those ?

Re: EPG Data's retention #4 WanWizard

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 14:48

I leave that question for doglover, he assembles the channel lists...

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: EPG Data's retention #5 doglover

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 15:15

On 19.2 E there are 3 TF1 and 3 TF1 HD version. All six have epg from rytec until the night of 5 august 2013.


It is always possible I missed a version somewhere.  But if you are missing channels pls. tell us here, we will add them (if possible - depending on the availability of epg)


You have to provide the channels with the service reference.  This is the bit: 1:0:19:2B70:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:

See our FAQ's on how to obtain them.


The channels we have in our channels list are from BIS, canalsat, TNT and telesat.

In the Rytec france the channels are given for the french channels from the french provider.

In the Rytec Benelux some duplication take place, for the french speaking part of Belgium a list of the French channels is used as well.  But the epg reference used is the same.  So when importng Benelus all French channels which are included in the Benelux package will have epg, irrespective if they are from telesat, BIS, TNT or canalsat


On my box I see almost all of the channels filled with epg for canalsat and TNT.  But I seldom watch these channels, so I probably do not notice if channels are missing in the bouquet.


One last word:  do not use Crossepg and certainly not the XEPGDB sources.  I know these import faster but they are a source of problems.  Also Crossepg on itself has strange effects.

Use the XMLTV importer instead.




pls. read our FAQ's

Edited by doglover, 30 July 2013 - 15:18.

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Re: EPG Data's retention #6 polkwan

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Posted 5 August 2013 - 12:36

Thx for your answer.


I've read the FAQ and I installed everything as it's advised.


Everything works now perfectly :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: [Belgium-Netherlands], [France]

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