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My own feed (timefor.tv)

's foto torleif 19 aug 2013


Is it possible to use my own xmltv feed?

Or possible another epg plugin that support this?


Thanks :)


's foto doglover 19 aug 2013

O yes.

You simply need to produce our own channels file (and XMLTV file)

In the channels file you link the   <channel id="ZDFtheater.de">  from the XMLTV file to the service ref in the channels file:

<channel id="ZDFtheater.de">1:0:1:6D70:437:1:C00000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- ZDF theaterkanal -->


You put these files somewhere your box has access to. 

In the source file you define the where the channels file and the XMLTV file can be found.


In our FAQ's read the section:

* Can the amount of epg be limited to only the channels I am using


The procedure is similar.




PS: this can only be done with the XMLTV importer
